
Speakers of the Digital Global Solutions Summit 2020


Susan Ariel Aaronson
Research Professor International Affairs, George Washington University

• Senior Fellow, Center for International Governance Innovation
• Director, Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub, Center for International Governance Innovation
• Research Professor and Cross-Disciplinary Fellow, George Washington University
• Former Research Fellow and Guest Scholar, Brookings Institution

Toyin Abiodun
Strategic Advisor to the Hon. Minister of Trade and Industry of Rwanda, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change 

• Former Business Development Director and Government/Public Institution Liaisons at Africa Improved Foods in East Africa
• Former Private Sector Development/Inclusive Growth Senior Consultant at PwC UK/Nigeria
• Former Marketing Manager, Premium Brands, at SAB Miller/ABInbev in West Africa
• Former Business Development Executive Africa Desk at Clifford Chance LLP UK

Khalid Abuleif
Chief Negotiator on Climate Change Issues, Saudi Arabia 

Keynote Speaker & Panel Discussion: Circular carbon economy

Aziza Akhmouch
Head of Division, Cities, Urban Policies and Sustainable Development, OECD

• Commissioner, Legacy and Sustainable Development, International Olympic Committee
• Board of Advisors, Fundacion Auquae
• Manager of the OECD Champion Mayors Initiative for Inclusive Growth, the OECD Roundtable of Mayors and Ministers, and the OECD-UN Habitat-Cities Alliance National Urban Policy Platform

Haifa Al-Mogrin
Chair, G20 Development Working Group

• Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
• Chair of G20 Development Working Group
• Former Assistant Deputy Minister for Sustainable Development Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
• Assistant Deputy Minister for the G20 Affairs in the Ministry of Economy and Planning, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
• Former Lecturer at King Saud University

Berat Albayrak
Turkish Minister of Treasury and Finance

• Ministry of Treasury and Finance 
• GD of Foreign Economic Relations
• G20, IMF and International Institutions Department

Ramiro Albrieu
Principal Researcher of Economic Development, CIPPEC  

• Associate Professor, Macroeconomics and FinanceUniversity of Buenos Aires
• Director
 “Natural Resources and Sustainable Development in Latin America” Program, South American Network of Empirical Economics (Red Sur) 
• Associate Researcher, Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES) 
Associate Researcher, Commitment to Equity Institute, Tulane University, USA 

Raja Almarzoqi
King AbdulAziz University, Saudi Arabia

• Former Advisor, International Monetary Fund
• Associate Professor of Economics, Prince Saud Alfaisal Institute of Diplomatic Studies
• Part-time Consultant, Ministry of Economics and Planning
• Former President, Gulf Monetary Council
• Former Consultant, World Bank, ARAMCO, Ministry of Economics & Planning, Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), Supreme Commission for Tourism, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), Alkhabeer Capital and KACST

Fahad Almubarak
State Minister, Council of Ministers, Saudi Arabia

• G20 Sherpa, Saudi Arabia
• Former Advisor, Saudi Royal Court
• Former Secretary-General, G20 • Secretariat Saudi Arabia
• Former Governor, Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA)
• Former Chairman and Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia
• Former Chairman, Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul)

Panel Discussion: G20 in time of pandemic

Peter Altmaier
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy

• Former federal Minister in the Chancellor’s Office
• Former Acting Federal Minister of Finance
• former Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
• Member of the German Bundestag

Fahad Alturki
Chair, T20 Saudi Arabia & Vice President Research, KAPSARC

• Independent Board Member, Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD)
• Member of the Board of Directors, Saudi Energy Efficiency Center
• Former Chief Economist and Head of Research as well as Chairperson of its Public Funds Board, Jadwa Investment Company
• Former Independent Board Member, General Authority of Statistics

Hu Angang
Professor, Public Policy & Management; Director, Center for China Studies, Chinese Academy of SciencesTsinghua University 

• Scholar, Contemporary China Studies
• Public Policy Adviser on China’s reform and development, research focus on economic development, social transition and public policy
Founder, Center for China Studies, Tsinghua University and Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Former visiting professor or fellow, MIT; Keio University; Harvard University; World Bank; Colombia University

Venkatachalam Anbumozhi
Senior Economist, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

• Senior Capacity Building Specialist, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan
• Project Director, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Kobe, Japan
• Assistant Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan
• Member, APEC Expert Panel on Green Climate Finance
• Member, ASEAN Working Group on Climate-resilient growth
• Member, G20 Task Force on Low-Carbon Finance

Urvashi Aneja
Director, Tandem Research India
• Associate Fellow, Chatham House
• T-20 Task Force, Future of Work & Learning
• Advisor, International Congress for the Governance of Artificial Intelligence
• Former Associate Professor, Jindal School of International Affairs

Ekaterina Arapova
Center of Sanction Policy Expertise, MGIMO University 

Head, Academic Development Department, Institute of International Studies, MGIMO University

Angus Armstrong
Director, ESRC’s Rebuilding Macroeconomics

Chief Economic Advisor, Lloyds Banking Group
Honorary Professor, University of Stirling
Research Fellow at National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Elhadj As Sy
Chair of the Board, Kofi Annan Foundation

• Secretary General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
• Former Director of Partnerships and Resource Development, UNICEF
• Former Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa and Global Emergency Coordinator for the Horn of Africa, UNICEF
• Leadership positions with the United Nations Development Programme in New York, with the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and with UNAIDS
• Former Director of Health and Development Programmes, Environmental Development Action in the Third World (ENDA)

