
Terms of use

Virtual event platform hosting the Global Solutions Summit 2022

Please read the following terms of use which apply to every visitor to the virtual event platform accessible at https://web.talque.com/en 

Section 1: Scope

The platform is designed and implemented by the Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) to deliver livestream video and on-demand content, to list participants and speakers and to enable them to meet in video conferencing and other virtual meeting formats during the course of the Global Solutions Summit 2022.

By logging in to the summit platform, every visitor agrees to these terms of use. All visitors should refrain from publishing content on the summit platform that violates any of these terms.

Section 2: Contact data and legal information

With questions or concerns regarding the platform use, please contact the event host at:

Global Solutions Initiative Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH
Alexanderstraße 1
10178 Berlin, Germany

Represented by Managing Director: Agnes Michalik and Managing Partner: Christian Kastrop

Registration court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg / District Court of Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany
Registration number: HRB 193118 B
E-mail: events@global-solutions-initiative.org

Section 3: Platform availability

The summit platform is planned to be available 24 hours a day from March 14th until March 30th, 2022. However, essential systems maintenance may result in temporary periods of non-availability of the platform. Inter alia, non-availability may also result from force majeure resulting in power failure or intent and gross negligence by third parties such as hack attacks.

The GSI accepts no liability in these cases.

The individual accessibility of the summit platform for users partly depends on equipment and services belonging to the users’ facilities, such as transmission capacity, WLAN/LAN connection, webcam or microphone. The Global Solutions Initiative accepts no responsibility for disruptions resulting from such factors.

Section 4: Rules of communication

Wherever the Global Solutions Initiative offers means of participation such as video meetings, livestream sessions, written chats, digital meetings or messenger services on the summit platform, participants have to observe appropriate rules of communication specified in the GSI’s Code of conduct.  Participants in the Global Solutions Summit are not allowed to share any libelous, potentially derogatory, offensive, rude, defamatory or obscene material in their written, visual or verbal contributions, nor any material that violates third-party intellectual property rights. The GSI reserves its right to exclude and block registered users from entering the summit platform in such cases, delete the respective content and – in cases of rights violation – file charges.

Section 5: Electronic communications

If users make use of the summit platform’s means of interaction such as chats, video meetings or audience polls from their computer or mobile device, they are communicating electronically with the GSI. The GSI itself will communicate with registered participants electronically via email, during the virtual summit via chats and it will offer a matchmaking function to allow all registered summit participants to contact one another for chat or video calls – the latter for the duration of the summit only. Upon entering the summit platform, users agree to receive electronic communications, such as but not limited to information, notifications and publications by the GSI. Users release the GSI from the obligation to send electronic communications in hard copies, unless GSI is bound by opposing mandatory legal requirements. Participants have the possibility to download the talque app and use all functions of the platform on their mobile devices.

Section 6: Copyright law and database regulations

The Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) as owner of the summit platform reserves the right to change, remove or add content on this website, such as but not limited to texts, images, presentations and video footage at any time without prior or explicit notice to the users.

The entire content of the summit platform or the content made available by it, such as but not limited to text, graphics, logos, clickable icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads and data collections, is the property of GSI or – if marked so – of a third party supplying the content and/or making it available on the summit platform. The GSI’s own content is not only protected by German copyright law and regulations on databases but also by international conventions. Property of third parties may be protected by other national intellectual property laws.

This means that users may not systematically extract and/or reuse components from the summit platform without express written consent of the owner. In particular, platform users are not allowed to engage in data mining or use bots or similar data harvesting and extraction programs to extract any significant components of a website service for the purpose of reusing them. Furthermore, without express written consent from GSI, users may not produce and/or publish their own database if this database contains essential components of a service provided by this platform.

Section 7: Individual user account and profile

Platform visitors will need to create a user account to access the platform. Only individuals of full age and with unlimited legal capacity may register and create a user account with the required registration information.

On registration, profiles will be checked for plausibility by the GSI team. Profiles with obviously false statements on name, e-mail-address and institution, e.g. using fictional names or non-existent e-mail-addresses, may be deleted by the summit hosts.

Each user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her user account and password and for restricting access to his/her computer and/or mobile devices. Users are responsible for all activities arising from the use of their user account or password within the legal limitations of the applicable law. Users are responsible for taking all necessary steps to ensure that their password remains confidential and is stored securely. Please contact our partner at support@real-life-interaction.de immediately if you become aware that a third party could have obtained or could have made unauthorized use of your password or may do so in the future. Users are responsible for ensuring that the information they provide to the GSI is accurate and complete. Users can review and update the information they provided at registration and on entering the platform using the access data provided by Talque individually via e-mail.

