Selected Speakers for Summit 2021

Angela Merkel
Chancellor, Germany

Mario Draghi
Prime Minister, Italy

António Guterres
United Nations

Angel Gurria
Secretary-General, OECD

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director General, World Health Organization

Gabriela Ramos
Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO

Lars-Hendrik Röller
Chief Economic Advisor to Chancellor Merkel,
G7/G20 Sherpa,
German Federal Chancellery

Vera Songwe
Under-Secretary-General of the UN and Executive Secretary of the ECA

Dennis Snower
Global Solutions Initiative

Robert E. Moritz
Global Chairman, PwC

Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Minister of Finance, Indonesia

Audrey Tang
Digital Minister, Taiwan

Margo Thomas
President & CEO,
Women’s Economic Imperative

Nigel Topping
UN High Level Climate Action Champion, COP26

Francesca Bria
Italian National Innovation Fund

Suresh Prabhu
Prime Minister’s Sherpa for G20 and G7, India