Josef Aschbacher
ESA Director of Earth Observation Programs

• Head of ESRIN, ESA’s Centre for Earth Observation
• Former Head of Program Planning and Coordination, ESRIN
• Former Head of the Copernicus Space Office, ESA
• Former Program Coordinator, ESA Headquarters, Paris
• Former Scientific Assistant to the Director of the Space Applications Institute, European Commission Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy

Salem Avan
Director of Policy Strategy & Governance Division for ICT, United Nations

• Director of Strategy, United Nations Technology Innovation Labs (UNTIL)
• Former Chief, Knowledge Management Services (CKO), United Nations
• Former IT Technical, United Nations Peacekeeping

Keynote Speaker: Clean-IT


Peter Bakker
President and CEO, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

• Former CFO and CEO, TNT NV
• Commissioner, Global Commission on Business and Sustainable Development
• Chairman, War Child, Netherlands & Ambassador Against Hunger, UN World Food Programme
• Co-Chair, Redefining the Role of Business for Sustainable Development, SDSN & Vice-Chairman, International Integrated Reporting Council
• Corporate Sustainability Advisory Boards, IKEA, BASF, Nespresso, P&G, Daimler
• International Advisory Board Member, CCICED (China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development) and Convener BRIGC (BRI International Green Development Coalition)

Ryan Bartlett
Director, Climate Resilience & Risk Management, World Wildlife Fund

• Former Water Policy Associate, Duke University Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy

Foteini Bampanara
Country Head of Communications & Advocacy, Novartis Greece

• Vice President, Corporate Affairs Sector, Hellenic Management Association (EEDE)
• Member, European Association of Communication Directors
• Former General Manager, H+K Strategies Athens

Iain Begg
Co-Director, Dahrendorf Forum, LSE 

Professorial Research Fellow, European Institute
EconomistEuropean political economy and policy
Directorresearch projects on EU budget, cohesion policy and economic governance 
Former Specialist AdvisorHouse of Lords European Committee 
Former Advisory Roles, the European Parliament and the International Labour Office 

Ambassador Pietro Benassi
G7/G20 Sherpa Italy

• Diplomatic Advisor and G7/G20 Sherpa to the Italian President of the Council of Ministers
• Former Ambassador of Italy to Germany
• Former Chief of Cabinet to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
• Former Ambassador of Italy to Tunisia
• Served in the diplomatic service in Havana, Warsaw, Brussels and Berlin

Panel Discussion: G20 in time of pandemic

Matthias Berninger
Senior Vice President Public Affairs & Sustainability, Bayer

• Former Member of the German Bundestag, Deutscher Bundestag
• Former Leader of Alliance 90/ the Green Party in Hesse, Germany
• Former Global Head of Public Policy, Mars Incorporated

Vision Statement: Implementing the SDGs
Amar Bhattacharya
Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development Program, Brookings Institution

• Former Director, Group of 24
• Senior Advisor, World Bank

Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi
Chairman, Société Générale

• CEPR Distinguished Fellow and Senior Fellow, LUISS School of European Political Economy Rome
• Former Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
• Former Chairman of the Board, Italgas, SNAM, SACE, and
• Former Member of the Board, Finmeccanica, MTS, the EIB, Morgan Stanley International
• Former Banca d’Italia, European Monetary Institute and Italian Treasury

Merike Blofield
Director, Institute of Latin American Studies, German Institute for Global and Area Studies

• Professor of Political Science, University of Hamburg
• Former Professor of Political Science and Director of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of Miami
• Research focus on the intersection of gender, family and socio-economic inequalities and the policy process in Latin America

Alexander Bonde
Secretary General, German Federal Environmental Foundation
• Former Senior Advisor, DWR eco
• Former Minister of Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection, State of Baden-Württemberg
• Former Chairman, Supervisory Board, Badische Staatsbrauerei Rothaus
• Former Deputy Chairman, Supervisory Board, L-Bank (State Bank of Baden-Württemberg)
• Former Member, German Bundestag

Kobie Brand
Executive Director, ICLEI Africa 

• Global Director, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center
Former Chief Director Sustainability, Western Cape Town Government 
Former Manager, Environmental Capacity Building, Sustainable Livelihoods and Communications, City of Cape Town 

Colin Bradford
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution;
Global Solutions Fellow

• Fellow, Global Solutions Initiative
• Former Research Professor, Economics and International Relations, American University
• Former Chief Economist, United States Agency for International Development
• Former Head of Research, Development Centre, OECD
• Former Senior Staff, Strategic Planning Unit, World Bank
• Former Associate Professor, International Economics, Yale University

Franziska Brantner
Member of the German Bundestag, Deutscher Bundestag
• Member of the German Bundestag, Alliance 90/ The Greens
• Parliamentary Secretary and Spokesperson, European Affairs
• Member, Commission on Affairs of the European Union & Deputy Member, Commission on Foreign Affairs
• Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Civil Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Networked Action
• Former Member, European Parliament
Kerry Brown
Professor of Chinese Studies and DirectorLau China InstituteKing’s College London 
Associate of the Asia Pacific Programme at Chatham House, London 
• Co-editor of the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
• Former Professor of Chinese Politics and Director of the China Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, Australia 
• Former Senior Fellow and then Head of the Asia Programme at Chatham House, London 
• Former First Secretary at the British Embassy in Beijing, then Head of the Indonesia, Philippine and East Timor Section, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office 
• Former Director of the Europe China Research and Advice Network (ECRAN) 
Franco Bruni
Vice President, Institute for International Political Studies & Senior Professor of Economics, Bocconi University Milan
• Member, European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee
• Vice President, UniCredit Foundation
• Former Member of the Board, Pirelli SpA, Mediaset SpA, Pioneer Investment Management Sgr SpA
Keynote Speaker & Panel Discussion: COVID-19 and the financial systems

