
G20 India 2023

TF-6: Accelerating SDGs: Exploring New Pathways to the 2030 Agenda

Policies for the SDGs need to be designed keeping in mind how to reach the last individual in line, so that the most vulnerable are also the most sought after. These policies must be implemented with humane principles at their core. To deepen sustainability efforts, issues such as climate smart agriculture, biodiversity conservation and sustainable blue economy, and water conservation need to be addressed. For issues ranging from food and nutrition for all to universal digital access to inclusive healthcare to broad-based financial products, how can the G20 countries create/strengthen institutions and collaborations? There challenges may also include providing health infrastructure and holistic healthcare leveraging traditional systems of medicine. While gender outcomes remain a cause for concern, women-led development processes require significant policy support to promote entrepreneurship and allied fields so as to increase female labour force participation. Recent reversals in SDG achievement caused by the pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis have brought the focus back on societal resilience. Science, technology, and innovation, and technology facilitation for SDGs remain key means of implementation as outlined in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) and the Agenda 2030. Hence, revitalising the modalities of development cooperation in its various forms remains critical to the attainment of the SDGs by 2030.  Workstreams
  • Food security, Nutrition, and Climate Smart Agriculture
  • Water Security and Conservation
  • Promoting Holistic Outcomes in Health
  • Preserving Biodiversity and Blue Economy
  • Gender-sensitive SDG programmes and Investing in Children
  • Agenda 2030, AAAA and Partnerships
  • G. A. Tadas, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi
  • Kalpana Sastry Regulagedda, Ag-Hub Foundation, Hyderabad
  • Bambang Brodjonegoro, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, South African Institute of International Affairs, South Africa
  • Fahmida Khatun, Centre for Policy Dialogue, Bangladesh
  • Ivan Oliveira, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, Brazil
  • Lukovi Seke, African Union Development Agency-NEPAD, South Africa
  • Nagesh Kumar, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, India
  • Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah , Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Renana Jhabvala, Self-Employed Women’s Association, India
  • Shailesh Nayak, National Institute of Advanced Studies, India
  • Shamika Ravi, Observer Research Foundation, India
  • Shambhavi Naik, The Takshashila Institution, India
  • Uttam Sinha, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India
  • Victoria Pavlyushina, Higher School of Economics, Russia
G20 India 2023

Innovative Approaches to Assessing Progress in the SDGs

Yolanda K Gibb (Women’s Economic Imperative (WEI)), Slavica Singer (J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek), Dinah Bennett (Enterprise Development, Women’s Economic Imperative), Smita Premchander (Sampark), Arlen Pettitt (Gender and Entrepreneurship Northeast (GENE)), Chris Jackson (IDG Hub), Anne Jenkins (Women’s Economic Imperative), V. Prameela (Sampark), Rishika Rathore (Fundraising & Impact), Saras Sarasvathy (University of Virginia), Margo Thomas (Women’s Economic Imperative)
G20 India 2023

Investing in Frontline Health Workers for a Resilient Health System

Chandrika Bahadur (The Antara Foundation), Arnaz Shaik (The Antara Foundation), Krupa Maria Varghese (The Antara Foundation), Prerna Gopal (The Antara Foundation), Ashok Alexander (The Antara Foundation)
G20 India 2023

Developing A Whole-of-Government, Whole-of-Society Approach for Malaria Elimination

Shubhla Singh (Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance), Sheila Tlou (African Leaders Malaria Alliance), Amita Chebbi (Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance), Anthony Okara (African Leaders Malaria Alliance)
G20 India 2023

Enabling Local Governance to Mitigate the Climate and Biodiversity Crises

Sukanya Das (Department of Policy and Management Studies), Elisabeth Hoch (Climate & Company), Gabriel Medina (University of Brasilia), Benno Pokorny (University of Freiburg), Dil Rahut (Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)), Maximiliaan Tetteroo (Climate & Company)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Towards Policies to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance

Dhrubaa Ghosh (Healthcare Consulting), Pranav Bhardwaj (Business Advisory Services), Pankhuri Jain (Business Advisory Services)
G20 India 2023

