
Vision Statement by Peter Head

The outbreak of the viral COVID-19 pandemic has brutally exposed weaknesses in existing infrastructure systems: “grey infrastructure” expansion and the associated destruction of ecosystems facilitate the spread of zoonotic diseases, whilst excessive reliance on just-in-time transport infrastructure and value chains increases our vulnerability to global shocks. At the same time, … Read more

Keynote by Vera Songwe

The work of the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment (UNHLP-WEE), completed in 2017, focused on several key issues that are particularly relevant for the building back better and increasing the resiliency of women and girls in the face of future economic, environmental and social shocks. This … Read more

Keynote by Paul Collier

In the context of recent dynamics propelled by globalization and technological developments, the trust in political institutions has diminished in many parts of the world and led to a surge of parties selfportraying as anti-establishment, often promoting nativism and xenophobia. This trend undermines the support for multilateralism and effective global … Read more

YGC Statement on Recoupling

We live in a world of rising nationalisms and proliferating global problems, ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change. With regard to the global problems, all people are in the same boat: everyone prospers or everyone fails. Nation states rightly have a wide range of responsibilities towards their citizens, … Read more

What can the G20 do: Social cohesion through business and politics

In the context of recent dynamics propelled by globalization and technological developments, the trust in political institutions has diminished in many parts of the world and led to a surge of parties selfportraying as anti-establishment, often promoting nativism and xenophobia. This trend undermines the support for multilateralism and effective global … Read more

The International Financial System in Distress

The economic transformation needed to recouple economic growth with social prosperity and environmental sustainability will require a significant amount of financial resources. These financial needs come against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has triggered massive fiscal spending for supporting the economy and improving public health. Central banks have … Read more

Colm Kelly

Colm is PwC’s Global Leader for Corporate Sustainability, and a member of the Global Markets Leadership Team His previous roles with PwC globally include Global Leader of the Tax and Legal Services business and Global Chief Operations Officer. Prior to this, Colm was the leader of the PwC Ireland Tax … Read more

What can the G20 do: The future of accounting and reporting

Curated and produced by the Value Balancing Alliance  The value balancing alliance e.V. (VBA) is a non-profit organization founded in June 2019 by global companies to develop and promote a methodology to assess company’s impacts on nature, society, and the economy in monetary terms along the value chain. In addition, … Read more

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