
Global Solutions Papers

Global Solutions Papers contain recommendations or visions for policymakers that deal with major global challenges.

Recommendations are concrete proposals for policies or actions that policymakers can implement. Visions help policymakers think about appropriate ways to approach policymaking and enable policymakers to communicate these approaches to the public.

The articles are research-based and are written in non-technical language appropriate for a broad spectrum of readers, including economic decision-makers and participants in economic policy discussion. 

Global Solutions Papers are reviewed only by an e-journal´s co-editor and/or by one outside reviewer at the editor’s discretion. Apart from this, they undergo the regular open peer review process as all papers in the e-journal.



Journal Article 
Rainer Quitzow, Sonja Thielges, Andreas Goldthau, Sebastian Helgenberger and Grace Mbungu
Advancing a global transition to clean energy – the role of international cooperation


Journal Article 
Dennis J. Snower
A new societal contract


Journal Article 
Michael Jakob, Rafael Soria, Carlos Trinidad, Ottmar Edenhofer, Céline Bak, Daniel Bouille, Daniel Buira, Hernan Carlino, Veronica Gutman, Christian Hübner, Brigitte Knopf, André Lucena, Luan Santos, Andrew Scott, Jan Christoph Steckel, Kanako Tanaka, Adrien Vogt-Schilb and Koichi Yamada
Green fiscal reform for a just energy transition in Latin America


Journal Article 
Agustin Redonda, Santiago Diaz de Sarralde, Mark Hallerberg, Lise Johnson, Ariel Melamud, Ricardo Rozemberg, Jakob Schwab and Christian von Haldenwang
Tax expenditure and the treatment of tax incentives for investment


Journal Article 
Judith Mariscal, Gloria Mayne, Urvashi Aneja and Alina Sorgner
Bridging the Gender Digital Gap


Journal Article 
Gustavo Beliz, Ana Inés Basco and Belisario de Azevedo
Harnessing the opportunities of inclusive technologies in a global economy


Journal Article 
Franco Bruni, José Siaba Serrate and Antonio Villafranca
The quest for global monetary policy coordination


Journal Article
David Laborde and Valeria Piñeiro 
Monitoring agricultural productivity for sustainable production and R&D planning


Discussion Paper 
Claas Schneiderheinze, Eva Dick, Matthias Luecke, Afaf Rahim, Benjamin Schraven and Matteo Villa
Regional integration and migration between low-and-middle-income countries: regional initiatives need to be strengthened


Journal Article 
Romina Boarini, Orsetta Causa, Marc Fleurbaey, Gianluca Grimalda and Ingrid Woolard
Reducing inequalities and strengthening social cohesion through inclusive growth: a roadmap for action


Journal Article
Shingirirai S. Mutanga, Rainer Quitzow and Jan Christoph Steckel 
Tackling energy, climate and development challenges in Africa


Discussion Paper 
Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla
Financing “a sustainable food future”: some thoughts for the G20


Discussion Paper 
Beatriz Nofal, Ariel Coremberg and Luca Sartorio
Data, measurement and initiatives for inclusive digitalization and future of work


Discussion Paper 
Gabriel Lanfranchi, Ana Carolina Herrero, Salvador Rueda Palenzuela, Inés Camilloni and Steffen Bauer
The new urban paradigm


Discussion Paper
Margo Thomas, Cesar Cordova Novión, Arjan de Haan, Gimena de León, Maxime Forest and Sandhya S. Iyer
Gender mainstreaming: a strategic approach


Discussion Paper
Andrés Ortega, Francisco Andrés Pérez and Yarik Turianskyi 
Technological justice: A G20 agenda


Journal Article 
Kazumasa Iwata, Sébastien Jean, Christian Kastrop, Chris Loewald and Nicolas Véron
T20 resilience and inclusive growth


Journal Article
Eckhardt Bode and Robert Gold 
Adult training in the digital age


Discussion Paper 
Sait Akman, Clara Brandi, Uri Dadush, Peter Draper, Andreas Freytag, Miriam Kautz, Peter Rashish, Johannes Schwarzer and Rob Vos
Mitigating the adjustment costs of international trade


Journal Article
Sunisha Neupane, Zoe Boutilier, Ilona Kickbusch, Ali Mehdi, Miriam Sangiorgio, Michaela Told and Peter Taylor 
SDGs, health and the G20: a vision for public policy


Journal Article
Uri Dadush 
The economic effects of refugee return


Discussion Paper 
Syed Munir Khasru, Kazi Mitul Mahmud and Avia Nahreen
Reforming the migration governance system