Responding to the Silent Epidemic of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Shweta Sharma (UKRI-GCRF One Health Poultry Hub), Pallavi Mishra (UKRI-GCRF One Health Poultry Hub), Rajib Dasgupta (UKRI-GCRF One Health Poultry Hub)
G20 India 2023

High Seas Treaty: Searching for Common Grounds

Karina Barquet (Stockholm Environment Institute), Elin Leander (Stockholm Environment Institute), Matilda Gunnarsson (Stockholm Environment Institute), Jonathan Green (Stockholm Environment Institute York), Robert Watt (Stockholm Environment Institute)
G20 India 2023

Scaling Up Women’s Empowerment During the Pandemic and Beyond: Lessons From Indonesia’s ‘Kartu Prakerja’ Programme

Bambang Brodjonegoro (University of Indonesia), Romora Edward Sitorus (Program Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), and Advocacy, Amirah Jinan Dhia (Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), Daniera Nanda Ariefti (Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), Rizki Fajar Pangestu (Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), Alfiansyah Achmad (Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia)
G20 India 2023

Identifying Pathways For Scaling Up Climate- Smart Agriculture

Kangkanika Neog (Council on Energy), Anju Bhaskaran (CEEW), Mukand S. Babel (Water Engineering and Management (WEM) and Director), Srinivasan Ancha (Climate Smart Agriculture Working Group), Nitin Bassi (Council on Energy), Apoorve Khandelwal (CEEW)
G20 India 2023

Blockchain and IoT for Drinking Water in G20 Countries: A Game-Changing Opportunity

Rickdy Vanduwin Sitanggang (Resilience Development Initiative), Floor Ruttenberg (Wageningen University and Research), Anne-Tara Singh (Wageningen University and Research)
G20 India 2023

Development and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Habitats

Krishnendu Sarkar (NSHM Knowledge Campus), Anna Laura Petrucci (Dar Al Ulum University), U. Dinesh Kumar (IIM Bangalore), Murari Mohan Choudhury (Network for Enterprise Enhancement and Development Support)
G20 India 2023

Transforming Health Systems Towards Holistic Outcomes in the G20 and Beyond

Harvy Joy Liwanag, Zaida Orth (School of Public Health), Rashi Agrawal (Evaluation and Learning Consultant), Pragati Hebbar (Institute of Public Health), Manusmriti Agarwal (Department of Biotechnology), Annika Frahsa (Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine), Oria James (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Sophie Meyer (Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine), Ananya Rao (UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development)
G20 India 2023

Monitoring Offshore Environmental Impacts of Trade

Chris West (Stockholm Environment Institute York), Jonathan Green (Stockholm Environment Institute York), Simon Croft (Stockholm Environment Institute York), Toby Gardner (Stockholm Environment Institute)
G20 India 2023

Promoting Ayurveda as a Pathway to Holistic Well-Being

Anisree Suresh (Research and Client Management), Dharmarajan Dhanuraj (Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR))
G20 India 2023

Investing in Indigenous Children’s Human Capital to Secure Sustainable Development for All

Shaabana Naik (University of Tokyo), Dil Rahut (Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)), Daniel Suryadarma (Asian Development Bank Institute)
G20 India 2023

The Role of Green Infrastructure in Biodiversity Conservation

Gagan Deep Sharma (University School of Management Studies), Aeshna Kharbanda (University School of Management Studies)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Aligning G20 Industrial Policies With Biodiversity Conservation

Rajat Panwar (Oregon State University), Nagesh Kumar (Institute for Studies in Industrial Development), VB Mathur (National Biodiversity Authority), Maria Jose Murcia (Austral University), Jonatan Pinkse (The University of Manchester)
G20 India 2023

Preparing for the Next Crisis: The G20 and the Pandemic Treaty

Viola Savy Dsouza (Centre for Regulatory Science), Sanjay Pattanshetty (Department of Global Health Governance (DoGHG)), George Wharton (Department of Health Policy), Helmut Brand (Prasanna School of Public Health (PSPH)), Oommen Kurian (and Senior Fellow & Head of Health Initiative)
G20 India 2023

