
Mitigating Ai-generated Disinformation: A Cyber Collaborative Framework For G7 Governance

Leonardo De Agostini (EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)), Beatrice Catena (EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)), Simona Autolitano (Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS))


In an increasingly multipolar and conflict-prone world, witnessing the rise of artificial intelligence(AI), this paper explores the disruptive potential of AI-generated disinformation, a growing threatto global peace and security. The advance of generative AI tools able to rapidly produce convincing“synthetic disinformation”, such as large language models (LLMs), has exponentially amplified thereach and impact of foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) wielded by bothstate actors and non-state actors alike. Against this challenge, the G7 countries have shownproactive leadership in recognising and addressing the threat posed by AI and disinformation, lveraging resources and expertise to develop innovative strategies. Still, the lack of uniformityin regulatory approaches and policies across G7 nations, as well as the compartmentalisationbetween cyber policies and counter-disinformation responses, has resulted in fragmentedsolutions that are now insufficient. This paper argues that tackling AI-generated disinformationwith a cyber-security approach not only offers an effective framework for G7 action but alsopaves the way for broader AI and cyber regulation milestones, leveraging the G7’s role as normsetter in peace, security and global governance.


Leonardo De Agostini (EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)), Beatrice Catena (EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)), Simona Autolitano (Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS))

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