Community session: Sustainable infrastructure standards – “building back better together”?
Policy Area:
Community sessions
Summit 2022
This session is curated by the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University and Heinrich-Boell-Foundation. Promoting socially, economically and environmentally sustainable infrastructure is essential for “building back better”; it will be the enabler of a great transformation towards human well-being within planetary boundaries. Returns on investment should not only ... Read more
Community session: Setting the foundations of global social cohesion
Policy Area:
Community sessions
Summit 2022
This session is curated by Gianluca Grimalda, Senior Researcher, Kiel Institute for the World Economy. The spread of the COVID19 pandemic has made the existence of safety nets as important as ever. The World Bank estimates that as many as 100 million people have become poor as an effect of ... Read more
Community session: Addressing the Geopolitics of Global Health Challenges Ahead
Policy Area:
Community sessions
Summit 2022
This session is curated by the World Health Summit. The G7’s engagement with global health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic leads to four lessons about the relationship between global health and geopolitics. They relate to the interface of domestic and foreign policy, the impact of geopolitics on pandemic response, ... Read more
Community session: Addressing distributional issues of carbon pricing
Policy Area:
Community sessions
Summit 2022
This session is curated by Sonja Peterson, Senior Researcher, Kiel Institute for the World Economy. To reach the temperature targets of the Paris-Agreement and avoid dangerous interference with the climate system (Article 2, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) the global economy needs to quickly decarbonize and there is ... Read more
Community session: China-West dialogues to ease geopolitical tensions amid a new era of war in Europe
Policy Area:
Community sessions
Summit 2022
This session is curated by Colin Bradford, Fellow, Global Solutions Initiative. The confrontational narratives between the United States and China undermine opportunities and imperatives for constructive competition and collaboration.??They threaten to create a world divided into two blocs and to overwhelm global cooperation and multilateralism, at a crucial moment. ??The ... Read more
T20 TF9 Blending public and private funds to close the SDGs financing gap
This session is curated by T20 Task Force 9 Lead Co-Chair Bambang Brodjonegoro, Professor, Universitas Indonesia. As the Covid-19 pandemic has unleashed an unprecedented crisis, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) progress are likely to be slow or even reversed. Massive fiscal stimulus packages, backed by piling up external debt, are ... Read more
T20 TF8 Digital transformation in transportation infrastructure development of emerging countries
This session is curated by T20 Task Force 8 Lead Co-Chair Danang Parikesit, Professor, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Rising population versus the challenge of climate change has been our commonplace issue. More population requires more mobility, but it is constrained by the increasing awareness of climate change issues such as carbon ... Read more
Community session: Integrating quality into economic and firm performance indicators
Policy Area:
Community sessions
Summit 2022
This session is curated by Jörg Rocholl, President, ESMT Berlin. On the macroeconomic level, there have been intense discussions for many years on how the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the key measure for the economic activity of a certain country or region in a given time period can be ... Read more
T20 TF7 Designing a resilient global financial system
This session is curated by T20 Task Force 7 Co-Chair Akshay Mathur, Director, ORF Mumbai, Head of ORF Geoeconomics. The global financial system has been exposed to several geopolitical and geoeconomic shocks during the last decade. Pandemic, climate change, and military conflicts have prompted policymakers to introduce better risk assessment ... Read more
Community session: Equity and inclusion for the global recovery
Policy Area:
Community sessions
Summit 2022
This session is curated by Margo Thomas, Fellow, Global Solutions Initiative. The systemic and structural inequities that drive social, health, economic, and environmental disparities, if not addressed will ultimately destroy the viability of every human being irrespective of gender, age, nationality, race and religion. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has sharply ... Read more

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