
Achieving resilient and sustainable food systems and addressing hunger

This session is curated by Joachim von Braun, Distinguished Professor, Economics and Technical Change Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn. The global food system is in disarray again. Following market disruptions due to needed pandemic related policies, growing adverse impacts of climate stress, now the war in Ukraine … Read more

Keynote: Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck

Our future depends on our ability to transform our economic system – to take stewardship in transforming the system in accordance with our collective goals. This requires, first and foremost, reliable measures of progress so that we can evaluate if we reached our economic, social and environmental goals. Next to … Read more

Nature-based solutions for climate change, clean energy & health

The G20 should control climate change by mobilizing nature-based solutions to: 1. Foster forests ecosystems by supporting the Restor platform to help re-grow one trillion trees by 2025; 2. Preserve peatlands and wetlands as natural protected areas; 3. Clean cities by cutting air and lead pollution by 25% by 2025 … Read more

Climate change, food security, and central banks in developing economies

Climate change represents a rapidly emerging challenge for central banks, particularly in developing economies. Central banks have tools to increase the economy’s resilience, enable reallocation of resources to reduce costs and grasp opportunities, and smooth the transition to a low carbon economy. Specific measures, such as changes to selected macroprudential … Read more

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