
Indonesian Think20 Secretariat and Global Solutions Initiative agree on partnership

Jakarta/Berlin, March 1, 2022. The engagement group of think tanks under the Indonesian G20 Presidency (Think20) and the German Global Solutions Initiative are cooperating to address multilateral challenges. For example, at the Global Solutions Summit 2022 (March 28/29 in Berlin), the Global Solutions Initiative is dedicating several working sessions to Think20, where the engagement group’s nine task forces will flesh out policy proposals for the G20. The working groups include more than a hundred internationally renowned think tanks. The Think20 Secretariat, on the other hand, represents the interests of emerging nations such as Indonesia in the Think20 process and will send high-level representatives to the Global Solutions Summit.

The partnership between the two institutions ensures continuity in a number of fields that have been worked on for years by renowned think tanks from the G20 countries – for example, on “Climate Change”, “Global Health Care”, and “Economic Recovery”.  It thus follows on from the Global Solutions Initiative’s partnership with the Italian T20 presidency (2022) and the Saudi Arabian T20 presidency (2021). Furthermore, in its engagement with G20 leaders this year the T20 Secretariat will also address the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as fundamental problems relating to inequality and the digital divide.

The T20 Indonesia will examine the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic and its short and long-term impacts on the livelihoods of global communities. T20 Indonesia acknowledges the importance of concrete actions in realizing the worldwide agreement on the climate change agenda, specifically on the COP 26 agreement that has been achieved recently. The T20 Indonesia will also consider in depth the persistent fundamental problems relating to inequality, the digital divide, climate change, and biodiversity extinction. It will address the financing gap, especially for low-income and middle-income countries, and also supports multilateralism and global governance to improve the state of global cooperation.

Think20 policy recommendations form the intellectual backbone of the G20 process leading up to G20 summits. A recent evaluation by the G20 Research Group found that 35 percent of the 2021 Think20 recommendations were included in the final communiqué of the Rome G20 Summit in late-2021.

“As one of the engagement groups for G20, T20 (Think 20) is crucial in current times to provide a suitable platform for think tanks and research institutes worldwide to create strong, independent, and inclusive research-based policy recommendations for G20 leaders,” said Bambang Brodjonegoro, Lead Co-Chair of T20 Indonesia.

“We are very pleased to also be able to support the Indonesian T20 Presidency and contribute to solving global human challenges,” said Dr. Markus Engels, General Secretary of the Global Solutions Initiative.

The Indonesian Think20 Secretariat is hosted by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies and Institute for Economic and Social Research (LPEM FEB UI), Universitas Indonesia. The Global Solutions Initiative is a non-profit organization that connects think tanks internationally to provide research-based advice to the G20.


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Christoph Podewils, Director of Communications
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About the Global Solutions Initiative
The Global Solutions Initiative is a global collaborative enterprise that proposes policy responses to major global problems, addressed by the G20, the G7 and other global governance fora. The policy recommendations and strategic visions are generated through a disciplined research program by leading research organizations, elaborated in policy dialogues between researchers, policymakers, business leaders and civil society representatives.


About the T20 Indonesia

The Think20 (T20) is the official engagement group of G20 bringing together leading think tanks and research centers worldwide. It serves as the ‘ideas bank’ of the G20 and aims to provide research-based policy recommendations to the G20 leaders. At the current affairs where we witnessed uneven economic recovery, the rise in inequality, and global frictions that call for global coordinated actions, the 2022 T20 has become ever more important.
