
The role of civil society and businesses for fostering recoupling

There is growing consensus that shareholder primacy has been a source of disconnect between the objectives of most businesses and the common good. Moreover, with pervasive tax evasion and growing concentration in most markets, the power of corporations and of corporate leaders is seen as a threat to sound governance … Read more

Vision Statement by Thomas Reiter

We live in a world of rising nationalisms and proliferating global problems, ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change. With regard to the global problems, all people are in the same boat: everyone prospers or everyone fails. Nation states rightly have a wide range of responsibilities towards their citizens, … Read more

Global Solutions Summit 2023: Making Global Climate Action Work

Achieving net-zero emissions is essential to limit the rapid increase in global temperature. With its latest synthesis report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its final warning: Without additional abatement, projected CO2 emissions will exceed the remaining carbon budget to stay within the limit of a 1.5-degree Celsius … Read more

Keynote by Dennis Ostwald

The COVID-19 crisis has exposed many fundamental aspects of our society. The world needs to transcend the challenges laid bare by the crisis. There is a clear need to move beyond today’s polarization to future guided by partnership and collaboration to create a better and fairer world. How can we … Read more

Alan Alexandroff

Alan S Alexandroff is currently the Director of the Global Summitry Project and teaches at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, the University of Toronto. Dr. Alexandroff leads efforts designed to evaluate the adequacy and evolution of global summitry and the institutional and policy proposals in the global … Read more

Sustainable bioeconomy and stable food systems

Sustainable Energy, Water, and Food Systems​ What can the G20 do to promote a sustainable bioeconomy and stable food systems? The required move from a fossil fuel-based economy to a bioeconomy, characterized by a sustainable use of renewable resources, entails a number of trade-offs that need to be addressed. Policy-makers … Read more

Wealth and Health: contribution of health businesses to recoupling

The COVID-19 crisis has exposed many fundamental aspects of our society. The world needs to transcend the challenges laid bare by the crisis. There is a clear need to move beyond today’s polarization to future guided by partnership and collaboration to create a better and fairer world. How can we … Read more

Circular Resources for our Common Future: Cities as Drivers – Day 1

This event brought together stakeholders from local governments, city commissioners, businesses, think tanks and international organizations to discuss environmental protection and resource efficiency within cities and urban areas as drivers and implementers of circular economy. The event focused on three pillars: Understanding, Envisioning and Implementing and use interactive peer-learning formats. … Read more

Summit Round-Up: Interview with Peter Bakker & Robert Moritz

The closing interview of the Global Solutions Summit’s Round-up 2020 highlights lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and how we can better link wealth, health and societal goods. Peter Bakker, President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and Bob Moritz, Chairman of PwC, discuss in detail … Read more

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