Journal Article
Güven Sak, Timur Kaymaz, Omar Kadkoy and Murat Kenanoglu
Forced migrants: labour market integration and entrepreneurship


Journal Article
Andrés Ortega, Miguel Otero-Iglesias and Federico Steinberg
A globalisation challenge: preventing a clash between the middle classes of the developed and emerging economies


Journal Article
Christiane Krieger-Boden and Alina Sorgner
Labor market opportunities for women in the digital age


Journal Article
Theodore Moran, Holger Görg, Adnan Serič and Christiane Krieger-Boden
Attracting FDI in middle-skilled supply chains

Journal Article 

Krish Chetty, Urvashi Aneja, Vidisha Mishra, Nozibele Gcora and Jaya Josie
Bridging the digital divide in the G20: skills for the new age

Journal Article

Krish Chetty, Liu Qigui, Nozibele Gcora, Jaya Josie, Li Wenwei and Chen Fang
Bridging the digital divide: measuring digital literacy

Journal Article

Dennis J. Snower
The G20 at a crossroads: the future of global governance

Journal Article
Dennis J. Snower
Beyond capital and wealth

Celine Herweijer, Benjamin Combes, Leo Johnson, Rob McCargow, Sahil Bhardwaj, Bridget Jackson and Pia Ramchandani
Enabling a sustainable Fourth Industrial Revolution: how G20 countries can create the conditions for emerging technologies to benefit people and the planet

Journal Article
Elena Verdolini, Céline Bak, Joël Ruet and Anbumozhi Venkatachalam
Innovative green-technology SMEs as an opportunity to promote financial de-risking

Journal Article
Andreas Löschel and Philipp Großkurth et al.
Establishing an expert advisory commission to assist the G20’s energy transformation processes

Discussion Paper
Santiago Díaz de Sarralde, Christian von Haldenwang, Tobias Hentze and Nara Monkam
Tax certainty: proposals for the short term and the long term

Journal Article
Uri Dadush
The protectionist’s progress: year 1

Discussion Paper
Katherine Marshall, Shaun Casey, Attalah Fitzgibbon, Azza Karam, Majbritt Lyck-Bowen, Ulrich Nitschke, Mark Owen, Isabel Phiri, Alberto Quatrucci, Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Msgr. Robert Vitillo and Erin Wilson
Religious roles in refugee resettlement: pertinent experience and insights, addressed to G20 members

Discussion Paper
Katherine Marshall,  Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Cole Durham, Manoj Kurian, Ulrich Nitschke, Arnhild Spence and Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp
Engaging religious actors in addressing famine emergencies

Discussion Paper
Patrick ten Brink, Jean-Pierre Schweitzer, Emma Watkins, Charlotte Janssens, Michiel De Smet, Heather Leslie and François Galgani
Circular economy measures to keep plastics and their value in the economy, avoid waste and reduce marine litter

Discussion Paper 
Gianluca Grimalda, Simon Bartke, Steven Bosworth, Andreas Friedl, Katharina Lima de Miranda, Patrick Ring and Dennis J. Snower
Exploiting behavioural insights to foster global cooperation

Journal Article
Céline Bak, Amar Bhattacharya, Ottmar Edenhofer and Brigitte Knopf
Towards a comprehensive approach to climate policy, sustainable infrastructure, and finance

Journal Article 
Joachim von Braun, Ashok Gulati and Homi Kharas
Key policy actions for sustainable land and water use to serve people

Journal Article 
Helmut K. Anheier
Civil society challenged: towards an enabling policy environment

Journal Article 
Homi Kharas, John W. McArthur and Joachim von Braun
An evidence-based approach to ending rural hunger

Journal Article
Matthias Luecke and Claas Schneiderheinze
More financial burden-sharing for developing countries that host refugees

Anthony Annett, Jeffrey Sachs, Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo and William Vendley
A multi-religious consensus on the ethics of sustainable development: reflections of the Ethics in Action initiative

Carlos Lastra-Anadón and Manuel Muñiz
Technological change, inequality and the collapse of the liberal order

Discussion Paper 
Karl Aiginger and Heinz Handler
Europe taking the lead in responsible globalisation

Journal Article
Gregor Schwerhoff, Thang Dao Nguyen, Ottmar Edenhofer, Gianluca Grimalda, Michael Jakob, David Klenert and Jan Siegmeier
Policy options for a socially balanced climate policy

Discussion Paper
Tim Maurer, Ariel Levite and George Perkovich 
Toward a global norm against manipulating the integrity of financial data

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