

Policy Briefs contain recommendations or visions and cover policy areas that are of interest to G20 policymakers. The majority of the Policy Briefs has been developed by a corresponding T20 Task Force.

T20 Recommendations Reports tie related policy proposals made under different G20 Presidencies into a common policy advice framework. They aim to leverage connections between T20 research organizations as well as other stakeholders to address well-defined global problems, in order to support G20 policymakers and to aid business and civil society organizations in complementing G20 policy efforts.

Policy Briefs

Climate-Induced Displacement and Migration: A Proposed Framework for G20 Collaboration
Sampurna Sarkar - WWF-India, Anamitra Anurag Danda - WWF-India and Senior Visiting Fellow
“Talent is evenly distributed, but opportunities are not” – impact sourcing as an enabler for tomorrow’s digital creatives in the Global South
Sandra Flicke-Loetzsch, Fabiola Frick - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Creative jobs will drive the post-pandemic world of work
Prateek Kukreja - Indian Council for Research on International Economics Relations (ICRIER) India, Rehan Kunal Jagota - Indian Council for Research on International Economics Relations (ICRIER) India
Equitable Growth in the 21st Century: Addressing Migration Challenges through G20 Multilateralism
Nidhi Piplani Kapur - South East Technological University, Mrunal Sule - Symbiosis Centre for European Studies, Viddhi Thakker - Paris
Social Inclusion in Cities 3.0
Michael Cohen - Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment
Intersecting Vol.11
Ramiro Albrieu - CIPPEC, Nicolas J.A. Buchoud - Global Solutions Initiative, Michael Cohen - Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment, Rainer Kern - Enjoy Jazz Festival, Shuva Raha - Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
Delivering on the promise of immigration: How Canadian businesses can promote immigration equity and help achieve sustainable economic growth
Ellen Corkery Dooher - PwC Canada, Ingrid Carlson, Tyler Totman - PwC Canada, Ilija Meseldzija - PwC Canada, Alexandra McCalden - PwC Canada, Ashintya Singh - PwC Canada
Improving Immigrants’ Integration in Host Countries
Christopher Schütt, Gianluca Grimalda - Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Lena Detlefsen
Investment in Social Capital and Migrant Labour as a Solution for Population Ageing
Konosoang Sobane, Wilfred Lunga - Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), South Africa
Role of G20 in Designing Immigration Policies to Support Population Aging
Güven Sak - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Omar Kadkoy - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)
Strengthening Data on Migration to Inform Policy Making
Katharine Donato, Marcela Cerrutti, Mariana Beheran, Silvia Giorgiuli
Barriers to access to education for migrant children
Faton Bislimi, Fawwaz A. Momani, Ismael Nouns, Konosoang Sobane, Wilfred Lunga - Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), South Africa
Sustainable Way of Social Integration: Job Generation – How to Estimate and Compare the Cost of Employing One More Refugee?
Güven Sak - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Ayşegül Düşündere, Omar Kadkoy - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Murat Kenanoğlu - Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey
Keeping the Knowledge Flowing: Policy Recommendations for Supporting High-skill Migration
Charles P. Martin-Shields - German Development Institute (DIE), Katrina Munir-Asen
Preparing Cities to Manage Migration
Alice Charles, Dilip Guna, Hazem Galal - PwC
Getting into School: Looking for Indicators of Integration
Güven Sak - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Murat Kenanoğlu - Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, Omar Kadkoy - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Ayşegül Düşündere, Seçil Gülbudak Dil
Regional Integration and Migration between Low-and-Middle-Income Countries: Regional initiatives need to be strengthened
Afaf Rahim, Benjamin Schraven, Claas Schneiderheinze - Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Eva Dick, Matteo Villa - Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale (ISPI), Matthias Lücke - Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Building Global Governance for ‘Climate Refugees’
Aarsi Sagar, Benjamin Schraven, Cristina Cattaneo, Emily Wilkinson, Katriona McGlade, Lloyd Axworthy, Nedson Pophiwa, R. Andreas Kraemer - Ecologic Institute, Berlin (Germany)
The G20 Countries Should Assume Leadership of the Forced Migration Crisis and Mitigate the Deficiencies of the Existing Governance System
Syed Munir Khasru - Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG), Kazi Mitul Mahmud, Avia Nahreen
G20 Policy Makers Should Support Wider Religious Roles in Refugee Resettlement
Shaun Casey, Attalah Fitzgibbon, Azza Karam, Dr. Majbritt Lyck-Bowen, Katherine Marshall, Ulrich Nitschke, Dr. Mark Owen, Isabel Phiri, Alberto Quatrucci, Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Msgr. Robert Vitillo
Forced Migrants: Labour Market Integration and Entrepreneurship
Güven Sak - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Omar Kadkoy - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Murat Kenanoğlu - Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, Timur Kaymaz
Education and Skills Development in the Context of Forced Migration
Astrid Skala-Kuhmann - Global Partnership, Barbara Sabitzer, Daniel Taras, Faton Bislimi, Fawwaz A. Momani, Ismael Nouns, Jaya Josie, Kenan Engin, Konosoang Sobane, Timur Kaymaz, Vladimir Zuev
More Financial Burden-Sharing for Developing Countries that Host Refugees
Matthias Lücke - Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Claas Schneiderheinze - Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW)
Access to education for migrant and displaced students in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic: Challenges and good practices for reducing inequality
