
What can the G20 do to shape a coherent, inclusive and forward looking educational system?

The global economy is being transformed by technological advances such as artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing techniques and technology-enabled platforms, inducing structural shifts in our labour markets. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will lead to further structural transformations. The education system plays a key role during this transformation. It will support the transition best if the curriculum is coherent across levels and countries, if it forward-looking by conveying required competencies such as creativity and emotional intelligence, and if it is inclusive to all citizens to improve social cohesion. This Global Table will discuss how these goals can be achieved. It will also discuss how global policy responses to the the COVID-19 pandemic threaten the educational system and the effective delivery of education, and what can be done to prepare for the post-crisis period.

Policy Briefs
Urban Health Governance for Sustainable Development: Data-Knowledge-Action Systems for Urban and Planetary Health
Yonette Thomas - Women’s Economic Imperative , Nicolas You - Guangzhou Institute of Urban Innovation, China, Franz Gatzweiler - Chinese Academy of Sciences
AI-Driven Investment Promotion: Empowering G20 Economies for Sustainable Growth
Philipp Lemmerz - PwC Middle East, Dr. Juri Suehrer - PwC Middle East, Anastasiia Paevskaia - PwC Middle East, Vladislav Belov - PwC Middle East
BWC Scientific Experts Group to Combat Biological Threats
Saurabh Todi - The Takshashila Institution, Shambhavi Naik - Takshashila Institution
Harnessing Digitalisation to Promote Equitable and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Policy and Investment Priorities for the G20
Heike Baumüller - Center for Development Research (ZEF) , Benjamin Kwasi Addom - The Commonwealth Secretariat, Damayanti Buchori - T20 Indonesia, Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences (CTSS), Stefan Heinke - Chanzi Ltd, Mumbi Munene - Digital Ag Association, Dil Rahut - Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Yamunna Ramakrishna Rao - Global Solutions Initiative
Building a Sustainable System for Emerging Healthcare Technologies: A Global South Perspective
Nidhi Singh - DST-Centre for Policy Research, Rajni Kant - ICMRRMRC, Sneha Sinha - Research and Information System for Developing Countries, Rollins John - Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India, Famida Khan - DST-Centre for Policy Research
New technologies and media: The democratization of communication?
Florencia Chicano Ramos - Clarin Newspaper Argentina, Ramiro Albrieu - CIPPEC, Rocío Garré Travadelo - Red Sur
Africa is rich with creatives doing amazing things, however this isn’t being translated into decent work
Patricia Komeh Kormawa - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ),Nigeria
Advocating new career paths in the digital creative economy – UX/UI Design in the MENA Region
Lars HØJHOLT - Re:coded,Turkey, Richard Epstein - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Jordan, Angelika Frei-Oldenburg - Global Project Culture and Creative Industries, GIZ, Manuel Kuhm - GIZ
Making Global Security Governance and Architectures Context-Responsive
Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy - Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies
A Framework for the Global Governance of Private Cybersecurity Companies
Shaun Riordan - European Institute for International Studies, Mario Torres Jarrín - the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Alejandro Garofali Acosta - Sweden
Enhancing Efforts at Global Digital Governance: Recommendations to the G20
Chris Alden - LSE IDEAS, Mary Martin - UN Business and Human Security Initiative, Kenddrick Chan - LSE IDEAS
Opportunities in Data Governance: Creating a G20 Data Space
Yuka Kobayashi - SOAS, Amaia Sanchez-Cacicedo - EUISS
Why the G20 Should Lead Multilateral Reform for Inclusive Responsible AI Governance for the Global South
Shamira Ahmed - Data Economy Policy Hub, Dio Herdiawan Tobing - World Benchmarking Alliance, Mohammed Soliman - Strategic Technologies and Cyber Security Program
Integrated Internet Internationalism
Melanie Garson - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Pete Furlong - The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Towards a Multilateral Framework for Digital Public Infrastructure
Christoph Meinel - Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany, Sharinee L. Jagtiani - Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, David Hagebölling - Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering
Annihilating Space and Time
Mathias Janke - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Intersecting Vol.11
Ramiro Albrieu - CIPPEC, Nicolas J.A. Buchoud - Global Solutions Initiative, Michael Cohen - Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment, Rainer Kern - Enjoy Jazz Festival, Shuva Raha - Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
Using Data to Advance the 2030 Agenda: Recommendations for the G20