Leveraging Care Economy Investments to Unlock Economic Development and Foster Women’s Economic Empowerment in G20 Economies

Mitali Nikore (Nikore Associates), Margo Thomas (Women’s Economic Imperative), Sunaina Kumar (Observer Research Foundation (ORF)), Florencia Caro Sachetti (Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento, (CIPPEC)), Gloria Langat (Aging and Development Unit), Gala Díaz Langou, Carolina Robino, Mannat Sharma (Nikore Associates), Sukriti Anand (Nikore Associates)
G20 India 2023

Policy Pathways for Inclusive and Sustainable Tropical Agriculture: Experiences From Brazil and Africa

Ahmed Ouhnini (Policy Center for the New South), Larissa Wachholz (Brazilian Center for International Relations), Bruno Brasil (Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock)
G20 India 2023

Food and Nutrition Security in the Global South: Policies, Technologies and Institutions

V. Ratna Reddy (Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management Institute), Bhagirath Behera (Department of Humanities and Social Sciences), Pritha Datta (Asian Development Bank Institute), Jagadish Timsina (Global Evergreeing Alliance), Dil Bahadur Rahut (Asian Development Bank Institute), Jeetendra Prakash Aryal (International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA))
G20 India 2023

Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Well-Being: A Critical Agenda for the G20

Flavia Bustreo (Fondation Botnar), Anshu Banerjee (Newborn), David A Ross (Institute for Life Course Health Research), Thahira Shireen Mustafa (Partnership for Maternal), Oommen C Kurian (Observer Research Foundation (ORF)), Anshu Mohan (Partnership for Maternal)
G20 India 2023

Generating Finance for Blue Economy Transition

Kapil Narula (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia), Mark J. Spalding (The Ocean Foundation), Torsten Thiele, Jack Dyer (Blue Economy Future and Lecturer in Marine Resources/Blue Economy), Angelique Pouponneau (Islands and Small States Institute), Vice Admiral Pradeep Chauhan (Retd) (National Maritime Foundation)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Private Sector Participation and Commitment to SDGs

Pinaki Dasgupta (International Management Institute), Sampada Kumar Dash (International Management Institute)
G20 India 2023

Strategic Interventions for Addressing Regional Climate Change and Health Challenges

Shabana Khan (Global Young Academy, Indian Research Academy), Robin Fears (InterAcademy Partnership), Jeremy N. McNeil (and Battle Professor of Chemical Ecology), Sherilee Harper (School of Public Health), Victor C.W. Hoe (Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Practice), Deoraj Caussy (Integrated Epidemiology Solution)
G20 India 2023

Harnessing the Transformative Power of Skill Development Programs for Survivors of Trafficking

Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury (Observer Research Foundation), Lipi Ghosh (Sonadevi Private University AKM Ahsan Ullah), Diotima Chattoraj (James Cook University), Sreeparna Banerjee (Observer Research Foundation)
G20 India 2023

Harnessing Digitalisation to Promote Equitable and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Policy and Investment Priorities for the G20

Heike Baumüller (Center for Development Research (ZEF) ), Benjamin Kwasi Addom (The Commonwealth Secretariat), Damayanti Buchori (T20 Indonesia, Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences (CTSS)), Stefan Heinke (Chanzi Ltd), Mumbi Munene (Digital Ag Association), Dil Rahut (Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)), Yamunna Ramakrishna Rao (Global Solutions Initiative)
G20 India 2023

Accelerating SDG Implementation Through Triangular Cooperation: A Roadmap for the G20

Sebastian Haug (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Han Cheng (Asia Research Institute), Laura Trajber Waisbich (South-South Cooperation Research and Policy Centre (Articulação SUL)/University of Oxford)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

A Socio-Ecological Pathway for Land Restoration

Anuja Malhotra (Centre for Policy Design), Ruth DeFries (Department of Ecology), Rob Slotow (School of Life Sciences), Abi T. Vanak (Centre for Policy Design)
G20 India 2023