Erik Brynjolfsson
Director, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy

• Professor, MIT Sloan School
• Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research

Keynote Speaker: AI and data governance
Nicolas Buchoud

President, Grand Paris Alliance for Metropolitan Development;
Global Solutions Fellow

• Fellow, Global Solutions Initiative
• Co-Chair, T20 Infrastructure Investment and Financing Task Force
• Advisor, U20 Executive Team
• Founding Principal, Renaissance Urbaine Strategic Advisory
• Honorary Member, Indonesia Creative Cities Network
• Corresponding Member, Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung

Marco Buti
Head of Cabinet for Commissioner for the Economy, European Commission

Former Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
Former Commission Finance Deputy at G7 and G20
Visiting Professor, various universities in Europe 

Mayra Buvinic 
Senior Fe
llow, United Nations Foundation with Data2X and the Center for Global Development 

• Former Director for Gender and Development at the World Bank 
• Previously worked at Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) leading the Social Development Division 
• Founding member and President of the International Center for Research on Women 

Anna Byhovskaya

• Senior Policy Advisor, Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC)
• Member of the OECD Going Digital Steering Group and the OECD AI Expert Group
• Set up the 1st & 2nd Trade Union Forum on Digitalisation and the Future of Work
• Former Policy Coordinator, Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) at the OECD
• Former TV journalist in Paris and Berlin

Panel Discussion: AI and data governance

Meagan Byrd
Chair, Summit Studies, G7 Research Group

Analyst, G20 Research Group, based at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in Trinity College at the University of Toronto
• Former Member, Field Team for the G20 Summit (Buenos Aires, 2018); G7 Summit (Biarritz, 2019)
• Honours Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, University of Toronto 


Paula Caballero
Managing Director, Lands for Life Program, RARE, USA

• Former Senior Director, World Bank
• Former Director for Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs, Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Recipient, German Sustainability Award and Zayed International Prize for the Environment 

Panel Discussion: Implementing the SDGs

Alejandra Cardini
Education Director, CIPPEC

• Former Advisor, National Ministry of Education, Argentina
• Former Education Program Coordinator, UNTREF

Wendy Carlin
Professor of Economics, University College London

• Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research
• Member, Expert Advisory Panel of the UK’s Office for Budget Responsibility
• Recipient, CBE Award for services to economics and public finance
• External Professor, Santa Fe Institute

Sachin Chaturvedi
Director General, Research and Information System for Developing Countries

• Global Justice Fellow, MacMillan Center for International Affairs, Yale University
• Visiting Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University
• Former Developing Country Fellow, University of Amsterdam
• Former Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla
• former Visiting Scholar, German Development Institute
• Editorial Advisory Board of IDS Bulletin, Sussex, UK

Anir Chowdhury
Policy Advisor, a2i Program, Government of Bangladesh

• Member, Prime Minister’s National Digital Task Force, Bangladesh
• Member, Education Minister’s National ICT in Education Task Force, Bangladesh
• Member, UNESCAP Regional Steering Group for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS)
• Co-Founder and Board Member, South-South Network for Public Service Innovation (SSN4PSI)
• Co-Founder, South-Asia Civil Registration Network (CR8)

Sabine Christiansen
Journalist and Media Entrepreneur

• Managing Partner, TV21 media and consult GmbH, Berlin
• Member, Supervisory Board, Hermes Europe ; and Freenet AG
• Former Moderator, Tagesthemen Show, ARD Network
• Ambassador, UNICEF, Germany
• Vice Board Member, Laureus Sports for Good Foundation
• Recipient, Legion d’Honneur

Alessandra Cicci
Coordinator, Virtual Summit Compliance, G20 Research Group    

• Senior Researcher, G7 Research Group based at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in Trinity College at the University of Toronto  
• Former Co-Chair, Summit Studies, G20’s 2019 Osaka Summit 
Pursuing Master of Global Affairs, Munk School
Master Public Policy, Sciences Po in Paris

Sean Cleary
Executive Vice-Chair, Future World Foundation & Global Solutions Initiative Special Advisor 

• Chairman: Strategic Concepts (Pty) Ltd
• Advisory Councils: World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid; and EIT: Climate-KIC
• Special Adviser: Global Solutions Initiative. And Salzburg Global Seminar
• Executive Consultant: Prime Minister’s Office, United Arab Emirates

Paul Collier
Professor, Economics and Public Policy, University of Oxford

• Former Advisor, German Government G20 Presidency
• Former Advisor, British Government G8 Presidency
• Publisher, The Future of Capitalism and The Bottom Billion
• Director, International Growth Center
• Former Director, Research Department, World Bank

Cristina Contreras
Research Associate, Harvard University

• Researcher and Instructor,  Harvard University
• C
onsultant, Capacity building in sustainable infrastructure for international financial institutions and public agencies, US and Europe 
Member, UNEP Expert Working Group 
Member, American Society of Civil Engineers 
Member, Sustainable Infrastructure Standards Committee 

Claudia Costin
Director, Center for Innovation and Excellence in Education Policies

• Former Visiting Professor, Harvard
• Former Senior Director, Global Education World Bank
• Former Secretary of Education of Rio de Janeiro and Federal Minister -Public Administration and State Reform

Nicole Curato
Associate Professor, Centre for Deliberative Democracy & Global Governance, University of Canberra