Anirban Sarma - Observer Research Foundation, Debosmita Sarkar - Observer Research Foundation
EU Regulation, Brazil’s Open Health, and the India Stack: A Common Platform Approach to Integrated Digital Public Infrastructure
Pencho Kuzev - Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Berlin (Germany), Ian Brown - Centre for Technology and Society
Redirecting Digital Public Infrastructure Innovations for Deep Sustainability Transformation
Venkatachalam Anbumozhi - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Toshio Obi - Waseda University, Suhono Harso Supangkat - Bandung Institute Of Technology
Leveraging Digital Public Infrastructure to Deliver Nationwide Conditional Cash Transfers for Training Provision
Suhono Suharso Supangkat - Smart Cities and Communities Innovation Center ITB, Samsu Sempena - Project Management Office of Kartu, Romora Edward Sitorus - Program Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Fitri Yuliarti - Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, Azzah Rana Fadhilah - Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, Grace Wulandari - Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, Tsania Maulina Salsabilla - Project Management Office of Kartu Prakerja
Promoting Digital Health: Envisioning Strategic Partnerships within the G20
Anirban Sarma - Observer Research Foundation, Varun Kaul - SouthAsiaHub
Revolutionising Rulemaking: How Digitised Rules Can Accelerate Digital Transformation
Rhea Subramanya - The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Pete Furlong - The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Combatting the Threat of Cyber-Enabled IP Theft
Gatra Priyandita - Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Teesta Prakash - Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Bart Hogeveen - Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Building an Information-Sharing Mechanism to Boost Regulatory Frameworks on Cross- Border Data Flows
Pramila Crivelli - Asian Development Bank, Rolando Avendano - Asian Development Bank,
Digital Public Infrastructure for Efficient Cross-Border Data Flow
Spriha Pandey - Chase India, Gaurav Chaudhary - Chase India, Kaushal Mahan - Chase India
Unpacking Digital Public Infrastructure: Navigating Conceptual Ambiguities
Aarushi Gupta - Digital Futures Lab, Aman Nair - Digital Futures Lab
Technology as Conduit of Social Protection: Lessons from India
Ambar Kumar Ghosh - Observer Research Foundation
The Vision of a Digital Public Infrastructure for Agriculture
Ram Dhulipala - International Livestock Research Institute, Nipun Mehrotra - The Agri Collaboratory,
Harnessing Digital Federation Platforms and Data Cooperatives to Empower SMEs and Local Small Communities
Michael Bühler - Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (Lead author), Igor Calzada - Cardiff University, Thorsten Jelinek - Taihe Institute, Europe Center, Astha Kapoor - Aapti Institute, Morshed Mannan - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, Sameer Mehta - Department of Technology and Operations Management, Vijay Mookerjee - University of Texas, Konrad Nübel - Technical University Munich (Core team), Alex Pentland - MIT Media Lab, Trebor Scholz - Platform Cooperativism Consortium, Divya Siddarth - India, Julian Tait - Open Data Manchester, Bapu Vaitla - Data2X, Jianguo Zhu - University of Sydney
Building Bridges: Aligning Digital Public Infrastructure and Cross-Border Data Flows
Priya Vithani - Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Arushi Goel - Data Policy and Blockchain, Fumiko Kudo - Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan
A Comprehensive User Experience Strategy to Make DPI More Accessible and Inclusive for All
Nupura Gawde - CivicDataLab, Gaurav Godhwani - CivicDataLab, Kiran Sabnis - 2Dot47 Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Towards Child-Centred and Future-Ready Inclusive Digital Public Infrastructure
Jasmina Byrne - UNICEF Innocenti Global Office of Research and Foresight, Ellen Helsper - London School of Economics and Political Science, Steven Vosloo - UNICEF Innocenti Global Office of Research and Foresight
Open Data as Backbone of Digital Public Infrastructure: Prioritising HIGH-VALUE Datasets for Effective Governance
Gaurav Godhwani - CivicDataLab, Pencho Kuzev - Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Berlin (Germany)
A Governance Framework for Digital Public Infrastructure: Learning from the Indian Experience
Aaditeshwar Seth - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Luís Fernando Vitagliano - State University of Campinas, Nachiket Udupa - Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, Parminder Jeet Singh - IT for Change, Rakshita Swamy - Social Accountability Forum for Action and Research, Subrata Singh - Foundation for Ecological Security, Vineetha Venugopal - Digital Empowerment Foundation
The Case for International Digital Standards for Interoperability of Trade in Digital Services
