
G7 Germany 2022

Global Health

The T7 task force on global health aims to bring together epidemiological, medical, social science, and policy expertise in order to provide a sound basis for science policy dialogues on the current pandemic, as well as the strengthening of preventative health infrastructures. Particular attention will be paid to globally diverse health challenges and infrastructures across regions, income levels, and social groups. Through a conscious reflection of the role of the G7 in global health governance, contributions shall be made for facilitating the dialogue with other international governance formats, in particular the G20.
G7 Germany 2022

The Essential Role of Diagnostics in Global Health & Development

Bill Rodriguez (FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics ), Willo Brock (FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics ), Karishma Saran (FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics)
G7 Germany 2022

Research, Evidence and Learning – The Need for a Global Infrastructure

Peter Taylor, Anna-Katharina Hornidge (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Melissa Leach (Institute of Development Studies (IDS)), Hayley MacGregor (Institute of Development Studies (IDS)), Ali Mehdi, Mei Lin Fung (People Centered Internet)
G7 Germany 2022

Global Transformation Towards Planetary Health

Christoph Strupat (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Liz Grant (University of Edinburgh), Maike Voss (German Alliance on Climate Change and Health (KLUG)), Katharina Molitor (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)), Sophie Gepp (German Alliance on Climate Change and Health (KLUG)), Alexia Faus Onbargi (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Saravanan Subramanian (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Anna-Katharina Hornidge (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS))
G7 Germany 2022
G7 Germany 2022

Build Digital Public Goods for Health: A Private and Public Sector Global Initiative

Sarah Fischer (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)), Yolanda Martinez (ITU Development Bureau), Skye Gilbert Yoden (PATH's Programs & Innovation ), Kate Wilson (NSW Department of Planning and Environment), Mei Lin Fung (People Centered Internet), Hani Eskandar (ITU Development Bureau), Sherman Kong (UNF-DIAL), Garrett Mehl (World Health Organisation), Derrick Muneene (World Health Organisation), Max Schumann (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)), Jake Watson (UNF-DIAL)
G7 Germany 2022

Ending Vaccine Inequity and Injustice

Githinji Gitahi (Amref Health Africa), María del Rocío Sáenz Madrigal (University of Costa Rica), K. Srinath Reddy (Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI))
G7 Germany 2022

Human Resources for Health in a Globalized world

Agnès Soucat (Agence Française de Développement), Louis Pizarro (Santé Mondiale 2030)
G7 Germany 2022

G7: Data for Pandemic Preparedness

Rick Bright (Pandemic Prevention Institute, The Rockefeller Foundation), Rebecca Katz (Center for Global Health Science and Security, Georgetown University), Bruce Gellin (Pandemic Prevention Institute, The Rockefeller Foundation)
G7 Germany 2022

Investing in Preparedness and Public Health Infrastructures

Walter Ricciardi (Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Marta Lomazzi (World Federation of Public Health Associations)
G7 Germany 2022

Renewing the Global Health Architecture & Financing for the 21st Century

Adam Kamradt-Scott (European University Institute), Ilona Kickbusch (World Health Summit), Maike Voss (German Alliance on Climate Change and Health (KLUG)), Sophie Gepp (German Alliance on Climate Change and Health (KLUG))
G7 Germany 2022
G7 Germany 2022

Issue Paper: G7 Measures to Enhance Global Health Equity and Security

Ilona Kickbusch (World Health Summit), Anna-Katharina Hornidge (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Githinji Gitahi (Amref Health Africa), Adam Kamradt-Scott (European University Institute)

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