Rethinking Multilateralism and Global Governance
Global problem-solving appears to be at a standstill. With shifting power dynamics, the ongoing threat of climate change, and incoming economic transformations, the world needs stable multilateral institutions that are equipped to respond to today’s crises. However, our current system has fallen short of producing equitable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. This dilemma raises many questions: How can we reform these institutions? How can we increase representation while improving global capacities for problem-solving? And how much do these institutional questions matter?
With these issues in mind, the Global Solutions Initiative launched the workshop series “Rethinking Multilateralism and Global Governance.” The series brings together researchers, policymakers, and representatives of civil society to tackle these challenges through a structured dialogue to develop new strategies and models for international cooperation.
Taking a global perspective, the overarching goal of the workshop is to translate these discussions into concrete, evidence-based policy recommendations for governance fora such as the G7 and G20, so they can play an appropriate role in creating a more sustainable, resilient, and fair world order.
Markus Engels (2023). “Towards a functional, inclusive multilateralism fit for the 21st Century.” ThinkTwenty (T20) India. Policy Brief.
Markus Engels (2022, October 31). “Will multilateralism become a victim of de-globalisation?” IPS Journal. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Marianne Beisheim (SWP) and Silke Weinlich (IDOS) (2023, January 12). “Germany and Namibia as Co-leads for the United Nations”. SWP Comment 2023/C03. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. 1-4. doi:10.18449/2023C03.
Amrita Narlikar (2023, January 5). “‘The West Uses Double Standards’ – An Interview with Amrita Narlikar”. Global Policy Journal.
Open Society Foundation (2022). “Global Perspectives on a World in Crisis.”
Parag Khanna (2022, August 15). “Is a World Order Even Possible?” Die Zeit.
Tetsushi Sonobe (Lead Chair T7 Japan 2023, ADBI) and Syed Munir Khasru (IPAG) (2022, October 18). “Japan Should Bridge the Gap Between G7 and G20.” Nikkei Asia.
Davide Tentori (ISPI) and Antonio Villafranca (ISPI) (2022, November 14). “G20: Can Leaders Still Deliver?” Italian Institute for International Political Studies.
Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (South African Institute of International Affairs) (2022, August 2). “How do Global South politics of non-alignment and solidarity explain South Africa’s position on Ukraine?” Brookings.
Amrita Narlikar (2022). “Multilateralism, liberal values, and the Global South” in Essays on a 21st Century Multilateralism that works for all. Brookings.