
A Package of Reforms for Financing Pandemic Preparedness and Response

COVID-19 has demonstrated how woefully unprepared the global health architecture is to manage a pandemic and shown the detrimental consequences of insufficient and fragmented financing for outbreak preparedness, prevention, and response (PPR). Swift action must be taken to accelerate global efforts to ensure adequate funding and governance for global health … Read more

Insulating Global Food Supply from the Threat of Weaponisation

The Russia-Ukraine war has led to a global food supply crunch due to port closures and the suspension of agricultural processing activities, which many have termed an act of food weaponisation. This has led to price surges in grains and fertilisers, exacerbating the challenges of food and nutrition security for … Read more

Advancing the Transformation of Agroecological Food Systems to Achieve Zero Hunger

Today‘s food systems are unable to ensure access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for all, and they contribute to ecological degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change. The agroecological transformation of food systems is a promising way to effectively support SustainableDevelopmentalGoal(SDG)2 (zero hunger). TheDeutscheGesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has … Read more

Building Risk Resilience Through Digital Technology

The increasing incidence of disasters and the emergence of other risks are widening protectiongaps, particularly in developing countries where resources and institutions often fall short ofwhat is needed. To soften the burden on governments and households, it is important to findinnovative solutions that will strengthen countries’ resilience and, therefore, narrow … Read more

A Comprehensive User Experience Strategy to Make DPI More Accessible and Inclusive for All

Many countries have prioritised online health, education, social protection, and justice services to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This has meant simplifying various government-citizen digital operations. The World Bank’s ‘Identification for Development’ initiative, for instance, is helping 49 nations deploy digital IDs, thereby increasing the demand for digital public infrastructure (DPI). … Read more

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