Policy Briefs Overarching Visions G20 Policy Areas About Anita PrakashEconomic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)Policy Briefs G20 Indonesia 2022 Planning And Investment In Efficient And Inclusive Infrastructure And Supply Chains In Post-COVID-19 Recovery TF8 - Resilient Infrastructure and FinancingPolicy area: Resilient Infrastructure and Financing Anita Prakash (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)), Hafida Fahmiasari (STC International), Mochammad Imron (Pelindo), Arzena Norega (Pelindo), Murti Lestari (Center for Transportation and Logistics Studies of Gadjah Mada University), Nur Yuwono (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gadjah Mada University), Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan (Center for Transportation and Logistics Studies of Gadjah Mada University) G20 Japan 2019 Industrial Development and ICT in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward TF5 - Cooperation with Africa Anita Prakash (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)), Ashraf Patel (Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD)), Gamal Ibrahim (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa), William Davis (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa), Wilson Wasike (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)), Witness Simbanegavi (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)) G20 Japan 2019 Industrialization and Growth in Digital Age: Disruptions and Opportunities for Employment Led Growth in Asia and Africa TF7 - The Future of Work and Education for the Digital AgePolicy area: Digital Governance, Security and Connectivity Anita Prakash (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)) G20 Argentina 2018 World of Work in the 4th Industrial Revolution: Inclusive and Structural Transformation for a Better Africa TF5 - Cooperation with AfricaPolicy area: Digital Governance, Security and Connectivity Anita Prakash (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)), Ashraf Patel (Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD)), Brahima Coulibaly, Julius Gatune (The African Center for Economic Transformation), K.Y. Amaoko (The African Center for Economic Transformation), Lemma W. Senbet (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)), Rim Ben Ayed Mouelhi (Euro Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES)), Shingirirai S Mutanga (Africa Institute of South Africa), Tilman Altenburg (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)), Witness Simbanegavi (African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)) G20 Saudi Arabia 2020 Multilateral cooperation for investment can mobilize infrastructure funds and link needs of investors, governments, and people TF3 - Infrastructure Investment and FinancingPolicy area: Resilient Infrastructure and Financing Anita Prakash (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA))