At the midpoint to 2030, to address cross-cutting issues covered by Task Force 1, thispolicy brief advocates several specific recommendations to accelerate action regardingthe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).The G20 should drive a paradigm shift through the establishment of a Consortium ofCenters of Research on the SDGs with a particular focus on reducing inequalities (tocomplement already existing Centers in many G20 countries focused on sustainabilityonly in terms of climate and the environment). This approach would support the prioritiesof the Brazil G20 presidency as well as the vision of the Office of the High Commissionerfor Human Rights.The G20 should establish “SDG literacy funds” in G20 educational institutions,including universities, so that the next generation knows about the goals, their applicationto problems at home and abroad, and is skilled in best practices on how to address themusing systems thinking inherent in the SDG framework. Such funds would also helppropel work emerging from the Summit of the Future.The G20 should support research text-mining Voluntary National Reviews andVoluntary Local Reviews for success stories tackling poverty and hunger, deliveringsocial protection and basic services, including universal health care on issues such asmaternal mortality and life expectancy. For the one G20 country that has not produced aVNR-the United States-propose a timeline to enable the US to align with the widelyadopted norm of voluntary reporting.The G20 should prioritize and fund the collection of community-based, disaggregateddata by race, gender, income, and locality in G20 countries to track and measure progress on the SDGs. Disaggregated data should also be a priority of foreign aid from G20countries in the service of Leave No One Behind.The G20 should create a standing item on its agenda for sharing best practices andlessons, drawing on the work of the Consortium and the data discussed above.
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