
G20 Indonesia 2022

TF5 - Inequality, Human Capital, and Well-Being

G20 Indonesia 2022

A Closer Look At G20’s Future Of Work In The Digital Era

Esy Gracia (Resilience Development Initiative), Rickdy Vanduwin Sitanggang (Resilience Development Initiative), Nawang Anandhini (Resilience Development Initiative), Akino Tahir (Resilience Development Initiative), Ayu Krishna Yuliawati (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
G20 Indonesia 2022
G20 Indonesia 2022

Building A Global Safety Net Through A Global Citizen Income And Progressive Global Taxation

Gianluca Grimalda (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), Fernando Filgueira (CIPPEC Argentina ), Marc Fleurbaey (Princeton University), Rubén Lo Vuolo (Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Public Policies), Tommaso Reggiani (Cardiff University)
G20 Indonesia 2022
G20 Indonesia 2022
G20 Indonesia 2022

Driving Inclusion And Resilience Through Multi-Channel Government-To-Person Payment: Lessons Learned From Indonesia’s Kartu Prakerja

Meikha Azzani (Program Management Office (PMO) of Kartu Prakerja), Martha Hindriyani (Program Management Office (PMO) of Kartu Prakerja), Daniera Nanda (Program Management Office (PMO) of Kartu Prakerja), Cahyo Prihadi (Program Management Office (PMO) of Kartu Prakerja)
G20 Indonesia 2022

Education For Survival: Strengthening Multi-Sectoral And Integrated Policy Approaches To Early Childhood Education, Care, And Development As A Global Common Good

Mathias Urban (Dublin City University, Early Childhood Research Centre), Jennifer Guevar (CIPPEC), Alejandro Acosta (Fundación Centro Internacional de Educación y Desarrollo Humano (CINDE), Antioquia (Colombia)), P K Anand (Research and Information Systems for Developing Countries, New Delhi (India)), Emily Vargas-Barón, Claudia Costin (Center for Innovation and Excellence in Education Policies), Lynette Okengo (AfECN, African Early Childhood Network), Mercedes Mayol Lassalle (Organisation Mondiale pour l’Education Prescolaire (OMEP)), Yulida Pangastuti (Universitas Gadjah Mada / Tulodo Indonesia/ JADI ANAK (Indonesia)), Vina Adrijani (South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization / Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care, Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP), Indonesia)
G20 Indonesia 2022

Education Recovery for Stronger Collective Futures

Prachi Srivastava (University of Western Ontario), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Iván Matovich (Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC)), Kiran Bhatty (Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi (India)), Amélie A. Gagnon (UNESCO-IIEP), Robert Jenkins (UNICEF), Karen Mundy (IIEP-UNESCO), Nicolas Reuge (UNICEF), Thalia Séguin (IIEP-UNESCO (UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning), Paris (France))
G20 Indonesia 2022

Eliminating Child Labour: Essential For Human Development And Ensuring Child Well-Being

Valeria Groppo (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti), Josiah Kaplan (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti), Ramya Subrahmanian (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti), AK Shiva Kumar (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti), Anna Zongollowicz (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti)
G20 Indonesia 2022
G20 Indonesia 2022

Moving Beyond GDP: A Stock-Flow Approach To Measuring Wellbeing For The G20

Zakaria Zoundi (International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)), Dennis J. Snower (Global Solutions Initiative Foundation), Katharina Lima de Miranda (Kiel Insitute for the World Economy), Livia Bizikova (International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)), Robert Smith (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
G20 Indonesia 2022

Population Ageing And The Second Demographic Dividend: New Policy Challenges In The New Era

Harry Seldadyo (Institute of Public Policy, School of Economics and Business, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Soegianto Ali (School of Medicine and Health Science, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Yuda Turana (School of Medicine and Health Science, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Nova Eka Budiyanta (School of Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Eunike Sri Tyas Suci (School of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Putri Purbasari Raharningtyas Marditia (School of Law, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
G20 Indonesia 2022

Refocusing Effort: Double Burden Of Malnutrition Alleviation In COVID-19 Pandemic Era

Tifara Ashari (Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Indonesia), Nadhila Renaldi (Habibie Institute for Public Policy and Governance)

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