Jane Drake-Brockman - Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide, Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås - Örebro University, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama - European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), Brussels (Belgium), Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan - National Council for Applied Economic Research and Centre for Social and Economic Progress
Strengthening Digital Public Infrastructure for Health
Gabriel Seidman - Global Health Security Consortium, Ahmad Alkasir - Global Health Security Consortium, Megan Akodu - Global Health Security Consortium, Srinidhi Soundararajan - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Paul Blakeley - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Vladimir Choi - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Improving Global Financial Inclusion: Implementing Open and Standardised API for Cross-Border Payments
Andi Nugroho - Smart City and Community Innovation Center, Suhono Harso Supangkat - Bandung Institute Of Technology
Developing Metaverses and Implementing Metaverse- Enabling Technologies: Social and Humanitarian Aspects and Global Challenges
Andrey Ignatyev - Center for Global IT Cooperation, Tatiana Kurbatova - Center for Global IT Cooperation, Alim Khapov - Center for Global IT Cooperation
DPI for Improved Public Service: Lessons from Indonesia’s Integrated Smart System Platform
Suhono Harso Supangkat - Bandung Institute Of Technology, Arry Akhmad Arman - Institute of Technology Bandung,
Digital Public Infrastructure: Mitigating New Forms of Exclusion to Enable Tech for All
Diane Coyle - University of Cambridge, Stephanie Diepeveen - ODI, Sumedha Deshmukh - University of Cambridge
Towards a Global Framework for a Public Good to Reduce Information and Labour Market Gaps
Paula Szenkman - Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC, Miguel Otero Iglesias - Elcano Royal Institute, Tomás Mandl - Center for International Private Enterprise, Estefanía Lotitto - Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth, Agustin Chiarella - Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC, Agustina Lacunza - Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth
Defining the Digital Public Infrastructure Approach
Astha Kapoor - Aapti Institute, Erin Watson - GriffithAsiaInstitute
Towards Interoperability of Digital Services and Standard Setting
Deep Kapuria - Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA), Rajesh Maheshwari - National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies, Ankit Kataria - National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies
Mitigating Risks and Harnessing Opportunities for the Digitally Enabled Care Economy
Florencia Caro Sachetti - Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento, (CIPPEC), Vanesa D’Alessandre - CIPPEC, Katja Freiwald - UN Women, Ankita Panda - The Asia Foundation, Sabina Dewan - JustJobs Network, Francisco Cos Montiel - Gender Justice and Development, Megan O’Donnell - Center for Global Development, Gillian Dowie - IDRC, Manisha Desai - UNRISD
Reducing Data Asymmetry to Strengthen Supply Chains
Amit Kumar - Research Information System for Developing Countries, Anushka Saxena - Indo-Pacific Studies Programme
Redirecting Digital Public Infrastructure
Venkatachalam Anbumozhi - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
Reconsidering Education policy in the era of Generative AI
Roland Hancock - PwC Middle East, Badri S - PwC Middle East, Suha Azhar - PwC Middle East, Szabolcs Mezei - PwC Hungary, Maren Bryne Aas - PwC Norway, Brecht Gijsbertsen - PwC Netherlands
Enhancing Global Governance to Safeguard Peace in the Digital Age
Evelyne Tauchnitz - Institute of Social Ethics ISE, University of Lucerne
People-Centered Science and Digital Transformation: A Practical Proposal for the G7 and G20
Mei Lin Fung - People Centered Internet, Dio Herdiawan Tobing - World Benchmarking Alliance, Marta Bertolaso - Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Vishal Aditya Potluri - ADB
Data Citizenship
Henrietta Moore - University College London, Andrew Percy - Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL, Rayhaan Lorgat - Institute for Global Prosperity, Katrina Moseley - Institute for Global Prosperity
Digital Utilities for Scientific Research Towards an Equitable World
Mei Lin Fung - People Centered Internet, Declan Kirrane - Global Science Collaboration Conference, Kurt Zatloukal - Medical University of Graz, Tamara Singh - People Centered Internet, Gora Datta - FHL7 University of California, Berkeley, Andrew Seely - MindPoint Group
Central Bank Digital Currencies: Governance, Interoperability, and Inclusive Growth
John Beirne - Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo (Japan), Nicola Bilotta - Istituto Affari Internazionali, Mei Lin Fung - People Centered Internet, Tamara Singh - People Centered Internet
G7: Data for Pandemic Preparedness
Rick Bright - Pandemic Prevention Institute, The Rockefeller Foundation, Rebecca Katz - Center for Global Health Science and Security, Georgetown University, Bruce Gellin - Pandemic Prevention Institute, The Rockefeller Foundation
Issue Paper: Social Cohesion, Economic Transformation and Open Societies
Franco Bruni - Bocconi University Milan, Henrietta Moore - University College London, Dennis J. Snower - Global Solutions Initiative Foundation
