
Multilateralism and Global Governance

Policy Briefs contain recommendations or visions and cover policy areas that are of interest to G20 policymakers. The majority of the Policy Briefs has been developed by a corresponding Think20 Task Force.

T20 Recommendations Reports tie related policy proposals made under different G20 Presidencies into a common policy advice framework. They aim to leverage connections between T20 research organizations as well as other stakeholders to address well-defined global problems, in order to support G20 policymakers and to aid business and civil society organizations in complementing G20 policy efforts.

Policy Briefs

Making Global Security Governance and Architectures Context-Responsive
Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy - Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies
A Framework for the Global Governance of Private Cybersecurity Companies
Shaun Riordan - European Institute for International Studies, Mario Torres Jarrín - the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Alejandro Garofali Acosta - Sweden
Towards a Balanced Quota Reform at the IMF
William N. Kring - Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University, Haihong Gao - Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Rakesh Mohan - Centre for Social and Economic Progress, Marilou Uy - Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four (G24)
Redesigning Climate Governance
Francisco Gaetani - Brazilian Center of International Relations (CEBRI), Marianna Albuquerque - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Enhancing Interoperability Between Connectivity Initiatives to Achieve the SDGs and Paris Climate Goals
Fanny Sauvignon - Global Connectivity Programme, Arun S. Nair - Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), Stefania Benaglia - Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Ensuring Greater Equity in Global Institutional Participation
Madhav Das Nalapat - Department of Geopolitics & International Relations, Dhanasree Jayaram - Department of Geopolitics & International Relations, B. Poornima - Department of Geopolitics & International Relations
WHO Reforms for a Post-Pandemic Future
Kasturi Chatterjee - FLAME University
Empowering Subnational Approaches through Multilateralism to Combat Climate Change
Amlan Mishra - The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Soham Banerjee - The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Smita Chakravarty - The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Shubhi Goel - Carbon Markets Association of India (CMAI), Dorothy Ashmita Biswas - The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Veena CP - The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Multilateralism and Disaster Management in the Global South: A Case Study for the G20
Sohini Bose - Observer Research Foundation, S. Nanthini - Singapore
Leveraging G20 Multilateralism to Counter Terrorism
Kabir Taneja - Strategic Studies Programme, Mohammed Sinan Siyech - Strategic Studies Programme
Towards Inclusive Climate Multilateralism: An Opportunity for the G20
Aditi Mukund - Gender & Foreign Policy, Namrata Kabra - Water & Climate Security
Funding Multilateralism: Strengthening the United Nations Through Assessed Contributions
Sebastian Haug - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Nilima Gulrajani - Overseas Development Institute, Silke Weinlich - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Making Plurilateral Initiatives Work for All: Reforming the WTO Through Inclusive and Development-friendly Approaches
M. Sait Akman - Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Bozkurt Aran - Center for Multilateral Trade Studies, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Axel Berger - German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Carlos Primo Braga, Rajeev Kher - Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), Douglas Lippoldt - Centre for International Governance Innovation, Stormy-Annika Mildner, Arun S. Nair - Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), Claudia Schmucker - German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Maarten Smeets - non-resident senior fellow at the World Trade Institute
A Framework for a Reformed WTO Appellate Body
Purvaja Modak, Rachel Thrasher - Global Economic Governance Initiative
Equitable Growth in the 21st Century: Addressing Migration Challenges through G20 Multilateralism
Nidhi Piplani Kapur - South East Technological University, Mrunal Sule - Symbiosis Centre for European Studies, Viddhi Thakker - Paris
Insulating Global Food Supply from the Threat of Weaponisation
Kiran Bhatt - Centre for Health Diplomacy, Aniruddha Inamdar - Centre for Health Diplomacy, Anirudh Prem - Centre for Health Diplomacy, Sanjay Pattanshetty - Department of Global Health Governance (DoGHG), Helmut Brand - Prasanna School of Public Health (PSPH)