• Editor, Journal of Deliberative Democracy
• Co-Chair, Standing Group on Democratic Innovations – European Consortium for Political Research

Declan Curry

• Public Speaker
• Lecturer
• Former BBC Presenter, Anchor and Reporter

Conny Czymoch

• Executive Media Coach
• Former Anchor at Phoenix and Deutsche Welle
• Freelance Journalist, Radio/TV, Hong Kong and Germany
• Director, Documentaries on Human Rights Work, NGOs


Evan Davis
Presenter, BBC, Radio 4

• Former presenter, BBC2 Newsnight programme
• Former Presenter BBC documentaries
• Honorary Fellow, St Johns College, Oxford; Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists
• Member, Industrial Policy Group of the EU Commission

Luiz de Mello
Director, Policy Studies Branch, Economics Department, OECD

• Former Deputy Director, Public Governance Directorate, OECD
• Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Counsellor to the Chief Economist, OECD
• Former Senior Economist, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund
• Lecturer, Economics Department, University of Kent, United Kingdom

Michael Dittrich
DBU, Germany

• Vice Secretary General and Head of Department Finance, German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)

Christian Drosten
Director, Institute of Virology, Charité and Adviser to the German Government 

• Director, Institute of Virology, Charité Berlin
• Founding Director, Institute of Virology at University of Bonn Medical Centre
• Recipient, German Federal Cross of Merit

Chen Dongxiao
President, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies

• Chief editor of China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies journal
• Adjunct professor of Shanghai International Studies University
• Member of ASEAN Regional Forum Expert and Eminent Persons
• Senior advisor on economic diplomacy for China’s Foreign Ministry and for International Business Leaders Advisory
• Council for the Mayor of Shanghai
• Vice Chair of China National Association of International Relations

Alan  Donnelly
Convener,  The G20 Health & Development Partnership

• Member, Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development
• Founder & Executive Chairman, Sovereign Strategy Consultancy
• Former Leading Member, British Labour Party in the European Parliament
• Former Chair, Delegation to the special G7 summit on the development of the global information society
• Recipient, “Knight Commander of Germany”, German Federal Government
• Former Global Political Advisor, International Automobile Federation
• Patron, Topsy Foundation, South Africa
• Founding Member of the London School of Economics Observatory on the Information Society

Mafalda Duarte
CEO, Climate Investment Funds

• Former Climate Finance Manager, African Development Bank
• Former Principal Climate Change Specialist, African Development Bank
• Former Senior Economist, The World Bank
• Former Economic Advisor, Ministry of Education and Culture, Mozambique

Saori Dubourg
Member of the Board of Executive Directors, BASF

• Former President, Health and Nutrition, BASF
• Former President, Asia Pacific, BASF
• Former Vice President, European Business Management Superabsorbers and Monomers, BASF
• Former Director Business Management, Fibre Bonding and Controlling, BASF
• Member, Industrial Policy Group of the EU Commission


Ottmar Edenhofer
Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

• Director, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
• Professor Economics of Climate Change, Technische Universität Berlin

Keynote Speaker & Panel Discussion: COP26 and functioning global carbon markets

Peter Eigen
Founder, Transparency International

• Former World Bank Manager Africa and Latin America; Director Regional Mission for Eastern Africa
• Founder & former Chairman, Transparency International
• Founding Chair, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
• Former Member, Africa Progress Panel
• Member & Co-Chair, Africa Progress Group
• Co-Founder & Board Member, Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform

Alex Ezeh
Dornsife Professor of Global Health Drexel University, Philadelphia 

• Former Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Center for Global Development, Washington, D.C. 
• Former Founding Executive Director, African Population and Health Research Center 
• Former Director, Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) 
• Recipient, 2018 The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Prize for the Social Sciences  


Amal Fatani 
Saudi S20 Sherpa

• Sherpa of Science 20 (S20), G20 Saudi Arabia 2020
• Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology, King Saud University
• Consultant and Leader, All Women Business Process & Digital Services Center, TATA Consulting Services
• Former Board Member, Saudi Human Rights Commission
• Former Consultant & General Supervisor, Female Affairs, Ministry of Higher Education

Gabriel Felbermayr
President, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

• Chair Economics and Economic Policy, Kiel University
• Former Director, ifo Center for International Economics
• Former Professor, International Economics, University of Munich
• Former Associate Consultant, McKinsey & Company

Fernando Filgueira
Fellow Senior ResearcherCIPPEC Argentina 

• Full professor, Social Science Faculty, Universidad de la República, Uruguay 
• Former Social Affairs Officer and Coordinator of Social Panorama for Latin America, Economic Commission for Latin America and the CarribeanChile 
• Former Director of the UNFPA Office Uruguay 
• Former Vice Minister of Education, Uruguay 
• Former Lead Coordinating Author, International Panel on Social Progress 

Maria Flachsbarth
Parliamentary State SecretaryGerman Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 

• Former State Secretary to the German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture
Former Special Representative, CDU/CSU parliamentary group, German Parliament 
Former Deputy ChairCDU Party in the state of Lower Saxony 
Former Member, Parliamentary Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, German Parliament  
Member, German Parliament 

Stephanie Flanders
Head of Bloomberg Economics

• Senior Executive EditorEconomics at Bloomberg  
• Former Chief Market Strategist Europe, J P Morgan Asset Management  
• Former Economics Editor, BBC 
• Former
Senior Advisor to US Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers  
• Former EditorialWriter, the Financial Times 
• Former EconomistInstitute for Fiscal Studies and London Business School 

