
Global Solutions Summit 2023: Recalibrating International Relations

Tectonic shifts in the world order, caused by changing dynamics of power and growth among nation states, keep causing quakes and eruptions. At the same time, all the world’s nations share one planet and are intricately intertwined by globalization. Ultimately, they are all in the same boat. In the face … Read more

What can the G20 do: COVID-19 and the financial systems

What can the G20 and Central Banks do to deal with monetary and financial challenges in context of the COVID-19 crisis while preparing the way to a new normal in monetary policy? The discussion about ending the exceptional monetary and financial measures and policy strategies adopted after the 2008 Financial … Read more

Educational systems of the future

Economy, Employment, and Education in the Digital Age What can the G20 do to shape a coherent, inclusive and forward-looking educational system?  The global economy is being transformed by technological advances such as artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing techniques and technology-enabled platforms, inducing structural shifts in our labour markets. The ongoing … Read more

YGC Statement on Social Cohesion

In the context of recent dynamics propelled by globalization and technological developments, the trust in political institutions has diminished in many parts of the world and led to a surge of parties selfportraying as anti-establishment, often promoting nativism and xenophobia. This trend undermines the support for multilateralism and effective global … Read more

Summit 2024 Homepage

The Global Solutions Summit is an international conference aimed at addressing key policy challenges facing the G20 and G7 and other global governance fora. Since 2017, the Global Solutions Summit has provided an intense, two-day forum for the world’s leading minds to propose expert-based policy recommendations for the G20, G7 … Read more

Fighting inequality through progressive taxation

Curated and produced by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Global income and wealth inequality have increased dramatically in the last decade. Public money for acutely needed action on social and environmental problems is missing. The excessive wealth concentration erodes our societies’ social contracts and challenges the independence of democratic institutions. Calls for progressive … Read more

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