Reimagining Food Security Through Sustainable Agriculture and Reduced Food Waste

Alok Kushwaha (Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)), K.P. Doveine (Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)), Ritika Prasad (Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)), Rishi Singh (Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)), Saran S. (Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)), Selin Özokcu (EY Türkiye)
G20 India 2023

Bridging the Infrastructure Investment Gap: Proposal for a Spillover Tax Sharing System

Tifani Husna Siregar (Waseda University), Naoyuki Yoshino (Financial Research Centre, FSA Institute), Dina Azhgaliyeva, K. E. Seetharam (Asian Development Bank Institute)
G20 India 2023

Investment Toolbox to Advance TB Vaccine Development Through Joint Action

Shaun Palmer (IAVI), Maite Suarez (IAVI), Erica Lessem (SMART4TB / Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), Henry Diatmo (Stop TB Partnership Indonesia), Karen Hoehn (advocacy), Mike Frick (Treatment Action Group)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Financing Climate-Smart Agriculture for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems

Pramod Kumar Anand (Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)), Krishna Kumar (Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)), Sukrit Joshi (Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)), P. Srinivasa Rao (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), Rohit Saini (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), Sambit Rath (PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)), Pradyot Ranjan Jena (National Institute of Technology), Beena Pandey (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), Rajesh Kalli (Dayananda Sagar University), Chandan Kumar (PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)), Pradeep Sahoo (PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)), J. P. Mishra (Indian Council of Agricultural Research ATARI), Neha Bharti (The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)), Suruchi Bhadwal (The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)), Sisira Prabhakar (The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)), Sakshi Bajpai (The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI))
G20 India 2023

Developing Comprehensive and Responsive Systems of Early Child Development, Education, and Care

Charlotte Holland (Dublin City University), Jyotsna Jha (Centre for Budget and Policy Studies), Sean Leahy (Arizona State University), Madhusudhan BV Rao (Centre for Budget and Policy Studies), Dinah Bennett (Enterprise Development, Women’s Economic Imperative), Neha Ghatak (Centre for Budget and Policy Studies), Huan Ni (Shanghai Green Light-Year Environmental Service Center)
G20 India 2023

Beyond Gender Inequality: How the G20 Can Support a Gender-Equitable Future and Accelerate the SDGs

Cynthia McDougall (Stockholm Environment Institute (Asia)), Laura Del Duca (Stockholm Environment Institute (HQ)), Emily Ghosh (Stockholm Environment Institute (US)), Anisha Nazareth (Stockholm Environment Institute (US)), Zoha Shawoo (Stockholm Environment Institute (US)), Nelson Ekane (Stockholm Environment Institute (HQ))
G20 India 2023

Improving Governance of Deep-Sea Mining

Puneeta Pandey (Stanford University), Pushp Bajaj, Baban Ingole (National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research), Fenjie Chen (Environmental Defense Fund), Yasunori Sakurai (Hokkaido University)
G20 India 2023

Achieving Just Green Economic Transitions by Improving Gender Equality

Simon Anderson (International Institute for Environment and Development), May Thazin Aung (International Institute for Environment and Development), Anna Carthy (International Institute for Environment and Development), Tracy Kajumba (International Institute for Environment and Development), Birte Rau (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)), Jana Schulte Hürmann (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ)
G20 India 2023

Sustaining Progress on Malaria Elimination in Fragile, Conflict-Affected, and Disaster-Prone Areas

Harsh Rajvanshi (Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance), Viola Dsouza (Department of Health Information), Sanjay M.Pattanshetty (Department of Global Health Governance)
G20 India 2023

Learning For/Towards Sustainable Development: Reimagining Education and Learning as a Key Vertical Across the SDGs

Anitha Kurup (Education Program), Brigid Freeman (Academic Fellow), Cheshta Arora (Senior Researcher), Debarun Sarkar (Vidyashilp University/University of Mumbai/Independent Researcher)
G20 India 2023