Jochen Flasbarth
State Secretary, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

• Former President of the Federal Environment Agency
• Former Director-General for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources at the Federal Ministry for the Environment
• Former President of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)

Keynote Speaker: Clean-IT

Marc Fleurbaey 
Robert E. Kuenne Professor in Economics and Humanistic Studies at Princeton University; Global Solutions Fellow

• Fellow, Global Solutions Initiative
• Member, United Nations Committee for Development Policy
• T20 Task Force Co-Chair 2017 and 2018
• Co-Director, International Panel on Social Progress
• Professor, Woodrow Wilson School

Astrid Frohloff

• Consultant for strategic communication & Business Coach
• Moderator, various TV shows
• Former Host, TV Magazine “Kontraste”, ARD
• Former TV Correspondent in the Middle East
• Founder, SAT.1 TV Office in Jerusalem

Moderator: Clean-IT

Mei Lin  Fung
People Centered Internet, Singapore

• Co-founder, People Centered Internet
• IEEE Chair, Industry Connections Social Impact Measurement
• Chair, Assessment Committee, Global Humanitarian Activities

Panel Discussion: Clean-IT


Hazem Galal
Cities and Local Government Global Leader, PwC

• Member, Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization, World Economic Forum
• Former Co-chair, Working group on city connectivity, ITU and UNESE’s initiative Smart Sustainable Cities
• Contributor, ISO 32170 for smart infrastructure
• Former Project Adviser, Future of Urban Development of Services, World Economic Forum

Sandro Galea
Dean and Robert A. Knox Professor, Boston University School of Public Health

• Chair of the board of the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health
• Former president of the Society for Epidemiologic Research and of the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science
• Elected member of the National Academy of Medicine
• Previously held academic and leadership positions at Columbia University, the University of Michigan, and the New York Academy of Medicine

Detlev Ganten
President, World Health Summit

• Former President, Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers
• Former Member, National Ethics Council
• Founding Director, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine
• Former CEO, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Franz Gatzweiler
Professor, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences

• Executive Director, International Science Council’s global interdisciplinary science programme on “Urban Health and Wellbeing: a Systems Approach”
• External Affiliate of Ostrom Workshop

Jayati Ghosh
Professor of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

• Former Chairwoman, Andhra Pradesh Commission on Farmers’ Welfare
• Former Member, National Knowledge Commission reporting to the Prime Minister of India
• Executive Secretary, International Development Economics Associates
• Recipient, Adisheshaiah Award 2015; International Labour Organisation’s Decent Work Research Prize 2010; NordSud Prize for Social Sciences 2010 of the Fondazione Pescarabruzzo, Italy; Ava Maiti Award and the Satyendranath Sen Prize from the Asiatic Society, Kolkata

Gerd Gigerenzer
Director of the Harding Center for Risk Literacy, University of Potsdam

• Director emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
• Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, the German Academy of Sciences and Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society
• AAAS Prize for the best article in the behavioral sciences, the Association of American Publishers Prize for the best book in the social and behavioral sciences, the German Psychology Award, and the Communicator Award of the German Research Foundation

Ian Goldin
Professor of Globalisation and DevelopmentUniversity of Oxford 

• Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change 
• Professorial Fellow at the University of Oxford Balliol College 
• Former Vice President of the World Bank 

Keynote and Panel Discussion: Will this pandemic derail globalization?

Anabel Gonzalez
Non-resident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington DC, and a consultant on trade and investment

• Former Senior Director of the World Bank´s Global Practice on Trade & Competitiveness
• Former Minister of Trade of Costa Rica
• Former Director of the Agriculture Division at the World Trade Organization 
• Member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Trade and Investment

Norbert Gorißen
Deputy Director-General for International Policy, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany

• Former Head, Division International Climate Finance, International Climate Initiative, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
• Former Lead, OECD Report “Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth”, German G20 Presidency
• Former Participant, G20 energy and climate sustainability working groups
• Former Negotiator for the EU on climate finance in the Paris Agreement
• Former Head, Division International and EU Affairs in the Field of Renewable Energies, Federal Environment Ministry, Germany

Tanja Gönner
Chair of the Management Board, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

• Former Member, State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
• Former Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Transportation, State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
• Former Minister for Social Affairs, State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
• Former Member, German Federal Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag)
• Former Board Member, Federal Executive Board, Christian Democratic Union (CDU)

Vision Statement: Implementing the SDGs

Dennis Görlich
Research Director, Global Solutions Initiative; Head, Global Challenges Center, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

• Co-Chair, T20 Japan 2019 TF 7
• Ph.D. in Economics, University of Kiel
• Master in Economics, Maastricht University
• Minor degree in European Studies, Maastricht University

Paul Grainger
Co-Director and Enterprise Lead, Centre for Education and Work, UCL

• Member, G20 Task Force on the Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age
• Co-Chair, T20 Task Force on Economy, Education, Employment and the Digital Age

Gianluca Grimalda
Senior Researcher, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

• Coordinating lead author, International Panel on Social Progress
• Contributor, Taskforce Social cohesion and the state for T20 Engagement Group
• Contributor, Trustlab OECD initiative


Peter Head
Founder and Chairman, Resilience Brokers

• Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering
• Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to engineering and the environment
• Visiting Professor of Sustainable Systems Engineering at University of Bristol
• Member of UNDRR GAR19 and GAR22 Advisory Panels
• Co-founder of Post COVID ‘Pivot Projects’

James Heckman
Nobel Laureate; Professor of Economics and Director, Center for the Economics of Human Development, University of Chicago

• Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Public Policy, University of Chicago
• Director, Center for the Economics of Human Development, University of Chicago
• Nobel Prize in Economics, Dan David Prize, and Chinese Government Friendship Award

Margaret Heffernan
Author and former CEO

• Producer, BBC radio and TV
• Former CEO of InfoMation, ZineZone and iCast (US)
• Professor of Practice, University of Bath
• Mentor at Merryck & Co.