Establishing a Consensus on Development: On G20-Led WTO Reforms
Pradeep S. Mehta - CUTS International, Sneha Singh - Faculty of Law, Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan - National Council for Applied Economic Research and Centre for Social and Economic Progress, Peter Draper - Institute for International Trade in the Faculty of the Professions, University of Adelaide, Australia, Hamid Mamdouh, Heribert Dieter - German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Reducing Debt During Crises Through Coordination Between Multilateral Groupings
Tanya Keswani - Decolonisation and Postcolonial Studies
Leveraging India’s G20 Presidency to Address the IMF’s Quota Allocation Issue
Upamanyu Basu - Department of Social and Political Studies, Vishal Sagar - Department of Social and Political Studies, Anand Kumar Mishra - Department of Social and Political Studies, Meritxell Perello - Asia-Pacific Team
Building G7-G20 Synergy for a Multipolar World
Jayant Prasad - IDSA, Syed Munir Khasru - Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG), Aleksandra Jaskólska - University of Warsaw, Monish Tourangbam - Amity University Noida
A Reform Proposal for a Fit-For-Purpose International Monetary Fund
Brahima S. Coulibaly - Global Economy and Development, Eswar Prasad
Establishing Global Norms to Protect Critical Information Infrastructure
Srishti Saxena - Chase India, Kaushal Mahan - Chase India
Harnessing the G20’s Potential for Global Counter- Ransomware Efforts
Tobias Scholz - King’s College London and National University of Singapore, Sameer Patil - Observer Research Foundation
Towards a Multilateral Framework for Digital Public Infrastructure
Christoph Meinel - Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany, Sharinee L. Jagtiani - Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, David Hagebölling - Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering
Enhancing the Legitimacy of Multilateralism: Two Innovative Proposals for the U.N.
Andreas Bummel - Democracy Without Borders, Thomas Pogge - Yale
Cooperation Remains Indispensable for Tackling Global Challenges
Johannes Kummerow - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Moritz Hunger - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Jörn Geisselmann - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Intersecting Vol.11
Ramiro Albrieu - CIPPEC, Nicolas J.A. Buchoud - Global Solutions Initiative, Michael Cohen - Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment, Rainer Kern - Enjoy Jazz Festival, Shuva Raha - Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
Toward a New Age of Multilateralism
Markus Engels - Global Solutions Initiative, Christian Kastrop - Global Solutions Initiative
Reshaping the International Order through Human Rights and “Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration” Implementation in Multilateral Organizations
Shu Fukuya - Johns Hopkins University, Maria Lemberg - Gromadyany Foundation, Benson Nyamweno - Egerton University, Paul McAllister - Global Leaders in Unity and Evolvement
Building Comprehensive Global Security: Harnessing the Unexplored G7-G20 Synergy
Jenny Gordon - Centre for Social Research and Methods, Australia National University (ANU), Syed Munir Khasru - Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG), Antonio Villafranca - ISPI
Regional Trade Blocs as Supporting Structures in Global Governance
Andrei Bystritskiy, Anton Bespalov, Yaroslav Lissovolik - Valdai Discussion Club
Political Innovation for a Better Governance
Marc Fleurbaey - Princeton University
The G20 at a Crossroads: The Future of Global Governance
Dennis J. Snower - Global Solutions Initiative Foundation
Innovating Global Governance:Bottom-up, The Inductive Approach
Aitor Pérez - Elcano Royal Institute, Andrés Ortega - Elcano Royal Institute, Ángel Saz-Carranza
Diplomacy and interferences in social media: Contrasting disinformation and protecting multilateralism
Serena Giusti - Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy), Elisa Piras - Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy)
Deepening G20-UN system cooperation to foster socio-economic recovery from the pandemic and reduce inequality worldwide: towards a G20+
Joris Larik - Leiden University (Netherlands); Stimson Center, Washington DC (USA), Richard Ponzio - Stimson Center, Washington DC (USA)
Global legal standards: Pathways to reorganise globalisation
Giovanni Farese - European University of Rome (Italy), FU Jun - Peking University, Beijing (China), Erik Jones - Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Bologna (Italy), Marta Dassù - Aspen Institute Italia
How to systematise G20 engagement with African multilateralism
Gustavo de Carvalho - Institute for Security Studies (ISS), South Africa
G20 global annual risk report
