
G7 Germany 2022

Social Cohesion, Economic Transformation and Open Societies

The Think7 task force on social cohesion, economic transformation, and open societies will explore themes at the confluence of three pressing topics – the environmental transition, social protection systems, and digital democracy. Strengthening social cohesion will be pivotal for successfully maneuvering through the coming decade: Successful global climate action will require social conditions that promote willingness at all levels to engage. To relieve the strain from regional inequalities, de-industrialization, and ageing demographics, G7 countries will have to dramatically increase the efficiency and efficacy of their social protection systems and make them more adaptable, empowering, inclusive and sustainable. Last but not least, democracy requires that social cohesion be rooted in shared perceptions of facts and realities; thus, establishing “data citizenship” – whereby users gain individual and collective control over the data about themselves – is central to the long-term health of democratic governance.
G7 Germany 2022

Data Citizenship

Henrietta Moore (University College London), Andrew Percy (Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL), Rayhaan Lorgat (Institute for Global Prosperity), Katrina Moseley (Institute for Global Prosperity)
G7 Germany 2022

Universal Protections

Henrietta Moore (University College London), Andrew Percy (Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL), Rayhaan Lorgat (Institute for Global Prosperity), Katrina Moseley (Institute for Global Prosperity)
G7 Germany 2022

Universal Contributions

Henrietta Moore (University College London), Andrew Percy (Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL), Rayhaan Lorgat (Institute for Global Prosperity), Katrina Moseley (Institute for Global Prosperity)
G7 Germany 2022

Prosperity Index

Henrietta Moore (University College London), Fabio Battaglia (Institute for Global Prosperity), Rayhaan Lorgat (Institute for Global Prosperity), Katrina Moseley (Institute for Global Prosperity)
G7 Germany 2022

Policy and Fiscal Space for Universal Social Protection

Michael Cichon (International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW)), Hajo Lanz (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
G7 Germany 2022

Towards Economic and Social Prosperity Measurement Beyond GDP

Jakob Dirksen (Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford), Katharina Lima de Miranda (Kiel Insitute for the World Economy), Richard Wike
G7 Germany 2022

Digital Utilities for Scientific Research Towards an Equitable World

Mei Lin Fung (People Centered Internet), Declan Kirrane (Global Science Collaboration Conference), Peter Taylor, Kurt Zatloukal (Medical University of Graz), Tamara Singh (People Centered Internet), Gora Datta (FHL7 University of California, Berkeley), Andrew Seely (MindPoint Group)
G7 Germany 2022

Toward a Global Universal Basic Income for Children

Merike Blofield (German Institute for Global and Area Studies), Jorge Cuartas (Harvard Graduate School of Education), Fernando Filgueira (CIPPEC Argentina ), Juliana Martínez Franzoni (University of Costa Rica), Diego Sánchez-Ancochea (Oxford Department of International Development)
G7 Germany 2022

A Socially Just Transformation Through Integrated Social Protection ‘Plus’ Programming

Mauricio Böhl (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Alexia Faus Onbargi (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Andrew Shepherd (Overseas Development Institute), Vidya Diwakar (Overseas Development Institute)
G7 Germany 2022

Issue Paper: Social Cohesion, Economic Transformation and Open Societies

Franco Bruni (Bocconi University Milan), Henrietta Moore (University College London), Dennis J. Snower (Global Solutions Initiative Foundation)

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