
Dieter Dohmen

Managing Director, FiBS Forschungsinstitut für Bildungs- und Sozialökonomie


Dieter Dohmen is the founder, owner and director of FiBS and works as a scientist and consultant. He is responsible for the scientific management of all projects. As a former member of the EU working group "Making the best use of resources", convenor for several years and active member of the European network Economics of Education within the framework of the European Educational Research Association (EERA), initiator of the network CESERC (Cooperation of Education and Socio-Economic Researchers and Consultants) as well as educational and socio-economic consultants for national and international clients, he has extensive research contacts at home and abroad.He was also the publisher of a series of books, a member of the expert commission on the future of education and training taking lifelong learning in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania into account, and a lecturer at the University of Oldenburg, and was repeatedly involved in advisory boards, university councils, other committees and working groups. After studying sports and social sciences at the German Sport University in Cologne and the University of Cologne, he earned a diploma in economics with a social science focus at the University of Cologne. He then did his doctorate on the subject of “training costs, training grants and family burden equalization - an economic analysis taking into account the legal framework” at the Technical University of Berlin. He also gained professional and social experience as a BAföG advisor and chairman of the board of directors of the Cologne student union, adult educator, lecturer at the University of Bielefeld and the University of Oldenburg, management consultant, freelance scientist and appraiser. Dieter Dohmen also founded the social company ElternHotline gGmbH in March 2020, which supports parents and families in these times with learning and learning support, but also other questions. The www.ElternHotline.de platform prepares the content in 14 languages, making it the only service in Germany that also addresses parents and families who do not speak German or only speak it to a limited extent. dr Dohmen is an analyst, visionary, creative thinker and entrepreneur. In October 2019, he was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame (IACE Hall of Fame). The Hall of Fame is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to honoring individuals around the world who have made outstanding contributions to adult and continuing education and who serve as role models and inspiration for the next generation of learning leaders.

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G7 Germany 2022

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