Andrea Escobar Vilá - Fundación Empresarios por la Educación, Denisse Gelber - Laboratorio de Investigación e Innovación en Educación para América Latina y el Caribe, SUMMA, Javier González, Carlos Maldonado Valera - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, CEPAL, Javiera Muñoz - Consultant Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, CEPAL, Belky Ríos - Fundación Empresarios por la Educación, Diego Alejandro Sánchez - Fundación Empresarios por la Educación, Daniela Trucco - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, CEPAL
Human mobility: Towards enhanced integration and social cohesion
Dominik Hangartner, Angelo Martelli - LSE, Bilal Malaeb - LSE
Developmental social protection for refugees in the aftermath of Covid-19
Maria Gabriella Breglia - University of Rome Tor Vergata, Furio Camillo Rosati - University of Rome Tor Vergata
Post-pandemic economic recovery in developing countries: The return migrant community as a driving force
Nikhil Panicker - Faculty of Arts, Design and Social Sciences, Northumbria University; and The International Institute of Migration and Development (IIMAD), S. Irudaya Rajan - The International Institute of Migration and Development (IIMAD)
Reducing vulnerability and precarity of low-skilled women in short-term migration from the global south: Key policy recommendations for the G20
Sawsan Abdulrahim - American University Beirut, Zahid ul Arefin Choudhury - University of Dhaka, Hagar El Didi - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Patrick Kilby, Nazmun Ratna - Lincoln University, Claudia Ringler - International Food Policy Research Institute, Joyce Wu - University of New South Wales
Vaccinations for migrants and refugees during and after Covid-19
Silvia Declich - National Center for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Maria Grazia Dente - National Centre for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Giulia De Ponte - National Centre for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Pier Luigi Lopalco - Department of Translational Research on New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa, Maurizio Marceca - Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Giulia Marchetti - National Centre for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Maria Laura Russo - Italian Society of Migration Medicine (SIMM), Lara Tavoschi - Department of Translational Research on New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa, Maria Elena Tosti - National Centre for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Towards a triple win: Transforming circular migration into circular skill mobility schemes
Afaf Rahim ERC - Virides Project (VUB), Glenn Rayp - Ghent University and UNU-CRIS, Ilse Ruyssen - Ghent University and UNU-CRIS
Supporting Diasporas during and after Covid-19. Improved roles for global, regional and local governance
Hanne Beirens - MPI Europe, Oleg Chirița - ICMPD, Marta Foresti - ODI Europe, Matthias Luecke - Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Linguère Mously Mbaye - African Development Bank, Aurélie Sgro - EU Global Diaspora Facility, ICMPD, Matteo Villa - Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale (ISPI)
Promoting economic and social inclusion of migrant workers
Haya Al-Dajani - Mohammed Bin Salman College for Business and Entrepreneurship (MBSC), Marija Babovic - University of Belgrade, Dinah Bennett - Enterprise Development, Women’s Economic Imperative, Simona Formica - NoGap, Anne Jenkins - Women’s Economic Imperative, Fabio Masini - Roma Tre University, Ernestine Ning - Coventry University, Sandy Onyalo - Ujeengo Global Community, Smita Premchander - Sampark, Krupa Sriram - Sampark, Margo Thomas - Women’s Economic Imperative
Environment, migration and urbanisation: Challenges and solutions for low- and middle-income countries
Roman Hoffmann - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Raya Muttarak - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Education for migrant youths
Sara Lechtenberg-Kasten - King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC), Tim Frazier - Georgetown University, Sarah Bakhsh - Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
Local leadership: Preparing for the future of work and fostering immigrant inclusivity
Omar Kadkoy - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Güven Sak - The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)
Decent jobs and inclusive social policies in home countries: Key factors for limiting illegal migration
Amal El Ouassif - Policy Center for the New South, Tayeb Ghazi - Policy Center for the New South
Offering virtual consultative services to improve lives of refugees awaiting resettlement at camps
Amani Alkofide - King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Viqaruddin Mohammed - King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre
Refugees and host economies
Yusuf Emre Akgündüz - Sabanci University, Abdurrahman B. Aydemir - Sabanci University, Murat Güray Kirdar - Bogazici University, Semih Tümen - TED University
Integration of migrants as a three-way process and its implications on the future of training and education
Murat Kenanoğlu - Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, Sibel Güven - Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey
Assessing trends in global youth immigrants in selected countries of Africa and Asia
Oluyemi O. Fayomi - Admiralty University of Nigeria, Oluwayemisi A. Adepoju - Westland University, Adeniyi T. Adetunji - Admiralty University of Nigeria, Maryam Sali - National Universities Commission
The G2020 protocol on forced migration: A new approach to solve the burden-sharing problem of forced migration and ensure lives in safety and dignity
Manuel Schubert - Behavia – Behavioral Public Policy and Economics, Fahad A. Alsharif - King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS)

