Argonne National Laboratory - Gevondyan is an Energy Systems Risk Analyst in the Energy Systems Division at Argonne National Laboratory. Gevondyan’s project include applying risk assessment techniques in support of efforts in fostering safety at nuclear power plants in the developing nations, and other projects focused on the implementation of programs in support of successful nuclear power programs. Erna is also a co-founder of U.S. Nuclear Nexus-a tool for U.S. civilian nuclear industry for streamlined communication with NNSA and timely integration of international nuclear security, international nuclear safeguards, export control compliance, and proliferation resistance in nuclear systems into their designs in an effort to assist in global deployment of U.S. civilian nuclear technology. Additionally, Erna’s projects include applying safety best practices widely accepted in the U.S. nuclear industry to the U.S. upstream offshore oil and gas operations safety. Erna received her undergraduate degree in computer science from the Illinois Institute of Technology and a master’s degree in public policy and economics from Northwestern University. Her interests include a focus on global energy policy and economics.
Policy Briefs

G20 Italy 2021