
G20 Italy 2021

TF8 - Multilateralism and Global Governance

G20 Italy 2021

Diplomacy and interferences in social media: Contrasting disinformation and protecting multilateralism

Serena Giusti (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy)), Elisa Piras (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy))
G20 Italy 2021
G20 Italy 2021

Global legal standards: Pathways to reorganise globalisation

Giovanni Farese (European University of Rome (Italy)), FU Jun (Peking University, Beijing (China)), Erik Jones (Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Bologna (Italy)), Marta Dassù (Aspen Institute Italia)
G20 Italy 2021
G20 Italy 2021

G20 global annual risk report

REN Lin (Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing (China))
G20 Italy 2021

An open, flexible and “fit-for-purpose” multilateralism

Tullio Ambrosone (Scuola di Politiche, Milan (Italy)), Michele Bellini (Budapest European Agora, Budapest (Hungary)), Lecaros de Cossio (OECD)
G20 Italy 2021

A transformative gender approach to fighting corruption in low- and middle-income countries

Mathea Bernhardt (Sciences Po (PSIA), Paris (France)), Laura Dugardin (Sciences Po (PSIA), Paris (France)), Maxime Forest (Sciences Po (PSIA), Paris (France))
G20 Italy 2021

Cryptocurrencies and state power: Harnessing the benefits of DLT through multilateralism

Amir Magdy (Kamel King’s College London (UK)), Zeno Leoni (King’s College London (UK)), Michele Groppi (King’s College London (UK))
G20 Italy 2021

A G20 tech diplomacy

Shaun Riordan (European Institute for International Studies), Mario Torres (Pontifical University of Salamanca), Muhammad Khurram Khan (Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
G20 Italy 2021

Identifying ultimate beneficial owners: A risk-based approach to improving the transparency of international financial flows

Yves Crama (HEC University of Liège (France)), Georges Hübner (HEC University of Liège (France)), Luc Leruth (International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET Policy Institute) (Georgia)), Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University (Netherlands))
G20 Italy 2021

Strengthening multilateralism and multi-stakeholder partnerships in international development cooperation

Carlos R. Milani (Brazilian Center for International Relations CEBRI (Rio de Janeiro); Rio de Janeiro State University’s Institute for Social and Political Studies IESP-UERJ)

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