Policy Brief
Food-Focused Social Protection Measures Before and During the Global Polycrisis: the Brazil and India Experience
Beatriz Burattini (International Policy Centre for Inclusive Development (IPCid)/Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA)), Dipa Sinha (School of Liberal Studies)
Policy Brief
Valuing Water in Agriculture to Reward Farmers’ Actions in Conservation
Prashant Pastore (Water & Sustainable Agriculture), Suhas Wani (Research Program Asia), Ashray Tyagi (Sustainable Water Programme), Kritika Banerjee (Solidaridad Asia)
Policy Brief
‘Arakunomics’ for Millet Cultivation and Fostering Nutritional and Environmental Security
Rohini Mukherjee (Naandi Foundation), Emma Mather-Pike (Naandi Foundation)
Policy Brief
Promoting the Use of LPG for Household Cooking in Developing Countries
Abhishek Kar (Council on Energy), Roshan Wathore (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI)), Arunabha Ghosh (Council on Energy), Shruti Sharma (International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)), Emily Floess (Department of Civil), Andrew Grieshop (Department of Civil), Rob Bailis (Stockholm Environment Institute-United States Centre (SEI-US)), Nitin Labhasetwar (CSIR-NEERI)
Policy Brief
Sustainable and Resilient Agricultural Value Chains: Addressing Multiple Vulnerabilities With a New Partnership Approach
Mehmet Sait Akman (G20 Studies Centre, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)), Fabrizio Botti (Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)), Clara Brandi (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)), Michael Brüntrup (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) ), Markus Dietrich (GIZ - Inclusive Business Action Network (iBAN)), Ilaria Espa (University Lugano), Andreas Freytag (Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, University of Stellenbosch), Robert Koopman (World Trade Organization), Stormy Mildner (Aspen Institute Germany), Bettina Rudloff (German Institute for International and Security Affairs / Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP))
Stefan Heinke
Enabling Policies for Digitalization in Agriculture | T20 Summit
Digitalization and technology possess the power to increase sustainability and inclusivity in global agriculture. To achieve food security, include smallholder farmers and disadvantaged groups, and make agriculture sustainable and resilient, an enabling global policy framework for the wide-scale application of digital agriculture tools is needed. In collaboration with the T20 ... Read more
Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change – CGP Workshop
The report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on August 8, 2021 has confirmed the critical condition of the climate crisis and how many proven, available, affordable, nature-based solutions (NBS) have an essential role to play in preserving a liveable planet. G20 leaders have recognized the power on NBS ... Read more
Protecting Climate and Biodiversity
“Biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation are currently among the top threats facing humanity.” This is how last year’s UN Summit on Biodiversity describes the urgency of stopping biodiversity loss, noting the detrimental impact on food security, water supplies and also human health. The causes for the rapid loss of biodiversity ... Read more

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