
Christian Kastrop

CEO and Partner, Global Solutions Initiative Former Program Chair, The New Institute Former State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Germany Former Director, European Program, Bertelsmann Foundation Former Director General, Department of Policy Studies, OECD Former President, Economic Policy Committee (EPC), ECOFIN Ministers Council and Eurogroup, Brussels Former … Read more

Interview: Enrico Giovannini Panel: Leveling up to tackle regional disparities

Inequality between regions is an important driver of the decoupling of economic and social prosperity. Economic prosperity is increasingly spatially concentrated, while left-behind regions struggle with poverty, bad education, inferior health, political extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic disruptions have created new spaces for change, as citizens and decision-makers around the globe … Read more

Vision Statement Gilbert Doumit

The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, … Read more

Keynote Arun Maira

The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, … Read more

Constrained by Accounting

Enabling and accelerating the net zero transition can only be achieved by recognising intangibles as the assets that underpin value creation in today’s economy. New breakthrough innovations in economics and accounting make this possible. These assets are people and relationships, networks and innovation. They are not fixed assets. They are … Read more

Building a Better Future of Work

What began as a global health crisis in 2020 developed into an economic one, resulting in widespread business failures and social and political upheaval. Poor, marginalised, and vulnerable communities, as well as their workforces, have been disproportionately affected, and while vaccines are allowing many countries to begin reopening borders, economies, … Read more

GSS2024 – YGC Awards

2024 RECOUPLING AWARDS The Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards is an essential part of the Global Solutions Summit. The awards  recognize impactful, youth-led projects that drive change on the ground, while also serving as an inspiration beyond their immediate impact. 15 young non-profit leaders, social entrepreneurs, and civic activists from around the … Read more

Opening Address by Dennis Snower

We live in a world of rising nationalisms and proliferating global problems, ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change. With regard to the global problems, all people are in the same boat: everyone prospers or everyone fails. Nation states rightly have a wide range of responsibilities towards their citizens, … Read more

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