REN Lin - Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing (China)
An open, flexible and “fit-for-purpose” multilateralism
Tullio Ambrosone - Scuola di Politiche, Milan (Italy), Michele Bellini - Budapest European Agora, Budapest (Hungary), Lecaros de Cossio - OECD
A transformative gender approach to fighting corruption in low- and middle-income countries
Mathea Bernhardt - Sciences Po (PSIA), Paris (France), Laura Dugardin - Sciences Po (PSIA), Paris (France), Maxime Forest - Sciences Po (PSIA), Paris (France)
Cryptocurrencies and state power: Harnessing the benefits of DLT through multilateralism
Amir Magdy - Kamel King’s College London (UK), Zeno Leoni - King’s College London (UK), Michele Groppi - King’s College London (UK)
A G20 tech diplomacy
Shaun Riordan - European Institute for International Studies, Mario Torres - Pontifical University of Salamanca, Muhammad Khurram Khan - Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Identifying ultimate beneficial owners: A risk-based approach to improving the transparency of international financial flows
Yves Crama - HEC University of Liège (France), Georges Hübner - HEC University of Liège (France), Luc Leruth - International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET Policy Institute) (Georgia), Luc Renneboog - Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Strengthening multilateralism and multi-stakeholder partnerships in international development cooperation
Carlos R. Milani - Brazilian Center for International Relations CEBRI (Rio de Janeiro); Rio de Janeiro State University’s Institute for Social and Political Studies IESP-UERJ
The cyber diplomacy of constructing norms in cyberspace
Mario Torres - Pontifical University of Salamanca, Shaun Riordan - European Institute for International Studies
An inclusive approach for addressing global challenges through coordination
Maha Akeel - Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Joining forces: Reviving multilateralism through multi-stakeholder cooperation
Ronja Scheler - Körber-Stiftung, Hugo Dobson - University of Sheffield
Coordinating committee for the governance of artificial intelligence
Thorsten Jelinek - Taihe Institute, Europe Center, Danil Kerimi - Kindwell Inc., Vancouver, Wendell Wallach - ISPS Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University
At the interface of security and development – Adressing fragility through good governance of the security sector
Hans Born - Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), Daniel Reimers - Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), Viola Csordas - Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), Abigail Robinson - Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), Camilla Arvaston - Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF)
Reinvigorating multilateral cooperation during the Covid-19 crisis: The role of the G20
Dennis Görlich - & Program Manager, Socio-Economic Transformation, Juliane Stein-Zalai - Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Reinforcing global climate governance to deliver higher ambition
Mari Luomi - Independent expert, Jennifer Allan - Lecturer in International Relations, Cardiff University, Rishikesh Ram Bhandary - Research Fellow, Center for International Environment and Resource Policy, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
The future of multilateralism: responsible globalization that empowers citizens and leaves no one behind
Homi Kharas - The Brookings Institution, Dennis J. Snower - Global Solutions Initiative Foundation, Sebastian Strauss - Global Economy and Development, The Brookings Institution
A new lifeline for the G20? The Role of african and european actors in enhancing its legitimacy and effectiveness
Luca Barana - Istituto Affari Internazionali, Daniele Fattibene - Istituto Affari Internazionali, Christine Hackenesch - German Development Institute, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos - South African Institute of International Affairs, Bernardo Venturi - Istituto Affari Internazionali
Managing the transition to a multi-stakeholder artificial intelligence governance
María Belén Abdala - CIPPEC Argentina, Andrés Ortega - Elcano Royal Institute, Julia Pomares - School of Government, Di Tella University
Towards a Multilateral Consensus on Data Governance
Kateryna Heseleva - Hertie School, Vincent Jerald Ramos - Hertie School, Alan Ichilevici de Oliveira - NAMA Facility - Carbon-neutral development in emerging economies, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
The Future of Multilateralism: Towards A Responsible Globalization That Empowers Citizens And Leaves No One Behind
Homi Kharas - The Brookings Institution, Dennis J. Snower - Global Solutions Initiative Foundation, Sebastian Strauss - Global Economy and Development, The Brookings Institution

