
Jeff Herriman

Ascentage Group, LLC


Ascentage Group, LLC - Jeff joined Ascentage in 2019 to provide business strategy and corporate development support to players in the emerging construction technology space. Jeff has over 30 years of international experience in starting, developing, buying/selling and turning around companies and senior management teams as a strategist, deal-maker and “company doctor.” He was responsible for strategy, mergers & acquisitions and information technology at Turner Construction in the early 2000s and had the same roles with W.S.Atkins engineering until 2017. In both cases, he was responsible for incubating new technology enabled ventures and partnering with software, hardware and solution providers, from start-ups to Autodesk and SAP. Jeff has completed over 50 transactions on buyand sell-side in the US, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia. Over the years, he has built a strong network of relationships with private equity, investment banking, legal and accounting firms. Earlier in his career, Jeff was a strategy consultant and part of a start-up management team. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School. He is also a registered representative of Madison Park Group, a member of FINRA and SIPC.

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