Cross-Border Data Flow: A Trilemma of Mobility, Monetization, and Privacy
Ibrahim K. Rohman - Indonesia Financial Group Progress, Moinul I. Zaber - United Nations University-Policy Driven on Electronic Governance, Reza Y. Siregar - Indonesia Financial Group Progress, Rizky Rizaldi Ronaldo - Indonesia Financial Group Progress, Mohammad Alvin Prabowosunu - Indonesia Financial Group Progress, Rosi Melati - Indonesia Financial Group Progress
Smart Cities, Standardization and DX Challenge for Digital Government
Venkatachalam Anbumozhi - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Arry Akhmad Arman - Institute of Technology Bandung, Hendra Sandhi Firmansyah - STMIK Jabar, Irma Rizkia - Institute of Technology Bandung, Santi Novani - Institute of Technology Bandung, Suhono Harso Supangkat - Bandung Institute Of Technology, Toshio Obi - Waseda University
Promotion Of High Capacity Broadband To Rebuild And Recover From The Pandemic
J. Scott Marcus - Bruegel, Alicia García Herrero - Bruegel, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and NATIXIS.,
Towards a Global Agenda for Digitalization Without Greenhouse Emissions
Agustin Chiarella - Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC, Gregorio Martin - Quetglas University of Valencia, Andrés Ortega - Elcano Royal Institute, Paula Szenkman - Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC
How AI Can Change the Development-Technology Landscape in the Post-Pandemic Era
Prof. Syed Munir Khasru - PAG Asia Pacific, Damien Manuel - Australian Information Security Association (AISA), Nick McQuire - Microsoft, Nadeem Anjum - Meta Al (Facebook)
Enhancing International Cooperation, Data Governance And Public-private Partnership To Protect Critical Infrastructures Against Cyber Threats
Paulo Sergio Melo de Carvalho - Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), Hugo Bras Martins da Costa - Sciences Po Paris & State University of Rio de Janeiro
Digital Development Cooperation Through SSC Lens: Challenges And Impact
Milindo Chakrabarti - Center for Sustainability, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India, Sachin Chaturvedi - Research and Information System for Developing Countries, Rafael Gustavo Miranda Delgado - University of Los Andes, Mustapha Jouili - University of Carthage, Gladys Teresita Lechini De Alvarez - National University of Rosario, Rasigan Maharajh - Tshwane University of Technology, Philani Mthembu - UNISA, Jorge Antonio Perez Pineda - Anahuac University
Digital Transformation for Rural Areas and Smart Villageses
Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang - Institute of Technology Bandung, Fadhil Hidayat - Institute of Technology Bandung, Felly Ferol Warouw - Universitas Negeri Manado, Lady Grace Jane Giroth - Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi Utara, Muhammad Akbar Pribadi - National Research and Innovation Agency, Muhammad Arifin Nasution - Universitas Sumatera Utara, Ryan Adhitya Nugraha - Telkom University, Surya Yudha Regif - Universitas Timor, Viktory Rotty - Universitas Negeri Manado
A Framework to Strengthen the AI Adoption in Healthcare
Thomhert Suprapto Siadari - Telkom University, Andry Alamsyah - Telkom University, Aditya Firman Ihsan - Telkom University, Kemas M. Lhaksmana - Telkom University, Helni Mutiarsih - Telkom University
Digital Inclusion and Empowerment of Women Entrprenuers in the Post-Pandemic Era
Josephine Kass-Hanna - Saint Joseph University of Beirut , Peter J. Morgan - Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Joelle H. Fong - National University of Singapore
Shared Understanding And Beyond: Toward A Framework For Data Protection And Cross-border Data Flows
Krishna Ravi Srinivas - Research & Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), Ingrid Schneider - University of Hamburg,
Towards Digital Empowerment of MSMEs
José A. Stracquadaini - Universidad de BuenosAires, Gusti Raganata - Sigmaphi Research, Grace H Mardjianto - 168 Solutions, Arief C. Nugraha - IPP Atmajaya University, Joseph Lumban Gaol - Digital Venture Builder
Transformative Innovation Policy Approach For Smartisation And Digitalisation Technology Towards Un Sdgs
Chandra Singgih Pitoyo - Science Policy Research Unit, Belania Yunitasari - Central Bank of Indonesia
Establishment of the G20 Smart World Living Lab (G2SWL): Recover Together, Recover Stronger and Smarter for Improving Quality of Life
I Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha - Smart City and Community Innovation Center, Hendra Sandhi Firmansyah - STMIK Jabar, Dwina Roosmini - Bandung Institute of Technology, Yasraf Piliang - Bandung Institute of Technology, Rezky Kinanda - Smart City and Community Innovation Center
Implementing an Individual-Empowered Data Governance Regime
Dennis J. Snower - Global Solutions Initiative Foundation
Regulating Cross-Border Data Flows in the Development Context
Thomas Dewaranu - Center for Indonesian Policy Studies, Glen Hodgson - Free Trade Europa, Pingkan Audrine - Center for Indonesian Policy Studies
Deepfakes and Security in the Information Environment Challenges for Governments, Society, and Business
