
Reaching the 2030 Agenda through Collaboration with Global Civil Society


With globalization, the international development agenda is now influenced, monitored and implemented by a wide array of actors, and not only by States. Civil Society Organizations are among them, and they are seen as the interlocutors between global civil society’s demands and international fora. They have conquered unprecedented opportunities to voice their concerns, take part in decisions, and assist in their implementation.

In this policy paper, the author presents recommendations on how the G20 can foster the inclusion of global civil society in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Read the full policy brief and download it here.

A policy brief by Yasmin Morais, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Global Solutions Initiative. 


The author is member of the extended circle community of the Young Global Changers program.

Yasmin Almeida Lobato Morais, being from the north of Brazil and growing up in the south, she has witnessed social inequalities since an early age, so Yasmin has been involved in various social impact activities that would reduce those inequalities. She has worked alongside other young people in issues ranging from homelessness and human trafficking to the refugee crisis and human rights education. Currently, Yasmin studies International Relations and works as a Program Manager at Global Changemakers; she is also a co-creator of the Global Changemakers Mentorship Program.