Towards a Robust Social Protection System in the Post-Pandemic Era

Sayantan Ghosal (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), Laura Trajber Waisbich (South-South Cooperation Research and Policy Centre (Articulação SUL)/University of Oxford)
G20 India 2023

Improving Access to Safely Managed Drinking Water Services: Recommendations for G20 Emerging Economies

Nitin Bassi (Council on Energy), Teuku Riefky (University of Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)), Yusuf Kabir (Sanitation), Anik Bhaduri (Sustainable Water Future Programme-Future Earth), Guido Schmidt (Fresh Thoughts Consulting GmbH), Ekansha Khanduja (Council on Energy), Prayank Jain (CEEW), Upasana Negi (Council on Energy), Syahda Sabrina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia), Fauziah Zen (ERIA), Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah (Institute for Economic and Social research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LPEM-UI)), Bambang Brodjonegoro (University of Indonesia), Ratna Widianingrum (Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund), Meike Kencanawulan Martawidjaja (Ministry of Public Works and Housing)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Investing in Health and the Economy: Curbing the Crisis of Non-Communicable Diseases

Julia Spencer (Strategic Alliances & Government Affairs), Dennis A. Ostwald (WifOR Institute and Professor), Hasbullah Thabrany (Think Well Global)
G20 India 2023

Advancing the Transformation of Agroecological Food Systems to Achieve Zero Hunger

Liesa Nieskens (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), Nadine Bader (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), Neha Khara (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), Stephanie Katsir (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), Dorothee Baum (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), Jeherul Islam (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), Sharat Singh (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), Kirti Mishra (Ecociate), Lioba Weingärtner
G20 India 2023

Ensuring Progress on SDGs Through Digital Transformation and Financial Inclusion

Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah (Institute for Economic and Social research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LPEM-UI)), Cahyo Prihadi (Program Management Office (PMO) of Kartu Prakerja), Romora Edward Sitorus (Program Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), Yogi Pambudi (Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja), Guntur Syafiqi Adidarmawan (Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja), Hanna Rosuliyana (Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Engaging the Private Sector for Health SDGs: Lessons From India’s National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme

Mayank Sharma (PATH), Raghuram Rao (Central Tuberculosis Division), Kirankumar Rade (World Health Organization), Shibu Vijayan (Qure.ai), Neeraj Raizada (National Technical Support Unit (National Tuberculosis Elimination Program)), Bhavin Vadera (USAID), Venkatesh Roddawar (JSI), Sapna Surendran (Nutrition and Population), Shamim Mannan (Clinton Health Access Initiative), Mandar Randive (PATH)
G20 India 2023

Circular Bioeconomy and SDGs: Proposals for the G20

Mandavi Singh (Resource Efficiency & Governance), Trinayana Kaushik (Resource Efficiency & Governance), Souvik Bhattacharjya (The Energy and Resources Institute), Shailly Kedia (Sustainable Development and Outreach)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Leveraging Knowledge Sharing for Social Protection

Mariana Balboni (United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)), Marina de Carvalho (United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)), Fábio Veras Soares (Institute for Applied Economic Research(IPEA))
G20 India 2023

Mainstreaming Millets in G20 Countries Through Integrated Behavioural and Policy Shifts

Neel Lohit Pandey (Master’s in Public Policy), Riah Rath (Master’s in Public Policy), Manjistha Datta (Department of Psychiatry), Biprajit Roy Choudhury (Master’s in Public Policy), Rishabh Kandpal (Master’s in Public Policy)
G20 India 2023

Assessing Return of Investment in Nature Through an SDG-Aligned Global Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Framework

Gitika Goswami (Policy Research & Planning), Saundharaya Khanna (Policy Research & Planning), Vaishali Kanojia (Policy Research & Planning), Chris Hopkins (Green Economy Coalition)
G20 India 2023

Using the Participatory Learning and Action Approach to Improve Community Engagement: Learnings From India

Hemang Shah (Children’s Investment Fund Foundation), Shachi Adyanthaya (Children’s Investment Fund Foundation), Raj Kumar Gope (Ekjut), Amit Kumar (Research Information System for Developing Countries)
G20 India 2023

