
Melissa Leach

Melissa Leach is Director of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex. She co-founded and co-directed the ESRC STEPS (Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability) Centre (www.steps-centre.org) from 2006 – 2014. As a social anthropologist she has carried out long-term ethnographic fieldwork in West Africa … Read more

Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven

Development economist with more than 30 years of international experience (strong focus on sustainability and climate issues) Formerly served as World Bank Group Executive Director representing Germany Formerly held various high-level positions in the BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development), e.g. as Director-General focusing on displacement and … Read more

Harnessing the Potential—and Mitigating the Risks—of Using Digital Innovation to Build a More Climate-Resilient, Prosperous, and Democratic World

Humanity faces complex challenges across social, economic, and ecological dimensions. The window of opportunity for mitigating or reversing the most harmful effects of megatrends such as climate change is quickly closing. The coming decade could be a critical turning point. It will also likely be characterized by unprecedented technological innovation … Read more

Promoting Zero- Emission Trucking Across Developing Nations

The trucking sector plays a critical role in a country’s economy. Globally, trucks account for only 4 percent of the on-road fleet but are responsible for 27 percent of greenhouse gas emissions (MacDonnell and Façanha, 2021). In developing nations, trucking demand is growing steadily, driven by the increase in economic … Read more

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