
Reformed MDBS for a Just Energy Transition in Emerging Economies

Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) are potentially an important source of finance for low-carbon transition pathways and just transition in the emerging economies. However, there is increasing concern among the developing countries that MDBs are unable to mobilise adequate finance to be in line with the global goals. The G20 injected … Read more

Harnessing the G20’s Potential for Global Counter- Ransomware Efforts

Ransomware attacks have emerged as a massive cybersecurity challenge for states, civil society, the private sector, and individuals around the world. These attacks have disrupted national and commercial computer networks, caused data breaches, and in 2021 alone cost the global economy an estimated US$20 billion. Multilateral and plurilateral initiatives are … Read more

Reform Subsidies Harmful to Nature

G7 countries are actively working to repurpose agricultural subsidies to reduce unintended effects on nature (across climate, biodiversity and lands impacts). The G7 has a key role to play on agricultural subsidies discussions in the World Trade Organization. At the WTO and elsewhere, the G7 should move to replace subsidies … Read more

Aligning Climate And Biodiversity Finance

The G7 can provide a powerful signal on resource mobilization for biodiversity and climate change ahead of the Biodiversity Convention COP15 in Kunming to ensure that financing efforts to address the global climate crisis and the global biodiversity crisis are synergistic and mutually re-enforcing.  G7 countries should commit to allocate … Read more

Towards a Multilateral Framework for Digital Public Infrastructure

As the current G20 chair, India confronts the challenge of affirming the forum’s value for consensus-building and collective action in times of heightened geopolitical tensions. A key opportunity for this is a structured and prudent agenda on Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). The broad availability of performant and secure DPI is … Read more

Using Debt Conversions to Support the Sustainability Agenda

Countries across the global are facing a sovereign debt challenge in the wake of the economic impacts of Covid. This will likely result in an increasing need for debt restructuring and debt forgiveness operations. As global institutions look at this issue, they have an opportunity to ensure that these restructuring … Read more

Principles and Guidelines for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition

The G20 has emphasised the need to ensure an energy transition that is just, inclusive, and sustainable. The grouping adopted an energy transition strategy, the ‘Decade of Actions: Bali Energy Transition Roadmap’, during the Indonesian presidency in 2022. An important component of the Bali Roadmap is the ‘Presidency Troika’ action … Read more

A Reform Proposal for a Fit-For-Purpose International Monetary Fund

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a pillar of the international monetary system, providing multilateral surveillance of countries’ economic and financial policies. It also provides short-term funding for countries facing macroeconomic and/ or balance of payment stresses. As the needs for its surveillance and lending activities increase, the IMF has … Read more

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