Global Solutions Hubs

At our Global Solutions Hubs, you will find policy recommendations, solutions and experts on the policy areas of the G20 and T20. They cover the topics that are at the heart of the Global Solutions Initiative.
Do you have ideas for a Global Solutions Hub or would you like to submit your own Solution Session? Please contact us ([email protected]).
Public attitudes to asylum and refugee policies: What are the implications for policy-making?

Following the large increase in the number of refugees and other migrants applying for asylum in Europe in 2015-16, EU Member States have been engaged in highly divisive debates about how to reform the EU’s asylum and refugee policies. To debate and decide on competing ideas about policy reform, it is crucial that we understand better the public’s preferences for the various different dimensions of asylum and refugee policies. What asylum and refugee policies do Europeans want, and why? How does the design of asylum and refugee policies affect public support and opposition? How do the answers to these questions vary across European countries? And what are the implications for policy debates in Europe and beyond?

MEDAM researchers have analyzed public attitudes to asylum and refugee policies in eight EU Member States: Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Sweden. Their findings show remarkable similarities in public policy preferences across European countries: Europeans want to protect refugees but prefer a policy approach that sets limits and conditions. And as long as there are elements of control, the findings show that even individuals with low trust in European institutions can systematically support policies that provide protection and assistance to refugees.

The aim of this Global Table is to discuss the available evidence on public preferences for asylum and refugee policies and consider the implications for policy-making. The debate will also shed light on how Europeans’ attitudes to asylum and refugee protection compare to public policy preferences in other regions of the world, and address the implications for non-European G20 countries.

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Martin Ruhs
European University Institute
Asli Selin Okyay
Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy
Franziska Brantner
Deutscher Bundestag
Roberto Suro
University of Southern California
What can the G20 do to respond to demographic challenges and shape policies for migrants and refugees?

The demographic structure of G20 countries differs significantly: Aging societies, such as Japan or European countries face significant challenges for their welfare states and the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies. Young societies, such as Turkey or Saudi Arabia, face significant challenges with youth unemployment and the school-to-work transition. This Global Table will address policy responses for aging and young societies, the interconnection of these, as well as the role of migration in shaping future societies.

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Mehmet Şimşek
Republic of Turkey
Güven Sak
The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)
Astrid Skala-Kuhmann
Global Partnership
Naoyuki Yoshino
Financial Research Centre, FSA Institute

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