
Global Challenges to Migration after COVID-19

Migration is a structural and multifaceted phenomenon. It poses challenges and presents opportunities in contexts of origin as well as the destination. It puts to test multilateral coordination. The pandemic, by exacerbating underlying social and economic challenges, generates additional implications for migration trends and governance. These are just some of … Read more

Lilian Busse

Since April 2015, Dr. Lilian Busse is leading the Division of Environmental Health and the Protection of Ecosystems at the German Environment Agency (UBA). Since September 2021 she has been the Vice President of UBA. The tasks of the division include the protection of freshwater, coastal, marine and polar ecosystems as … Read more

What can the G20 do: Sustainable and smart urbanization

Urbanization and urban demographics are shaping a world both more complex and more unstable, spiraling up with digital transformations and un precedented levels of systemic risks -as illustrated by the covid19 pandemic. While the pivotal role of urbanization for social development and safeguarding the environment has been widely acknowledged since … Read more

The policy implications of geoeconomic strategies

The last few years have been marked by a growing geostrategic rivalry between China and the United States. At the same time, a shift from a rules-based to a more power-based international order has taken place. This becomes evident in the increasing usage of economic instruments such as trade policy … Read more

Interview by Nicolas Buchoud with Amal Fatani

Urbanization and urban demographics are shaping a world both more complex and more unstable, spiraling up with digital transformations and un precedented levels of systemic risks -as illustrated by the covid19 pandemic. While the pivotal role of urbanization for social development and safeguarding the environment has been widely acknowledged since … Read more

Keynote: Valdis Dombrovskis Panel: The New Trade Governance Agenda

Our global rulebook of trade is outdated. It does not accommodate geopolitical power shifts, it is unfit to cope with the rapid internationalization of state-owned enterprises, it has little to say on the challenges brought about by the digitalization of business models and it is often seen as hindering rather … Read more

Opening Keynote by Fahad M. Alturki

We live in a world of rising nationalisms and proliferating global problems, ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change. With regard to the global problems, all people are in the same boat: everyone prospers or everyone fails. Nation states rightly have a wide range of responsibilities towards their citizens, … Read more

Vision Statement by Tunç Soyer

Urbanization and urban demographics are shaping a world both more complex and more unstable, spiraling up with digital transformations and un precedented levels of systemic risks -as illustrated by the covid19 pandemic. While the pivotal role of urbanization for social development and safeguarding the environment has been widely acknowledged since … Read more

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