
Global Solutions Summit 2023: Solving Global Challenges Together

Solving Global Challenges Together: Towards a Global Approach of Peace, Dialogue and Capacity Building As geopolitical tensions rise ominously in many regions around the globe, the need for strategic cooperation and collective action is now more pressing than ever. Issues requiring strategic cooperation abound: Achieving the Agenda 2030 against the … Read more

Global action for migrants and refugees

Migration and Young Societies What can the G20 do to respond to demographic challenges and shape policies for migrants and refugees? The demographic structure of G20 countries differs significantly: Aging societies, such as Japan or European countries face significant challenges for their welfare states and the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies. … Read more

Global Solutions Summit 2023: Transforming Global Value Chains

Transforming Global Value Chains: Good Jobs, Sustainability and Gains from Trade Rapid globalization, characterized by a proliferation of global value chains, has produced huge economic gains through cost savings, but it has come at the cost of social cohesion and environmental health. The rapid abandonment of production locations is harmful … Read more

Keynote by Mehmet Simsek

The demographic structure of G20 countries differs significantly: Aging societies, such as Japan or European countries face significant challenges for their welfare states and the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies. Young societies, such as Turkey or Saudi Arabia, face significant challenges with youth unemployment and the school-to-work transition. This Global Table … Read more

Vision Statement by Zeinab Elbakri

Curated and produced by the Women’s Economic Imperative In this final decade for realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and in light of the yet unfolding economic and social impacts of the pandemic, it essential to take a multi-disciplinary and inclusive approach to the response and recovery discussions aimed at identifying … Read more

Vision Statement by Naoyuki Yoshino

The demographic structure of G20 countries differs significantly: Aging societies, such as Japan or European countries face significant challenges for their welfare states and the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies. Young societies, such as Turkey or Saudi Arabia, face significant challenges with youth unemployment and the school-to-work transition. This Global Table … Read more

A human centered trading system

Trade, Investment, and Growth What can the G20 do to ensure a human centered trading system that benefits all countries? While the world economy continues to be as connected by trade in goods and services as never before, the institutions governing global trade face an enduring crisis. Complemented by my-country-first … Read more

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