Users may not use the website service in a manner that may disrupt, damage or in any other way hamper website services or access to them. Furthermore, they must not use it for fraudulent or unlawful activities in connection with a criminal offence or to cause harassment or inconvenience. The GSI reserves its right to exclude and block registered users from entering the summit platform in such cases, close user accounts, delete harmful content and – in cases of rights violation – file charges.

Website users may request to have their account deleted at any time by contacting our partner at support@real-life-interaction.de. At the latest 14 calendar days after the receipt of the user’s request, the user account will be deleted from the summit platform. For further technical questions during the event, please use the chat on the platform.

Section 8: Filming and photography

During our online, hybrid and presence events photos and/or videos or screenshots may be taken which may be published in various media for the purposes of documentation and PR activities. By participating in the event, you agree to this. You have the right to inform us at any time that you do not want to be photographed or filmed.

Section 9: Claims arising from intellectual property rights

GSI respects third party intellectual property rights. If you believe your intellectual property rights have been used in a way which may represent a breach, please inform us thereof via one of the contact options given in Section 2.

Section 10: Liability

The GSI takes responsibility for damage caused by an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty on the part of GSI or by a legal representative or agent acting on behalf of GSI.

Furthermore, GSI is liable for minor negligence resulting in a breach of primary obligations. Primary obligations are obligations whose violation jeopardizes the achievement of the contractual purpose or whose fulfilment is indispensable for proper performance of the contract and on whose compliance users regularly rely. In all cases of negligence, GSI is liable only for predictable damages, typical to the contract. GSI is not liable for minor negligence resulting in the breach of obligations other than those set out in the preceding provisions.

Where liability by GSI is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives and agents acting on behalf of GSI.

Section 11: Links to other websites

The GSI has no way of controlling the content of websites accessed via external links provided on the summit platform independent of the GSI publications.

Therefore, the GSI accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of these websites and the consequences for users accessing them. In consequence, users accessing a linked website do so at their own risk. However, we ask you to notify us immediately of any illegal or suspicious content on a linked website. Users will not be specifically alerted when they leave our website.

Section 12: Data privacy and protection

The GSI is hereby authorized to store platform user data and information relating to website access (date, time and page(s) accessed) on the server. Please note that personal data (name, institution, position, postal and email address) are stored at registration prior to the Global Solutions Summit and for the duration of the event.

No data will be made available to third parties by the GSI without the prior consent of the visitor or user if not required by law or a court decision.

Please note that the transfer of user data via the internet may be subject to security breaches. The error-free and uninterrupted protection of user data can therefore not be fully guaranteed: the GSI’s liability cannot be exempted for gross negligence and willful misconduct.

Users have a right to be informed, at all times, in full and at no cost, about the data the GSI holds on them. Users also have a right to have the data held on them rectified/erased or to restrict its processing.

Further information is provided separately in the Data Privacy Policy which forms an integral part of these terms of use.

Section 13: Changes to the terms of use

We reserve the right to make changes to the platform services, regulations and terms, including these terms of use, at any time. Users are subject to the terms of use valid and published on the summit platform at the time at which they make use of the summit platform.

Section 14: No waiver

The failure by either party to this contract to exercise or enforce any rights conferred by this contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such right nor operate so as to bar the exercise or enforcement thereof at any time or times thereafter.

Section 15: Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

All disputes and differences of opinion arising from or in relation to this agreement are governed exclusively by the material and procedural law of the Federal Republic of Germany, with the exception of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), if applicable.

The sole place of jurisdiction regarding traders, legal entities under public law or special trusts under public law is the registered office of the GSI as the platform provider, thus Berlin, Germany.

Section 16: Concluding provisions

The legally binding language of this contract is English as the conference language of the Global Solutions Summit is also English in order to include an international audience.

Should one of these terms be regarded as invalid, null and void or unenforceable for any reason, it is considered severable and will not influence the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms.

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1 You hereby agree that the personal data provided may be used for the purpose of updates on the Global Solutions Initiative by the Global Solutions Initiative Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH. Your consent is revocable at any time (by e-mail to contact@global-solutions-initiative.org or to the contact data given in the imprint). The update is sent in accordance with the privacy policy and to advertise the Global Solutions Initiative’s own products and services.