Heike Henn
Director, Climate Policy & Climate Financing Division (ad interim), Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

• Commissioner, Climate policy and climate financing, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
• Former Coordinator, German G8 Africa Personal Representative, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
• Former Head of German Development Cooperation in Burundi and Rwanda, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
• Former Head of Division Special Initiative ONEWORLD – No Hunger, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Kristen Hopewell
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia

• Former Trade Advisor, Government of Canada
• Former Visiting Fellow at Peking University; Graduate Institute (Geneva); Max Planck Institut

Nancy Hoque
GTM Strategy & Co-Founder, The Pursuit; USA/Bangladesh

• Ambassador & Young Global Changer, Global Solutions Initiative
• Founder, The Pursuit- Global Women for Change
• Go-to-Market Strategy, Adobe
• Honoree, She Runs It, Forbes
• Professional Faculty, UC Berkeley-Haas
• Former Women’s Economic Imperative Champion


Jayasree Iyer
Executive Director, Access to Medicine Foundation

• Member, Board of Stewards of the Healthcare Forum at the World Economic Forum
• Former Manager, Public private partnerships in R&D for infectious diseases and oncology


Natalie Jabangwe
Chief Executive Officer, EcoCash

• Former Senior Mobile Financial Services Consultant, NCR Corporation
• Corporate recipient, “Best Mobile Payment Solution”
• Glomo Award 2017
• Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum
• Former Tutu Fellow, Oxford University

Harold James
Professor of History and International Affairs, Princeton University 

• Claude and Lore Kelly Professor in European Studies, Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs 
• Former Senior Fellow at Center for International Governance Innovation 
• Chairman of the Academic Council of European Association for Banking and Financial History 

Keynote and Panel Discussion: Will this pandemic derail globalization?

Jürgen Jost
Director, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Honorary professor, University of Leipzig and External Faculty Member, Santa Fe Institute, USA
Recipient of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award of the German Research Society
Member of the German National Academy Leopoldina


Miles Kahler
Distinguished Professor, School of International Service, American University

• Senior Fellow for Global Governance, Council on Foreign Relations
• Former Rohr Professor of Pacific International Relations and Distinguished Professor of Political Science, University of California, San Diego
• Member, editorial boards, International Organization and Global Summitry
• Former Distinguished Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto
• Former Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
• Former Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University

Sahoko Kaji 
Professor of Economics
Keio University Japan 

Academic DirectorPEARL
Former Participant, EU Visitors’ Program  
Former Deputy Director of the European Union Studies Institute 
Author and Contributor, KRIS

Judith Karl
Executive Secretary, UN Capital Development Fund

• Former Head of UNDP’s operational performance group
• Former Deputy Director in UNDP’s Washington Liaison office
• Former Head of Strategy and Policy for UNDP’s Crisis prevention and recovery
• Former UNDP programme lead in Mali and Cambodia for local development finance, decentralisation, small and medium enterprise development, demining, and crisis response

Stephen Karingi
Regional Integration and Trade Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

• Former Senior Analyst and the Head of Macroeconomics Division in the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)
• Former Lecturer of Economics at Egerton University
• Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of African Trade
• Former member of the High Level Board of Experts on the Future of Global Trade Governance
• Presently serving in the High Level Group on Trade looking at EU-Africa relations

Harald Kayser
Chairman and Senior Partner, PwC Europe

• Chairman of the Management Board and Senior Partner of PwC Europe SE as well as Member of the PwC Network Leadership Team
• Former Chief Operating Officer/Chief Digital Officer of PwC Germany and PwC Europe and Member of the PwC Global Network Operations Leadership Team
• Former Member of the Executive Board of PwC Germany, PwC Germany Assurance Leader as well as member of the Global Assurance Leadership Team

Colm Kelly
Global Tax & Legal Services Leader and Global Purpose Leader, PwC

• Global Leader, Purpose; Corporate Responsibility, PwC
• Former Global Chief Operations Officer, PwC
• Former Leader, Tax and Legal Services, PwC Ireland
• Former Leader, Human Capital, PwC Ireland

Lori Kerr
Senior Infrastructure Specialist, The Global Infrastructure Facility at the World Bank

• Former Senior Director, Climate Finance Advisors LLC
• Former Chief, Corporate Affairs, Inter-American Investment Corporation
• Former Senior Advisor to the VP of Private Sector Operations, Inter-American Development Bank
• Adjunct Professor of International Project Finance & Investment, Georgetown University

Homi Kharas
Interim Vice President and Director, Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution

• Former Executive Secretary of the Secretariat, High Level Panel, U.N. Secretary General
• Former Chief Economist, World Bank
• Former Chief Economist, East Asia and Pacific Region, World Bank
• Former Director, Poverty Reduction & Economic Management; Finance & Private Sector Development, World Bank

Ilona Kickbusch
Council Chair, World Health Summit

• Former director, Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute
• Member of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
• Member of the WHO High-Level Independent Commission on NCDS
• Co-chair, UHC 2030
• Chairwoman, International advisory board for the development of the German global health strategy

