
An Integrated Global Bio-data Governance Framework Enhancing Human Rights And Prosperity


The rapid advancements in biotechnology and the increasing generation, collection, and use ofbiological data (biodata) have revolutionized scientific research and healthcare. However, thecurrent landscape of biodata governance is fragmented, with varying regulations and normsacross jurisdictions, hindering international collaboration and raising concerns about data ownership, access, benefit-sharing, privacy and potential misuse.This policy brief urges the G7 nations to lead this effort through convening an internationalsummit, establishing a multi-stakeholder working group and integrating biodata governance.Specific recommendations include:1) Fund social research to address imbalances in biodata communication.2) Proactively align industry and commercial stakeholder incentives in biodata governancenationally and transnationally.3) Encourage Track II science diplomacy through convening international summits and workinggroups.4) Enable FAIRify data at scale though pilot interdisciplinary capacity building for practitioners.Urgent action and international cooperation are imperative to uphold human rights, facilitateresponsible innovation transnationally, promote public trust and health equities, and contributeto the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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