
clean-IT: Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies

Digital technologies are indispensable to achieving sustainable development goals and reducing carbon emissions in many sectors. Yet, computer systems themselves have an immense energy requirement for their countless devices, data centres, applications and global networks. With Covid-19 the shift to digital in living, learning and earning is bringing us closer … Read more

Protecting Climate and Biodiversity

“Biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation are currently among the top threats facing humanity.” This is how last year’s UN Summit on Biodiversity describes the urgency of stopping biodiversity loss, noting the detrimental impact on food security, water supplies and also human health. The causes for the rapid loss of biodiversity … Read more

Keynote: Izabella Teixeira Panel: Circular Economy in Emerging Countries

Designing out waste and pollution through the gradual closing of loops in global production chains is an important requirement for achieving the Sustainable Agenda and Paris Agreement climate goals and for halting the degradation of our biodiversity. A worldwide shift to a circular economy in all value chains, regions and … Read more

Leveraging private philanthropy towards achieving the SDGS

There is a significant funding gap hindering the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries. Philanthropic organizations, therefore, have a unique opportunity to help meet these targets by providing the much-needed additional capital and expertise. However, according to recent data, many global philanthropic initiatives tend to concentrate … Read more

Najma Mohamed

Former Green Jobs Programme Officer at International Training Center, International Labour Organization Former Green Jobs & Just Transition Specialist, International Labour Organization

Karin Wedig

Former Junior Professor of International Political Economy, Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver Former Technical Advisor, GIZ

Ndongo Sylla

Former Fair Trade Consultant Former Technical Advisor at the Presidency of the Republic of Senegal Former Researcher at the Center for Employment Studies, Paris

Oliver Greenfield

Former Head of Sustainable Business and Economics at WWF-UK Former Senior Strategist at BBC World Service Former Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton

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