Policy Brief
Universal Protections
Henrietta Moore (University College London), Andrew Percy (Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL), Rayhaan Lorgat (Institute for Global Prosperity), Katrina Moseley (Institute for Global Prosperity)
Policy Brief
Universal Contributions
Henrietta Moore (University College London), Andrew Percy (Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL), Rayhaan Lorgat (Institute for Global Prosperity), Katrina Moseley (Institute for Global Prosperity)
Policy Brief
Prosperity Index
Henrietta Moore (University College London), Fabio Battaglia (Institute for Global Prosperity), Rayhaan Lorgat (Institute for Global Prosperity), Katrina Moseley (Institute for Global Prosperity)
Policy Brief
The G7 and Multilateralism in Times of Aggression: Maintaining and Strengthening Cooperative and Inclusive Approaches for the Global Common Good
Summit 2022
Marianne Beisheim (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)), Axel Berger (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)), Lars Brozus (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik), Adolf Kloke-Lesch (SDSN Germany), Ronja Scheler (Körber-Stiftung), Silke Weinlich (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS))
Policy Brief
A Seat at the Table: A G7 Partnership With Africa
Summit 2022
Caroline Spanaus (Global Perspectives Initiative), Nora Kiefer (Global Perspectives Initiative), Rhoda Berger (Global Perspectives Initiative), Eric Neumeister (ODI), Joyce Treptow (UNU-MERIT / Maastricht University | Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences)
Policy Brief
Identifying “Impact Hubs” for Agenda 2030 and G7 Commitment to Agenda 2030 “Policy Tags” (SDG Tags)
Summit 2022
Alan Alexandroff (Director, Global Summitry Project), Colin Bradford (China-West Dialogue), Philipp Bien (University of Konstanz)
Policy Brief
Policy and Fiscal Space for Universal Social Protection
Michael Cichon (International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW)), Hajo Lanz (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Policy Brief
Reinforcing United Nations Funding: How the G7 Can Strengthen Multilateralism
Silke Weinlich (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Nilima Gulrajani (Overseas Development Institute), Sebastian Haug (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS))
Policy Brief
Towards Economic and Social Prosperity Measurement Beyond GDP
Jakob Dirksen (Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford), Katharina Lima de Miranda (Kiel Insitute for the World Economy),

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