Achieving the SDGs for Road Safety in G20 Countries

Jessica Truong (Towards Zero Foundation), David Ward (Towards Zero Foundation), Rob McInerney (International Road Assessment Programme), Greg Smith (International Road Assessment Programme)
G20 India 2023

Global Public Investment for Global Challenges

Simon Reid-Henry (Public Interest and Research Professor), Christoph Benn (Joep Lange Institute)
G20 India 2023

Greening Cold Chain Infrastructure to Develop Global Food Corridors: Accelerating the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda

Vibha Dhawan (The Energy & Resources Institute), Zerin Osho (India Program), Durwood Zaelke (Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development), Ana Maria Kleymeyer, Amelia Murphy (Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development)
G20 India 2023

Fostering Water-Sensitive Urban Planning in G20 Cities

Sameer Kumar (CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)), Siddh Doshi (Faculty of Planning), Gargi Mishra (Faculty of Planning), Mona Iyer (Faculty of Planning)
G20 India 2023

Biofortification: A Responsible Research and Innovation Strategy for the G20

Krishna Ravi Srinivas (Research & Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)), P. K. Anand (Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)), Suresh Babu (International Food Policy Research Institute)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Building a Sustainable System for Emerging Healthcare Technologies: A Global South Perspective

Nidhi Singh (DST-Centre for Policy Research), Rajni Kant (ICMRRMRC), Sneha Sinha (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), Rollins John (Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India), Famida Khan (DST-Centre for Policy Research)
G20 India 2023

The Consequences of Arctic Amplification in a Warming World

Durwood Zaelke (Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development), M. Ravichandran (Ministry of Earth Sciences), Zerin Osho (India Program), Gabrielle Dreyfus (Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development), Kiran Ghosh (Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development), Trina Chiemi (Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development), Upendra Tripathy (Government of Odisha), Amelia Murphy (Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development)
G20 India 2023

Food-Focused Social Protection Measures Before and During the Global Polycrisis: the Brazil and India Experience

Beatriz Burattini (International Policy Centre for Inclusive Development (IPCid)/Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA)), Dipa Sinha (School of Liberal Studies)
G20 India 2023

Valuing Water in Agriculture to Reward Farmers’ Actions in Conservation

Prashant Pastore (Water & Sustainable Agriculture), Suhas Wani (Research Program Asia), Ashray Tyagi (Sustainable Water Programme), Kritika Banerjee (Solidaridad Asia)
G20 India 2023

Intersectional Approaches to Promote Gender Equality

Smita Chakravarty (The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)), Amlan Mishra (The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)), Soham Banerjee (The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI))
G20 India 2023

Gender-Equitable Family Policies for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: An Agenda for the G20

Elena Camilletti (UNICEF Innocenti Global Office of Research and Foresight), Ramya Subrahmanian (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti), Dominic Richardson (Learning for Well- being Institute), AK Shiva Kumar (UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti), Rosario Esteinou (Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology), Lauren Whitehead (UNICEF)
G20 India 2023
G20 India 2023

Pathways to Universal Digital Access to Inclusive Healthcare in the G20

Arkalgud Ramaprasad (Department of Information and Decision Sciences), Vania Martínez (Centro de Medicina Reproductiva y Desarrollo Integral del Adolescente (CEMERA)), Alicia Núñez (Department of Management Control and Information Systems), S D Sreeganga (O.P. Jindal Global University)
G20 India 2023

A Framework for Quantifying the Climate Co-Benefits of Development Programmes

Tashina Madappa Cheranda (Adaptation and Risk Analysis Team), Kanchan Kargwal (Adaptation and Risk Analysis Team), Sahil Mathew (Adaptation and Risk Analysis Team)
G20 India 2023

Tackling Multidimensional Gender Inequality In G20 Countries

Nitya Mohan Khemka (Strategic Initiatives, PATH and Visiting Fellow, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge), Soma Das (Development Sector Portfolio, Chase India), Suraj Kumar (Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences)

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