
Think7 Policy recommendations on climate and environment

The Think7 task force on saving the planet: Climate and environment covers a broad range of interlinked subjects, including climate, biodiversity, clean water, air, land and seas, food and agriculture, energy, and infrastructure. With a particular focus on greenhouse gas emissions sinks and sources, jobs-rich just transitions, nature-based solutions and … Read more

Ensuring ESG impact: Four actionable recommendations for a dependable path

With Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing becoming mainstream, it is urgent to develop a standardised set of information that investors and companies can use in their decision-making process. Information consistency, integrity and trustworthiness, and appropriate evaluation of the impact of the ESG-related efforts are essential to ensure positive spill-over … Read more

Fixing financial, economic and governance structures to save forests and the ocean, and enhance their contributions to climate change solutions

Forests and the ocean are vital for climate, biological diversity, and human communities, but they are degraded and their ecosystem services are seriously impaired, mainly because financial, economic and governance structures are misconfigured. We propose that G20 help strengthen the REDD+ climate instrument for forests and extend it to Blue … Read more

Towards a strong G20 for effective multilateral cooperation

The global system is focused on economic growth, with social prosperity and environmental sustainability as subsidiaries and derivative to economic growth. The transformational change needed to realign the political, economic and social systems, focusing on the wellbeing of people and the planet, requires a broad coalition of actors – actors … Read more

Jens Sedemund

Former Senior Advisor on Development Finance at the OECD Former Advisor OECD Development Assistance Committee

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