
Towards An Evidence-base For The Just Transition


COP28 yielded consensus on transitioning from fossil fuels in energy systems, emphasisinga just, orderly, and equitable approach. Central to this agreement is the principle of “leavingno one behind” (LNOB), which seeks not only to mitigate climate change’s propensity toexacerbate vulnerabilities and poverty across current and future generations, but also to avoidreinforcing existing inequities. This brief delineates emerging issues from the just transitionframework and proposes critical actions for the G7. These actions are aimed at fosteringeffective decarbonisation and promoting a just and equitable energy transition both within theG7 nations and globally.Recommendations:• Identify gaps, needs, and opportunities for a just transition through data collection andanalysing the relationship between decarbonised actions and socio-economic challenges at thenational, international, and transnational levels.• Improve governance mechanisms to harmonise climate change policies with socio-economicmeasures.• Enhance support measures for vulnerable populations to ensure equal access to clean energythrough evidence-based information.• Establish a people- and gender-sensitive monitoring, reporting, and evaluation process.To achieve these four points, we recommend the G7 to invest in multidimensional anddistribution-sensitive metrics of well-being and prosperity to inform policies and advance theLNOB agenda.• Sustain decent work and reinforce labour rights to mitigate disruptions from the transition.• Promote investments in inclusive climate projects and establish financial inclusion regulations.• Enhance international cooperation to promote a just and equitable transition in developingcountries considering nationally defined development priorities.

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