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Quotes and News from the Global Solutions Summit 2021

Angela Merkel and Mario Draghi at the Global Solutions Summit 2021
“The participation of the German Chancellor and the Italian Prime Minister at the Global Solutions Summit is a testament to the importance of their multilateral approach to global problems. Only when states cooperate across borders in consonance with the relevant social groups, can we overcome the great challenges of our time. While the current pandemic is the latest example of this requirement, the same applies to climate change, financial market regulation and digital governance,” says Dennis J. Snower, President of the Global Solutions Initiative.

Covid-19 reveals surprising insights into G7 societies – not always for the worst
While economies collapsed due to the shutdown of broad swathes of the economy, the state and civil society have gained new significance in protecting people from the pandemic’s effects, finds the study by the Brookings Institution. “How Covid-19 changed the world” is based on the ongoing project “Recoupling Dashboard” which Prof. Dennis J. Snower, developed together with IfW researcher Dr. Katharina Lima de Miranda.

52 Ways to Respond the Pandemic INTERSECTING in One Book
With articles and impressive original photographs from around the globe, the project INTERSECTING illustrates why sustainable new infrastructure is key to building resilient societies and preventing future pandemics. The e-book is a project of The Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) in cooperation with GIZ and New Dialogues as publisher.
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