Andrey G. Ignatyev - Center for Global IT Cooperation, Tatiana A. Kurbatova - Center for Global IT Cooperation
Bridging the Digital Literacy Gender Gap in Developing Countries
Giacomo Gattorno - UN Women, Paul Grainger - Centre for Education and Work, UCL, Alberto Guidi - ISP, Shiva Kanwar - ICRIER, Mansi Kedia - ICRIER, Ramya Subrahmanian - UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti
Driving Sustainable Mobility in Smart Cities: Considering Supporting Infrastructures, Emerging Networks, and Open Secure Data
Nikos Dimitriou - National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Alyas A Widita - Universitas Gadjah Mada / Monash University
Addressing Worker’s Insecurity in the Age of Digitalization
Antonius Galih Prasetyo - Indonesian National Institute of Public Administration, Maria Dika Puspita - Indonesian National Institute of Public Administration
The Need to Promote Digital Financial Literacy for the Digital Age
Bihong Huang - Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Long Q. Trinh - Asian Development Bank Institute, Peter J. Morgan - Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)
The Digital Economy for Economic Development: Free Flow of Data and Supporting Policies
Dan Ciuriak - CIGI, Fukunari Kimura - Keio University, ERIA,
Technological Justice: A G20 Agenda
Andrés Ortega - Elcano Royal Institute,
A New Social Contract for the Digital Age
Samir Saran - Observer Research Foundation,
Towards a G20 Framework For Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
Paul Twomey - STASH Secure Data, Global Solutions Fellow
Evaluating options for funding and financing post-compulsory education
Paul Grainger - Centre for Education and Work, UCL
World of Work in the 4th Industrial Revolution: Inclusive and Structural Transformation for a Better Africa
Anita Prakash - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Julius Gatune - Senior Project Consultant, Rim Ben Ayed Mouelhi - Euro Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES),
A Social Ecosystem Model: A New Paradigm for Skills Development?
Paul Grainger - Centre for Education and Work, UCL
A Future of Work that Works for Women
Urvashi Aneja - Tandem Research India
Bridging the Digital Divide: Skills For The New Age
Urvashi Aneja - Tandem Research India,
Addressing Market Failures to Improve the Health of the Digital Infrastructure
Paul Twomey - STASH Secure Data, Global Solutions Fellow
Digital Pathways to Resilient Communities: Enabling Universal Internet Access and Utilising Citizen-Generated Data
Noran Abdou - AECOM, Subhasis Bera - International School of Business and Media, Khaled El-Sayed - Synerjies Center for International and Strategic Studies, Yassmine Lotfi - Synerjies Center for International and Strategic Studies, Reham Morsy - Synerjies Center for International and Strategic Studies, Dil B. Rahut - Asian Development Bank Institute
Digital inclusion strategies for the G20 – Lessons in public-private cooperation from India and Africa
Sanjay Anandaram - iSpirt (India), Manjeet Kripalani - Gateway House, Indian Council on Global Relations
Enhancing food supply chain resilience through the utilisation of digital and sequence information technologies
Venkatachalam Anbumozhi - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Suresh Babu - International Food Policy Research Institute, Carlos Andrea Bollino - King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centre, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), Wendy Craig - International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Watertown, Massachusetts (USA), Ponmalai Kulandivelu - Periyar University, Tamil Nadu (India), Felix Moronta-Barrios - International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, GYA, Eji Yamaji - University of Tokyo (Japan)
Promoting global financial resilience against cyber threats through an operational collaboration model
Erica D. Borghard - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC (USA)
Opportunities for international cooperation on digital health – Lessons from the European Union
Nadina Iacob - Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels (Belgium),
Homebased platform work and women’s labour force participation in a post-Covid world
Sabina Dewan - JustJobs Network, Hue-Tam Jamme - Arizona State University, Tempe (USA)
Exploring the development-technology nexus via a digital transformation paradigm shift in development strategy in the digital age
Syed Munir Khasru - Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG), Boutheina Guermazi - Director, Digital Development, World Bank (WB), Thomas Abell - Chief of Digital Technology, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Catherine Brown - Chief Executive Officer, Lord Mayor Charitable Foundation, Tania Begazo-Gomez - World Bank,
Digital learning for every child: Closing the gaps for an inclusive and prosperous future
Matt Brossard - UNICEF, Marta Carnelli - UNICEF, Stephane Chaudron - European Commission Joint Research Centre, Brussels (Belgium), Rosanna Di-Gioia - European Commission Joint Research Centre, Brussels (Belgium), Thomas Dreesen - UNICEF, Daniel Kardefelt-Winther - UNICEF, Céline Little - UNICEF, Jean Luc Yameogo - UNICEF Programme Division
