Policy Brief
Post-Covid-19 to 2030: Early childhood programs as pathway to sustainability in times of global uncertainty
Mathias Urban (Dublin City University, Early Childhood Research Centre), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Muhammad Khurram Khan (Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Jennifer Guevara (Dublin City University, Early Childhood Research Centre), Lynette Okengo (AfECN, African Early Childhood Network), Dwi Priyono (South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization / Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care, Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP)), Rita Flórez Romero (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Grupo de Investigación Cognición y Lenguaje en la Infancia)
Policy Brief
G20 collaborative strategy for SDG 4 Target 4.7: Monitoring progress in education for sustainable development and global citizenship education
Charlotte Holland (Dublin City University), Dinah Bennett (Enterprise Development, Women’s Economic Imperative), Abdul Ghaffar Mughal (Northeastern University), Huan Ni (Shanghai Green Light-Year Environmental Service Center)
Policy Brief
Leveraging private philanthropy towards achieving the SDGS
David Dingus (Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research), Dinah Bennett (Enterprise Development, Women’s Economic Imperative), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Iván Matovich (Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC)), Natasha Ridge (Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research), Jitendra Roychoudhury (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC))
Policy Brief
Integrated policies to improve the Energy-Water-Food System Nexus to achieve the SDGS
Carlo Andrea Bollino (Perugia Energy Environment Research Center (CREEP), University of Perugia, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)), Venkatachalam Anbumozhi (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia), Suresh Babu (International Food Policy Research Institute), Yamaji Eiji (The University of Tokyo), Marzio Galeotti (University of Milan, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC))
Policy Brief
Dealing with interlinkages – A focused approach for implementing the SDGS and overcoming the Covid-19 crisis
Imme Scholz (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)), Adolf Kloke-Lesch (SDSN Germany), Robert Lepenies (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, and GYA), Alex Godoy-Faúndez (SDSN Andes and Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad del Desarrollo, and GlobalYoung Academy (GYA)), Felix Moronta-Barrios (International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, GYA), Anet Režek Jambrak (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, and GYA), Armand Ketcha Malan Kablan (Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (UFHB), and GYA), Moritz Riede (Department of Physics, University of Oxford, and GYA alumni), Yoko Shimpuku (Hiroshima University, and GYA), Teresa Stoepler (InterAcademy Partnership, and GYA)
Global Solutions Hub
Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19
The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, ... Read more
Vision Statement Jorge Gómez-Paredes
The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, ... Read more
Vision Statement Gilbert Doumit
The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, ... Read more
Keynote Arun Maira
The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, ... Read more
Vision Statement Izumi Ohno
The Solution Session “Building forward better – the contribution of international cooperation to the economic responses to Covid-19” is the outcome of a virtual Dialogue series hosted by GIZ over the course of several months. These Dialogues brought together 30 experts and practitioners from academia, private sector and international organisations, ... Read more

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