Global Solutions Summit 2023: Solving Global Challenges Together
Summit 2023
Solving Global Challenges Together: Towards a Global Approach of Peace, Dialogue and Capacity Building As geopolitical tensions rise ominously in many regions around the globe, the need for strategic cooperation and collective action is now more pressing than ever. Issues requiring strategic cooperation abound: Achieving the Agenda 2030 against the ... Read more
Global Solutions Summit 2023: Promoting Social Well-being in Times of Transformation and Uncertainty
Summit 2023
“People are the real wealth of a nation,” declared the very first Human Development Report (UNDP, 1990). Without peoples’ support, necessary major transformations needed to solve the world’s global challenges will not succeed. Hence, governments and economies should serve societies by putting people at the center of their decision-making and ... Read more
Global Solutions Summit 2023: Recalibrating International Relations
Summit 2023
Tectonic shifts in the world order, caused by changing dynamics of power and growth among nation states, keep causing quakes and eruptions. At the same time, all the world’s nations share one planet and are intricately intertwined by globalization. Ultimately, they are all in the same boat. In the face ... Read more
Global Solutions Summit 2023: A Conversation with Nobel Laureate Oliver Hart
Summit 2023
How Can Companies Behave in a More Socially Responsible Way? A Conversation with Nobel Laureate Oliver Hart. Companies maximize profit or shareholder value, which does not always lead to good social outcomes. How can eliciting shareholders’ social preferences lead companies to behave in a more socially responsible way than currently? ... Read more

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