T20 South Africa 2025: Consolidate and Sustain
The Think 20 (T20) is an official engagement group of the G20 and is an established network of research institutes, think tanks, and eminent academics from G20 member countries and further afield working on G20-related themes and processes.
The T20 produces detailed recommendations under the G20’s broader thematic areas in the form of policy briefs that seek to inform the final G20 Summit declaration that emerges at the end of each presidency.
South Africa’s presidency of the G20 in 2025 marks the culmination of a series of presidencies held by Global South countries: Indonesia in 2022, India in 2023, and Brazil in 2024. As the final Global South country in this cycle of G20 presidencies, South Africa is responsible for consolidating the progress made on critical issues championed by the Global South and ensuring the sustainability of these efforts. South Africa’s T20 theme is “Consolidate and Sustain.”

T20 South Africa Co-Chairs
T20 South Africa Core Group Members
T20 South Africa Task Forces