A global governance framework for digital technologies
Robert Fay - Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo (Canada), Rohinton Medhora - Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo (Canada)
Human-centric AI: From principles to actionable and shared policies
Carlo Casalone - Pontifical Academy for Life, Rome (Italy), Laura Palazzani - Pontifical Academy for Life, Rome (Italy), Renzo Pegoraro - Pontifical Academy for Life, Rome (Italy), Francesca Rossi - IBM Research (Italy), Roberto Villa - Fondazione IBM Italia
Implementing humanistic digital governance
Dennis J. Snower - Global Solutions Initiative Foundation, Paul Twomey - STASH Secure Data, Global Solutions Fellow
Legal regulation of the platform economy
Darcy du Toit - University of the Western Cape (South Africa), Mark Graham - University of Oxford (UK), Jean-Paul Van Belle - University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Sifting truth from fiction: Enhanced protection from fake news
Muhammad Khurram Khan - Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Paul Grainger - Centre for Education and Work, UCL
SusTech solutions: Enabling new technologies to drive sustainable development
Matthew Stephenson - World Economic Forum, Iza Lejarraga - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris (France), Kira Matus - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (China), Yacob Mulugetta - University College London (UCL) (UK), Masaru Yarime - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (China), James Zhan - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva (Switzerland)
Actions to make “data free flow with trust” operational in practice
Susan Arial Aaronson - George Washington University, Washington DC (USA), Fukunari Kimura - Keio University, ERIA, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama - European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), Brussels (Belgium), Sherry M. Stephenson - Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), Singapore (China)
Fostering a safer cyberspace for children
Muhammad Khurram Khan - Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Omaimah Bamasag - University of Jeddah, Abdullah Ayed Algarni - Institute of Public Administration, Mohammad Alqarni - University of Jeddah
Strengthening the convention on the rights of the child (CRC): Governing children’s digital world
Wafa M. Taibah - ASBAR, Hind K. Khalifa - ASBAR, Aljazi M. Alshebaiki - ASBAR
A step to implementing the G20 principles on artificial intelligence: Ensuring data aggregators and AI firms operate in the interests of data subjects
Paul Twomey - STASH Secure Data, Global Solutions Fellow, Kirsten Martin - George Washington University
Educating girls and the marginalized in the digital and transformative innovation age: To make “Leaving no one behind” a reality
Kazuhiro Yoshida - Hiroshima University, Yuto Kitamura - The University of Tokyo, Paula Razquin - Hiroshima University / University of San Andrés, Shinichiro Tanaka - Japan International Cooperation Agency
Delivering Economic Value and Societal Cohesion through “Good Jobs”
Bhushan Sethi - PwC US, Justine Brown - PwC UK, Stefanie Goldberg - PwC US
A Step to Implementing the G20 Principles on Artificial Intelligence: Ensuring Data Aggregators and AI Firms Operate in the Interests of Data Subjects
Kirsten Martin - George Washington University, Paul Twomey - STASH Secure Data, Global Solutions Fellow
Minding the Gaps in Digital Financial Education Strategies
Peter J. Morgan - Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Bihong Huang - Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Long Q. Trinh - Asian Development Bank Institute
Rebuilding the Livelihoods of Forcibly Displaced Populations Using Digital Financial Inclusion
Angela Lyons - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Josephine Kass-Hanna - Saint Joseph University of Beirut
Overcoming Gender Disparity in Cybersecurity Profession
Muhammad Khurram Khan - Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Implementing a National Data Strategy: The Need for Innovative Public Consultations
Natasha Tusikov - Department of Social Science, York University, Toronto, Blayne Haggart - Brock University
Data Standards Task Force for Digital Cooperation
Michel Girard - Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Standards for the Digital Economy: Creating an Architecture for Data Collection, Access and Analytics
Michel Girard - Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Standards for Cybersecure IoT Devices: A Way Forward
Michel Girard - Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Rethinking Policy in a Digital World
Rohinton P. Medhora - CIGI
Commentaries and Articles
L20 Statement to the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting
L20 Statement to the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting, 9-10 September 2020
T20 Statement on Reskilling Employees for the Future of Work
