Policy Brief
Fiscal Reform in the Digital Era: Implementation of OECD Pillar One
Adrianto Dwi Nugroho (Faculty of Law), Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah (Institute for Economic and Social research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LPEM-UI)), Christine Tjen (Tax Education and Research Center, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia), Syahda Sabrina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia)
Policy Brief
GVCs, Resilience, and Efficiency Considerations: Improving Trade and Industrial Policy Design and Coordination
Otaviano Canuto (Policy Center for the New South), Mahmoud Arbouch (Policy Center for the New South), Pepe Zhang (Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center), Abdelaaziz Ait Ali (Policy Center for the New South)
Policy Brief
Risk and Resilience of GVCS and the Role of the G20
Saon Ray (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations), Smita Miglani (Institute of Economic Growth)
Policy Brief
Boosting Industrial Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Through Management Training for MSMEs
Yuki Higuchi (Faculty of Economics), Girum Abebe (Africa Region Gender Innovation Lab), Terrence Kairiza (Department of Economics), Edwin P. Mhede (DART (a public transport services agency in Tanzania)), Khondoker Mottaleb (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Department), Tetsushi Sonobe (Asian Development Bank Institute)
Press release: Global Solutions Summit 2022: Accelerating the Circular Economy transition
Global Solutions Summit 2022 Accelerating the Circular Economy transition is a response to disruptions in global supply chains and the fulfilment of environmental goals Berlin, 29 March 2022 – Doubling the circularity of the world economy from 10% to 20% could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 40%, by ... Read more
Next issue of Intersecting is out, focussing on “plastics and bending the linear economy”
The 7th Volume of the Global Solutions Initiative INTERSECTING editorial project gathers the original contributions from 40 authors from across the globe. The editors have prioritized voices from a new generation of experts, especially from emerging countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Together, they propose a systematic approach based ... Read more
Localising the circular economy imperative in a post COVID-19 era: place, trade and multilateralism
Resource extraction and consumption is expected to double by 2060, driven by global population and GDP growth. Such a development trajectory will accelerate environmental degradation and biodiversity loss while exposing the shortcomings of our linear ‘take, make, dispose’ model of production and consumption. A circular economy, as a means to ... Read more
Keynote: Izabella Teixeira Panel: Circular Economy in Emerging Countries
Designing out waste and pollution through the gradual closing of loops in global production chains is an important requirement for achieving the Sustainable Agenda and Paris Agreement climate goals and for halting the degradation of our biodiversity. A worldwide shift to a circular economy in all value chains, regions and ... Read more
Expert forum: A circular economy to recouple social, economic and environmental prosperity – perspectives from the Global South
  The Global Solutions Initiative hosted a forum with renowned experts on circular economy matters during the federal “Week of Environment”, hosted by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt. The recording of this remote panel is available now. The recording features contributions by Alexander Charalambous, Senior Partner, Living Prospects Ltd (he is a ... Read more

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