Alan Kirman
Professor Emeritus of Economics, Aix-Marseille University and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

• Member, Institut Universitaire de France
• Former Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins University; Universite Libre de Bruxelles; Warwick University; and the European University Institute in Florence, Italy
• Fellow, Econometric Society and of the European Economic Association
• Leader, Correlations in Complex Heterogeneous Networks at Institute for New Economic Thinking
• Chief Advisor, New Approaches to Economic Challenges Initiative at the OECD

Chidi King
Director, Equality Department, International Trade Union Confederation

• Former Employment Rights Officer, UK Trade Union Congress
• Former Equality and Rights Officer, Global Union Federation Public Services International
• Senior Lawyer, Public Concern at Work (now Protect)
• Called to the Bar of England and Wales

John Kirton
Director, G7 and G20 Research Groups, University of Toronto

• Founder and Director, G7 Research Group and G20 Research Group 
• Co-Director, BRICS Research Group based at Trinity College at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in the University of Toronto
Professor, Political Science

Julia Klöckner
German Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection

Ella Kokotsis
Director, Accountability, G7 and G20 Research Groups 

• Former Director, External Relations, G7 and G20 Research Groups
• Former Director, Research, G7 Research Group

Michaela Küfner
Chief Political Editor, Deutsche Welle

• Former Presenter, HARDtalk and “The World Today”, BBC World
• Co-Founder, Democracy Reporting International NGO, Berlin
• Former Host, “Global 3000”, Deutsche Welle


Pascal Lamy
President Emeritus, Jacques Delors Institute

• Former Director General, World Trade Organization
• Former Commissioner for Trade, European Commission
• Chair, Paris Peace Forum
• Chair, Brunswick Group Europe

Keynote and Panel Discussion: Will this pandemic derail globalization?

Marina Larionova
Director, Center for International Institutions Research, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration 

Head, International Institutions Research, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
• Co-Director, BRICS Research Group 
Former Russian Sherpa for the G20-B20 Dialogue Efficiency Task Force during Russia’s 2013 G20 Presidency 
Editor-in-chief, International Organisations Research Journal

Amandine Lepoutre
President and Co-Founder, Thinkers&Doers

• President, General Assembly of Corporate Citizens
• Co-Founder, Equality for Growth and 20.30 Experts
• Board Member, Grand Paris Express

Yaroslav Lissovolik
Program Director, Valdai Discussion Club 

• Senior Managing Director; Head of Research, Sberbank Investment Research 
Former Chief Economist; subsequently Managing Director Research; Member of the Management Board, Eurasian Development Bank 
Former Chief Economist; subsequently Head of Company Research; Member of the Management Board in Russia, Deutsche Bank 
Former Advisor to the Executive Director, Russian FederationInternational Monetary Fund

David Loew
Executive Vice President, Sanofi Pasteur, Switzerland

• Former Head of Global Commercial Operations, Sanofi Pasteur
• Former Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations Europe, Sanofi Pasteur
• Former Region Head Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, Roche
• Former Global Chief Marketing Officer for the pharmaceuticals division, Roche
• Former Head of the Oncology division, Roche

Gunnar Luderer
Energy Systems Research & Deputy Chair of Research Department III – Transformation Pathways, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

• Professor of Global Energy Systems Analysis, Technical University of Berlin

Panel Discussion: Circular carbon economy

Angela Lyons
Professor and Director, Center for Economic and Financial Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

• Member, T20 task force for The Economy, Employment, and Education in the Digital Age
• Member, G20 task force for Support for SDGs and Development Cooperation

Matthias Lücke
Senior Researcher, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

• Professor, Kiel University
• Coordinator, Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM)
• Former senior economist, International Monetary Fund


Christopher MacLennan
G20 Sherpa Canada

• Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Personal Representative to the Prime Minister on the G20
• Former Assistant Deputy Minister for Global Issues and Development at Global Affairs Canada
• Former G7 foreign affairs sous-sherpa of Canada
• Former acting Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet for Priorities and Planning and Assistant Deputy Minister of Policy Innovation at the Privy Council Office
• Former Director General for Health and Nutrition at Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada

Panel Discussion: G20 in time of pandemic

Mary Carol Madigan

• Member of the Regulatory Compliance Group leading AI Ethics activities, SAP
• SAP AI Ethics initiative as part of the AI product team
• Formerly worked in new product development, UnitedHealth Group

Panel Discussion: AI and data governance
Paolo Magri
Executive Vice President & Director, Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)

• Professor of International Relations, Bocconi University
• Member of the Strategic Committee, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation
• Member of the Europe Policy Group, World Economic Forum Davos
• Member of the Scientific Committee, Elcano Royal Institute

Arun Maira
Chairman, HelpAge International
Global Solutions Fellow

• Fellow, Global Solutions Initiative
• Former  Member, Planning Commission Government of India
• Former Chairman, Boston Consulting Group, India
• Former Consultant, Arthur D. Little, USA
• Former Senior Executive and current Board Member, Tata Group, India

Timur Maksimov
Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation 

• Former Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Russian Federation 
Former Deputy Head, Federal Customs Service, Russian Federation 
Former Assistant to the Minister of Finance, Russian Federation 

Kirsten Martin
Associate Professor, George Washington University

• Lindner Gambal Associate Professor, Business Ethics
• Member, Advisory Board, Future Privacy Forum
• Former Tedx Talk Speaker on privacy online
• Editor, Technology and Business Ethics Section, Journal of Business Ethics

Keynote Speaker: AI and data governance
Patrice Matchaba
Novartis Group Head, Global Health and Corporate Responsibility