T20 Statement on Reskilling Employees for the Future of Work: How G20 Countries Can Utilize AI-Based Learning Technologies to Scale-Up Workplace Training
T20 Recommendations Report: Policy Needs for Shaping the Digital Economy Era
Compiled by Dennis Görlich (IfW Kiel), Katharina Lima de Miranda (IfW Kiel) and Juliane Stein-Zalai (IfW Kiel)
G20 Global Pandemic Preparedness: Attending to Access to Education & Employment
Joint Statement by B20, C20, L20, T20, W20, Y20
Competing in Artificial Intelligence Chips: China’s Challenge amid Technology War
By Dieter Ernst (Center for International Governance Innovation(CIGI))
Automation and the Future of Work: Scenarios and Policy Options
Joël Blit, Samantha St. Amand, Joanna Wajda (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Toward a G20 Framework for Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
Paul Twomey (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Data Is Dangerous: Comparing the Risks That the United States, Canada and Germany See in Data Troves.
Susan Aaronson (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Toward a Robust Architecture for the Regulation of Data and Digital Trade
Dan Ciuriak, Maria Ptashinka (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Trust and Data
Paul Vallee (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Standards for the Digital Economy: Creating an Architecture for Data Collection, Access and Analytics
Michel Girard (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Big Data Analytics Need Standards to Thrive: What Standards Are and Why They Matter
Michel Girard (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Digital Trade at the WTO: The CPTPP and CUSMA Pose Challenges to Canadian Data Regulation
Patrick Leblond (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
A Plurilateral “Single Data Area” Is the Solution to Canada’s Data Trilemma
Susan Ariel Aaronson, Patrick Leblond (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Data Is a Development Issue
Susan Ariel Aaronson (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
The Data-driven Economy: Implications for Canada’s Economic Strategy
Dan Ciuriak (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Data Is Different: Why the World Needs a New Approach to Governing Cross-border Data Flows
Susan Ariel Aaronson (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Rethinking Industrial Policy for the Data-driven Economy
Dan Ciuriak (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Implementing a National Data Strategy: The Need for Innovative Public Consultations
Natasha Tusikov, Blayne Haggart (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Data Ownership
Teresa Scassa (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Open Data Endgame: Countering the Digital Consensus
Bianca Wylie (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Who is Responsible When Autonomous Systems Fail?
Madeleine Clare Elish (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Artificial Intelligence Policies Must Focus on Impact and Accountability
Amba Kak, Rashida Richardson (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Owning Intelligence
Sean McDonald (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
On Regulating the Software behind Artificial Intelligence
Joanna Bryson (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Canada’s Workforce Needs Hybrid Skill Sets, Not Just Automation
Ronald Orol (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Artificial Intelligence Needs an Ethics Framework
Daniel Munro (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
The World Faces a Turning Point on Data and AI. Will We Learn from the Financial Crisis?
Robert Fay (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
In the Global Race for AI, How Do We Ensure We’re Creating a Better World?
Aaron Shull (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Three Paths Towards Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence
Rohinton Medhora (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Ungoverned Space: How Surveillance Capitalism and AI Undermine Democracy
Taylor Owen (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
How Facial Recognition Technology Permeated Everyday Life
Nikki Gladstone (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
How Big Data and the Tech Sector Can Help Prepare Us for the Next Pandemic
Michael Cheroff (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Protecting the Core of Canadian Values in the Digital Realm
Aaron Shull (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
The Canadian Mandate: Data Governance for Economic Prosperity
Robert Fay (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Let’s Face the Facts: To Ensure Our Digital Rights, We Must Hit Pause on Facial Recognition Technology
Nasma Ahmed, Taylor Owen (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Coronavirus: A Digital Governance Emergency of International Concern
Sean McDonald (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Data Governance or Your Money Back: A Case for Digital Warranties
Sean McDonald (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
What Is Stalling Better Data Governance?
