
Keynote Tetsushi Sonobe

The Solution Session “Building forward better. The contribution of international cooperation to the urban responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) and Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and … Read more

The Great Realignment for a better future

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on how interdependent the world has become: the virus has spread across the world in no time, has brought economies down and global debt levels up. It has shown how fragile many achievements are: inequalities were exposed and trust in government was eroded … Read more

Vision Statement Gianluca Grimalda

The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, … Read more

Keynote: Minister Jens Spahn Panel: Pandemic preparedness as a global challenge

Not only the fair distribution of vaccines against the coronavirus is currently a central challenge of the international community. Also, the establishment of effective and resilient public health systems including skilled personnel, disease prevention and monitoring, and access to treatments remain important for global health and pandemic preparedness. The Covid-19 … Read more

Vision Statement Izumi Ohno

The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, … Read more

Development and Justice Through Transformation: The Four Big ‘I’s

The full report is available here. 2015 saw a historic double success for sustainability and climate policy. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Paris Agreement on climate protection establish a system of ambitious policy goals for the world. The group of twenty … Read more

Advancing AI for Climate Action: Global Collaboration on Intelligent Decarbonisation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) combined with cyber-physical systems (CPS) can play a vital role in eliminating greenhouse gas emissions across sectors. The transition from fossil fuels to renewables is achieved through electrification, introducing complexity in systems deployment, integration, and efficient orchestration of electrified economic systems. AI-driven CPS are uniquely suited to … Read more

Tackling Multidimensional Gender Inequality In G20 Countries

The conversation around multidimensional gender inequalities across education, care economy, economic security, safety, and investment in social development at the G20 is key to accelerating progress towards achieving all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and building a net-zero world. This policy brief focuses on these issues, examining the impact of COVID-19 … Read more

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