Global Solutions Hubs

At our Global Solutions Hubs, you will find policy recommendations, solutions and experts on the policy areas of the G20 and T20. They cover the topics that are at the heart of the Global Solutions Initiative.
Do you have ideas for a Global Solutions Hub or would you like to submit your own Solution Session? Please contact us ([email protected]).
The G20 in time of pandemic

In the past the G20 has shown its great potential to deal with a global crisis. Its decisive policy impulse ensured that the 2008 financial crisis did not lead to another Great Depression. The COVID-19 pandemic is another global crisis, which requires coordinated and bold action globally. The pandemic demonstrates powerfully the need for multilateralism, enabling different countries with distinctive political, economic and social systems to come together to address problems that are shared by all. This Global Table will provide insights on how the G20 is helping to overcome the consequences of the pandemic. It will also explore how the learning from this response may be applicable for other G20 challenges, ranging from climate change to financial resilience and from the future of the international trading system to the future of work.

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Fahad Almubarak
Saudi Arabia
Ambassador Pietro Benassi
G7/G20 Sherpa Italy
Christopher MacLennan
G20 Sherpa Canada
Lars-Hendrik Röller
German Federal Chancellery
Creating Compliance with G7 and G20 Summit Commitments

When G7 and G20 leaders gather at their summit table, they agree on a plethora of commitments that affect most aspects of global governance, and affect the daily lives of people not only in their own countries but well beyond. Never before has compliance with those commitments mattered more than it does today — with the world struggling to contain the still escalating COVID-19 pandemic, and the consequent economic, social and ecological crises.

Even as G7 and G20 members work to implement their commitments their leaders made last summer at Osaka and Biarritz, they must do so for the ones from the emergency summits called to confront these proliferating crises this spring. How well are they doing? The panellists in this discussion look at the need for compliance, the effectiveness of the G7 and G20’s efforts, and what the most recent research shows about the performance of the 2019 Osaka and Biarritz Summits.

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Marina Larionova
Center for International Institutions Research, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Meagan Byrd
G7 Research Group
Alessandra Cicci
Virtual Summit Compliance, G20 Research Group
Ella Kokotsis
G7 and G20 Research Groups
John Kirton
G20 Research Group
Europe’s global role in response to the COVID-19 economic crisis

Despite being of comparable economic weight to the US and China, its most prominent global competitors, Europe has not been as influential as a power in global governance. Lacking the ‘hard power’ derived from military capabilities, it has laid claim to a ‘soft power’ of normative influence externally. Nor, despite some successes, has Europe been able to exercise the power to coerce – ‘sharp power’ – as systematically as its global rivals. Yet, it should be recalled not only are five European countries members of the G20, but also the EU is a member in its own right.

In light of the current COVID-19 crisis and against the backdrop of the severe global economic downturn authors and commentators of a Dahrendorf Forum scenario report will build on the analytic approach in these scenarios to debate questions like: As in 2008/9, a coordinated response to the economic crisis is required, how well placed is Europe to lead in the G20?, Is a more internationalised euro still a realistic ambition and can it, too, become a tool for a better coordinated response?, What is next for the WTO in the face of US intransigence?

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Iain Begg
Dahrendorf Forum, LSE
Marco Buti
European Commission
Jayati Ghosh
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Sahoko Kaji
Keio University Japan
On Crisis Moments and Paradigm Shifts – Will this Pandemic derail Globalization?

The current pandemic has led to a dramatic contraction in global trade. Lockdowns and travel restrictions have disrupted international supply chains and the movement of people. It has also exposed national vulnerabilities that governments will need to address and has advanced the rise of anti-globalist sentiments. We are looking at a shift in the balance of national autonomy and globalization.

At the same time, there is no doubt that the pandemic is a global challenge that requires a multilateral response. This Global Table will provide insights on the effects this crisis will have on globalization. Which parts of the economy will experience a rebalancing of efficiency and resilience? Which sectors might see an increase in globalization? How to strengthen multilateralism in order to better address future crises? And how does this crisis affect climate action?

This Global Table was part of a two-day workshop on the economic impact of the Corona pandemic, organized by Forum New Economy, a Berlin-based platform promoting innovative concepts to make economic and societal trends more sustainable.

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Ian Goldin
University of Oxford
Harold James
Princeton University
Pascal Lamy
Paris Peace Forum
Laurence Tubiana
European Climate Foundation
Mobilizing Multilateral Cultural Values

Curated and produced by The Solutions Lab – Scaling for Sustainable Infrastructure, a joint initiative by GIZ and the Global Solutions Initiative

Global cultural anxieties are shaping responses to multilateralism at the deepest possible level and reported in daily headlines.