Sean McDonald (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Reclaiming Data Trusts
Sean McDonald (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Considerations for Canada’s National Data Strategy
Teresa Scassa (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Canadian Network Sovereignty: A Strategy for Twenty-First-Century National Infrastructure Building
Andrew Clement (Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
A responsive, accessible education system is the engine of social and economic progress
Harald Kayser (PwC Europe)
Cybersecurity and Privacy in the COVID-19 era
By Ambika Khanna and Sagnik Chakraborty (Gateway House)
Networks and Technologies to Assist the Vulnerable During the Pandemic
By Matthias Helble and Paul Vandenberg (ADBI)
Education and social progress – Global Solutions Journal
Rethinking higher education for the emerging needs of society – Global Solutions Journal
Strengthening labor protections for 21st century workers – Global Solutions Journal
The Digital Response to the Outbreak of COVID-19
By Sean McDonald (CIGI)
Bridges to the Future of Education: Policy Recommendations for the Digital Age
By T20 Argentina 2018
2030 Agenda for sustainable development: policy recommendations for the G20
By T20 Japan 2019
Realizing education for all in the digital age
By T20 Japan 2019
Bridging the Gap Between Digital Skills and Employability for Vulnerable Populations
Angela C. Lyons (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Alessia Zucchetti (Ceibal Foundation), Josephine Kass-Hanna (Saint Joseph University of Beirut), and Cristóbal Cobo (Ceibal Foundation)
It takes more than a village. Effective Early Childhood Development, Education and Care services require competent systems
Mathias Urban (Dublin City University), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Rita Flórez Romero (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Redesigning education landscapes for the future of work: third-space literacies and alternative learning models
Cristóbal Cobo (Fundación Ceibal), Alessia Zucchetti (Fundación Ceibal), Axel Rivas (CIPPEC)
Bridging the Education-Workforce Divide: Strategies to Meet Ever Changing Needs and Mitigate Future Inequalities
Claudia Costin (Fundación Getulio Vargas), Allan Michel Jales Coutinho (Fundación Getulio Vargas)
Financing Quality and Equitable Education in LATAM
Javier González (SUMMA), Santiago Cueto (GRADE), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Bárbara Flores (SUMMA)
Transforming education financing for inclusive, equitable and quality learning outcomes for the 2030/SDG4 Agenda
Kazuhiro Yoshida (Hiroshima University), Yasushi Hirosato (Sophia University), Shinichiro Tanaka (Japan Internacional Cooperation Agency)
Transforming Education towards Equitable Quality Education to Achieve the SDGs
Shinichiro Tanaka (JICA Research Institute), Shimpei Taguchi (JICA Research Institute), Kazuhiro Yoshida (Hiroshima University), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Nobuko Kayashima (JICA Research Institute), and Hiromichi Morishita (JICA Research Institute)
Early Childhood Development Education and Care: The Future Is What We Build Today
Mathias Urban (Dublin City University), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), Jennifer Guevara (CIPPEC), Lynette Okengo (African Early Childhood Network) and Rita Flórez Romero (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Developing National Agendas in Order to Achieve Gender Equality in Education (SDG 4)
Natasha Ridge (Al Qasimi Foundation), Susan Kippels (Al Qasimi Foundation), Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC), and Joannes Paulus Yimbesalu (Women’s Economic Empowerment)
Teacher Professional Skills: Key Strategies to Advance in Better Learning Opportunities in Latin America
Javier D. González (SUMMA), Dante C. Castillo (SUMMA), Claudia Costin (Getulio Vargas Foundation), and Alejandra Cardini (CIPPEC)
Measuring Transformational Pedagogies across G20 Countries to Achieve Breakthrough Learning: The Case for Collaboration
David Istance (Brookings Institute), Anthony Mackay (National Centeron Education and the Economy) and Rebecca Winthrop (Brookings Institute)
Productivity gains from teleworking in the post COVID-19 era: How can public policies make it happen?
OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Skill measures to mobilise the workforce during the COVID-19 crisis
OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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