Global Solutions Hub
What can the G20 and Central Banks do to deal with monetary and financial challenges in context of the COVID-19 crisis while preparing the way to a new normal in monetary policy?
The discussion about ending the exceptional monetary and financial measures and policy strategies adopted after the 2008 Financial Crisis to return to a “new normal” in monetary policy, gained momentum in 2019 both among policy makers and in the academic research circles. Leading central banks started strategic reviews that should ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
What can the G20 do to kick-start the “10 years of action” to achieve the SDGs?
While progress is made in many places to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and to align economic, social and environmental progress globally; the overall speed and level of action is not sufficient to deliver on the targets set for 2030. The United Nations have hence launched the Decade of Action ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
Creating Compliance with G7 and G20 Summit Commitments
When G7 and G20 leaders gather at their summit table, they agree on a plethora of commitments that affect most aspects of global governance, and affect the daily lives of people not only in their own countries but well beyond. Never before has compliance with those commitments mattered more than ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
Europe’s global role in response to the COVID-19 economic crisis
Despite being of comparable economic weight to the US and China, its most prominent global competitors, Europe has not been as influential as a power in global governance. Lacking the ‘hard power’ derived from military capabilities, it has laid claim to a ‘soft power’ of normative influence externally. Nor, despite ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
On Crisis Moments and Paradigm Shifts – Will this Pandemic derail Globalization?
The current pandemic has led to a dramatic contraction in global trade. Lockdowns and travel restrictions have disrupted international supply chains and the movement of people. It has also exposed national vulnerabilities that governments will need to address and has advanced the rise of anti-globalist sentiments. We are looking at a ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
Mobilizing Multilateral Cultural Values
Curated and produced by The Solutions Lab – Scaling for Sustainable Infrastructure, a joint initiative by GIZ and the Global Solutions Initiative Global cultural anxieties are shaping responses to multilateralism at the deepest possible level and reported in daily headlines. This keynote and panel address the viability and need for ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
How is it possible to avoid the emergence of another bipolar competitive era?
Curated and produced by China-West Dialogue  The Future of Multilateralism and Global Governance, for better or worse, hinges on the relationship between the United States and China. The growing rivalry is being driven by conflicting narratives in each country about the other. This spiraling dynamic is out of control. What can be ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
What can the G20 do to reinvigorate multilateral cooperation in a new global order?
Over the last 75 years, multilateralism has been a strong driver and pillar of global peace and prosperity. At the same time, and especially more recently, globalization and current forms of global governance have been viewed as infringing on national sovereignty and constraining democratic decision-making. With populism, protectionism and nationalism ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
What can the G20 do to improve social cohesion and trigger responsibility in business and politics?
In the context of recent dynamics propelled by globalization and technological developments, the trust in political institutions has diminished in many parts of the world and led to a surge of parties selfportraying as anti-establishment, often promoting nativism and xenophobia. This trend undermines the support for multilateralism and effective global ... Read more

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