
What can the G20 do to support city leadership on the SDGs?

Curated and produced by Tony Pipa, Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, in a world of rapid urbanization, mayors and municipal officials were increasingly demonstrating their leadership in accelerating social and economic progress to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their local priorities have taken on … Read more

Keynote by Simon Zadek

Curated and produced by DFTF/BMU/GIZ With only 10 years left to realize the 2030 Agenda, there is a common call to boost finance from additional funding sources in order to accelerate sustainable action. At the same time, new finance options and innovative tools are emerging and fueling the international debate … Read more

Towards humanistic metrics of success for G20 economies

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the relationship between the market economy, state and society in almost every country worldwide. While the economy paused and literally shut down in many countries during the first wave of the pandemic, the state and civil society have gained new significance in protecting people from … Read more

Recoupling: The driver of Human Success

This article’s point of departure is that most of life’s challenges are collective challenges, to be addressed through collective action that can be successful only when people act beyond enlightened self-interest. This is the opposite of the methodological individualism that underlies mainstream economic and political analysis. The core idea is … Read more

Shuva Raha

Shuva Raha Shuva leads CEEW’s strategic initiatives on energy-development-climate geopolitics – energy access, security and transition, industrial decarbonisation, circular economies of resources, and the imperative for sustainable living amidst economic transformation. She engages with governments, industry and institutions to integrate jobs, growth and sustainability, take ‘The India Story’ global, and … Read more

John Kirton

Founder and Director, G7 Research Group and G20 Research Group Co-Director, BRICS Research Group, based at Trinity College at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in the University of Toronto Professor of Political Science

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