
G20 Italy 2021

TF6 - Social Cohesion and the Future of Welfare Systems

G20 Italy 2021

Financial Inclusion: The importance of financial literacy and the promotion of better labour market outcomes for women and youth

Benedetta Landi (EmpowerYourLife Think Tank of the Global Thinking Foundation, Milan (Italy)), Njuguna Ndung’u (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi (Kenya)), Dianah Ngui Muchai (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi (Kenya)), Wilson S. K. Wasike (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi (Kenya)), Winnie Sambu (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi (Kenya)), Claudia Segre (EmpowerYourLife Think Tank of the Global Thinking Foundation, Milan (Italy)), Abebe Shimeles (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC))
G20 Italy 2021

Beyond Covid-19: What can countries do to address the learning loss caused by the pandemic?

Rafael Carrasco (SUMMA), David Dingus (Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research), Marvin Erfurth (Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research, Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates)), Mauricio Farías (SUMMA), Devyani Pershad (Pratham Education Foundation, New Delhi (India)), Natasha Ridge (Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research), Ivana Zacarias (SUMMA)
G20 Italy 2021

A wealth taxation on corporations’ stock

Emmanuel Saez (University of California Berkeley (USA)), Gabriel Zucman (University of California Berkeley (USA))
G20 Italy 2021

Covid-19 and inequality: An integrated policy response for skills, employment and welfare

Richard Blundell (University College London (UCL) and Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), London (UK)), Jonathan Cribb (Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), London (UK)), Sandra McNally (University of Surrey, Guilford (UK))
G20 Italy 2021

Building global citizenship through a global citizen income and progressive global taxation

Fernando Filgueira (CIPPEC Argentina ), Marc Fleurbaey (Princeton University), Gianluca Grimalda (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), Rubén Lo Vuolo (Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Public Policies)
G20 Italy 2021

Towards humanistic metrics of success for G20 economies

Romina Boarini (OECD), Michael Green (Social Progress Imperative), Franklin Murillo, Katharina Lima de Miranda (Kiel Insitute for the World Economy), Dennis J. Snower (Global Solutions Initiative Foundation), Victor Santiago Pineda (World ENABLED, Berkeley CA (USA)), Helen Verdeli (Columbia University, New York (USA)), Sandra Willis (Columbia University, New York (USA))
G20 Italy 2021

Rebuilding education systems for recovery – A crisis-sensitive and equity focused approach

Prachi Srivastava (University of Western Ontario), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Sonja Anderson (INEE), Kiran Bhatty (Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi (India)), Amélie A. Gagnon (UNESCO-IIEP), Robert Jenkins (UNICEF), Iván Matovich (Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC)), Kate Moriarty (INEE), Nicolas Reuge (UNICEF), Thalia Séguin (IIEP-UNESCO (UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning), Paris (France))
G20 Italy 2021

How do we know goals are achieved?

Mathias Urban (Dublin City University, Early Childhood Research Centre), Alejandro Acosta (Fundación Centro Internacional de Educación y Desarrollo Humano (CINDE), Antioquia (Colombia)), P K Anand (Research and Information Systems for Developing Countries, New Delhi (India)), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Claudia Costin (Center for Innovation and Excellence in Education Policies), Rita Flórez-Romero (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá), Jennifer Guevara (Dublin City University, Early Childhood Research Centre), Dwi Priyono (South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization / Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care, Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP)), Lynette Okengo (AfECN, African Early Childhood Network), Emily Vargas-Barón
G20 Italy 2021

Remote working, housing inequality and social mobility

Francesco Armillei (Fondazione Ing. Rodolfo Debenedetti, Milan (Italy)), Tito Boeri (Bocconi University), Thomas Le Barbanchon (Bocconi University, Milan (Italy))

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