University of Geneva - Mauron is emeritus professor of bioethics at the University of Geneva Faculty of Medicine. He was the founder and first director of the Institute for Ethics, History, and the Humanities of this faculty. He initially trained as a molecular biologist at the University of Lausanne (PhD, 1978) and was a postdoctoral fellow in developmental biology at Stanford University. He moved to the field of bioethics during the eighties and initiated the bioethics program at the University of Geneva. He has published on a wide range of bioethical topics including the ethics of genetics, stem cell research, and end-of-life issues. He was a member of the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics and the Swiss Science and Technology Council. He is an individual member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences.
Policy Briefs

G20 Italy 2021

Culture and sciences for life: Towards a global health literacy alliance for a sustainable future
Policy area: Global Health and Covid-19
Francesco Blasi (University of Milan), Enrico Caiani (Polytechnic of Milan), Andrea Grignolio (Corsini Vita-Salute S. Raffaele University and CNR-CID Ethics), Maria Grazia Magro (Human Technopole), Alex Mauron (University of Geneva), Marco Montorsi (Humanitas University), Marica Nobile (Human Technopole), Gaia Panina (Novartis Italy), Barbara Prainsack (University of Vienna), Ana Sbutega (Novartis Italy)