Global Solutions Hub
Engaging citizens in shaping policies fit for the future: from COVID-19 to climate emergency
Curated and produced by the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) If, as many have argued, the COVID-19 crisis represents a critical juncture, state and non-state actors must work together to ensure a recovery that considers broader objectives than growth alone. The discussion will especially focus on the broad public ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
COVID-19: What can the G20 do to support the Fight against Pandemics in a Globalized World?
The COVID-19 pandemic has once again shown that we need everyone to get involved in a massive effort to keep the world safe. Researchers are working at high speed to understand new viruses, develop treatments and vaccines to curb pandemics and prevent future outbreaks. With COVID-19 new forms of collaboration have emerged for scientists around ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
What can the G20 do to stabilise the world economy in times of the COVID-19 pandemic?
The far-reaching measures enacted by most countries worldwide to contain the COVID-19 pandemic have massive consequences for the economies. The situation affects almost every enterprise, regardless of whether it caters local communities or the global economy. The effects spread across countries as tightly knit global production networks are interrupted. Countries have different capacities to absorb ... Read more
Global Solutions Hub
Decision-Making for Governments and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Why we need a new Office for Global Risk Preparedness
Curated and produced by CRUISSE Network and the UCL Centre for the Study of Decision-Making Uncertainty Policy-making is best understood as enacted in contexts of uncertainty and complexity rather than as a lottery. Radical uncertainty arises when you cannot quantify which factors are going to influence the future in what way and you may not ... Read more
David Sloan Wilson
Binghamton University, USA
David Tuckett
Summit 2020
University College London

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