This keynote and panel address the viability and need for mobilizing multilateral values from a cultural perspective. The keynote and the panelists have recently contributed to a book on this subject “Cultural Values in Political Economy” (Stanford University Press, July 2020). Members of the panel have advised international organizations such as UNESCO, the World Bank, and the WTO and serve in distinguished capacities for foreign relations in the United States, Canada, and Australia.

How do cultural values affect the political economy of multilateralism and global governance? How can global civil society and states understand and mobilize cultural values that affect issues such as international trade, environmental sustainability, and international cultural flows such as through arts, migration, and education?

The goal of the session is to highlight the importance of cultural values and to operationalize them for global governance. Solutions proposed include shifting the discourse from environmental accountability to responsibility, including norms of cultural diversity in global governance, managing the cultural obstacles to international trade, and fashioning new cultural narratives of multilateralism and cosmopolitanism.

Technical support by Paul Nooney, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University.

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J.P. Singh
George Mason University
Kristen Hopewell
University of British Columbia
Miles Kahler
School of International Service, American University
David Throsby
Macquarie University, Australia
Irene Wu
US Federal Communications Commission
How is it possible to avoid the emergence of another bipolar competitive era?

Curated and produced by China-West Dialogue 

The Future of Multilateralism and Global Governance, for better or worse, hinges on the relationship between the United States and China. The growing rivalry is being driven by conflicting narratives in each country about the other. This spiraling dynamic is out of control. What can be done?

The China-West Dialogue was founded to address this challenge to global governance. The CWD group of thought leaders has insisted that there are alternative ways to reframe, rebalance and reconceptualize the US-China relationship. Doing so requires focusing on China-West relations. We have brought together experts and former officials including Europeans, Canadians, Chinese, Americans and others all in an effort to pluralize the narratives, the relationships, the tone of the global discourse of the global order.

Through this Global Table, we are inviting you to participate in an effort to involve more China related issues and more China, international relations and economic experts in our own deliberations and in preparations for the fifth Global Solutions Summit in Berlin in 2021. It has been curated and produced by the China-West Dialogue principals Colin Bradford, Yves Tiberghien and Alan Alexandroff and our technical support from Centennial College, Akrit Michael, Meredith Omstead, and Chi An Phoon.

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Colin Bradford
China-West Dialogue
Kerry Brown
Lau China Institute, King’s College London
Chen Dongxiao
Shanghai Institutes for International Studies
Susan Thornton
Yale University
What can the G20 do to reinvigorate multilateral cooperation in a new global order?

Over the last 75 years, multilateralism has been a strong driver and pillar of global peace and prosperity. At the same time, and especially more recently, globalization and current forms of global governance have been viewed as infringing on national sovereignty and constraining democratic decision-making. With populism, protectionism and nationalism on the march, a growing number of governments lack the commitment, or the domestic backing, required to forge stronger multilateral ties. The narrative of multilateralism as a means to enhance the well-being of all nations and people has been overtaken by a narrative of disempowerment over national social prosperity and experimentation with new public policy choices. Unfortunately, while politicians debate the merits of global cooperation, the window of opportunity to address inherently globalized problems such as pandemics and climate change is closing.

A new rules-based multilateral order fit for the 21st century ought to accommodate legitimate institutional diversity and demands for policy autonomy, while ensuring adherence to universal values, prevention of beggar-thy-neighbor policies, provision of global public goods, and management of the global commons. All too often treated as an end in itself, multilateralism must be reimagined as a means to empowering citizens and enhancing social prosperity. What are the major normative gaps today related to the global governance system and its role? Should countries be granted more policy space by reducing the scope of multilateral action? If so, what essential traffic rules or general principles are needed to ensure a minimum level of cooperation and coordination? Given the desirability of subsidiarity, what is the role of subnational actors and plurilateral clubs in this framework? Should non-state actors (including civil society and corporations) be mobilized in order to advance global normative change and catalyze collective action? Which existing institutions have the necessary legitimacy to redefine the rules of multilateral engagement? Can the G20 play a leadership role to advance a reform of the international institutional system?

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Danilo Türk
World Leadership Alliance- Club de Madrid
Julia Pomares
School of Government, Di Tella University
Ngaire Woods
University of Oxford
Peter Eigen
Transparency International


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