• Former Global Head of the Cardio-Metabolic Development Unit
• Former Therapeutic Area Head for Immunology and Infectious Diseases
• Former Global Head of Drug Safety and Epidemiology
• Former Global Head of the Integrated Development Functions and Regions
• Former Country Pharma Organization Chief Scientific Officer, Novartis South Africa

Greg Medcraft
Director, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, OECD

• Director, Salzburg Global Seminar
• Member, High-Level Advisory Group of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Finance and Technology, IMF
• Former Chair, International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
• Former Commissioner and Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
• Former CEO, Australian Securitisation Forum

Christoph Meinel
CEO and Scientific Director, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany

• Dean of the Faculty of Digital Engineering, University of Potsdam
• Holds the chair of Internet Technologies and Systems, University of Potsdam
• Teacher at the HPI School of Design Thinking
• Member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)

Keynote Speaker & Panel Discussion: Clean-IT

Claire Mellier
Accredited Researcher, Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat 

• FacilitatorClimate Assembly UK
• ResearcherComparative Study: UK and French Climate AssembliesCentre for Climate Change and Social Transformation 

Joost Minnaar
Founder, Corporate Rebels

• Former Scientist, Henkel Advanced Technologies Laboratory, Barcelona
• Recipient, Thinkers50 Award
• Honoree, Thinkers50 Radar Top 30 Emergent Management Thinkers

Henrietta Moore
Founder & Director, Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London

• Chair of Culture, Philosophy and Design, University College London
• Former William Wyse Chair, Social Anthropology, Cambridge University
• Former Deputy Director, London School of Economics and Political Sciences
• Former Director, Gender Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science

Arnaud Mourot
Vice President, ASHOKA Changemaker Companies 

• FounderAshoka Operations France/Belgium/Switzerland  
• Former MemberFrench Olympic wrestling Team 
• Founder,
NGO Play International 

Robert E. Moritz
Global Chairman, PwC

• Former US Chairman and Senior Partner, PwC
• Former US Assurance Leader, PwC
• Former Managing Partner of the NY Office and Metro Region, PwC
• Former Chairman of the Governing Board for the Center for Audit Quality, PwC

Philani Mthembu
Executive Director, Institute for Global Dialogue, UNISA

• Co-founder, Berlin Forum on Global Politics 
MA, International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 


Reema Nanavaty
Director, Self Employed Women’s Association 

• Leader, SEWA rehabilitation programs in Afghanistan and in Sri Lanka providing vocational training in rural livelihood security to war-affected widows 
• Oversees 4813 self-help groups, 160 co-operatives and 15 economic federations, across India and in 7 South-Asian countries, focusing on women’s economic empowerment 
• Member of the Advisory Council on Gender of the World Bank Group
• Former member of International Labor Organization’s High-Level Global Commission on Future of Work
• R
ecipient of Padma Shri Award 

Sumana Nandi
International Coordinator-General, XR- Affinity Network of Asia

• Researcher, SOAS, University of London postgraduate Action Research studies
• Coordinator, 19th IFOAM Organic World  
Former Organiser, Women of India Exhibition by the Government of India  

Irene Natividad
President, Global Summit of Women

• Chairwoman, Corporate Women Directors International
• Member of the G7 Gender Advisory Council
• Former Board Director, Sallie Mae Corp., United States
• Former Commissioner, National Association of Board Directors’ Blue Ribbon Commission on Board Diversity

Charity Ngilu
Governor of Kitui County, Kenya 

• Awarded Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya 
• Former Minister of Health  
• Former Minister of Water & Irrigation  
• Former Cabinet Secretary for Land, Housing and Urban Development 
• Chairperson of National Rainbow Coalition 

Tom Nuttall
Berlin Bureau Chief, The Economist

• Former US West Coast Correspondent, The Economist
• Former Deputy and Online Europe Editor, The Economist
• Former Editor, European Council on Foreign Relations


Thoraya Obaid
Chair of W20, Saudi Arabia 2020

• Former Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund
• Former Member, Consultative Council (Shura Council)
• Recipient, United Nations Population Award

Christine Ockrent
ditorinChief, France Culture Radio 

Anchor & Producer, Affaires Etrangères Program, France Culture Radio
ContributorBBC TV & Radio Network 
Former COO, France 24 and RFI 
Former Editor in ChiefL’Express 
Committee Member, Dahrendorf Forum 

Izumi Ohno
Director, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (JICA Ogata Research Institute)

• Visiting Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
• Former lead Co-Chair, T20 Task Force: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Japanese Presidency
• Former member of the Advisory Panel on ODA Charter Review, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Former Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Japan Inclusive Business Support Center, Ministry of Trade and Industry

Panel Discussion: Implementing the SDGs

Asli Okyay
Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy

• Senior Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Research Coordinator on migration
• Former post-doctoral Research Associate, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence

Dennis Ostwald
CEO and Founder, WifOR Institute

• Professor of Economic Research and Management, School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) Steinbeis University of Applied Sciences
• Lecturer, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, Risk Assessment and Sustainability Management (RASUM)
• Former Research Assistant to Chair Prof. Bert Rürup, Darmstadt Technical University, Department of Finance and Economic Policy

Barbara Orser
Full Professor and Deloitte Professor in the Management of Growth EnterprisesTelfer School of Management, University of Ottawa 

• Co-editor of forthcoming OECD multicounty report on women’s enterprise policies 
• Advisor to the Canadian Bureau of International Education Launching Economic Achievement Program (LEAP) for Women in Jordan and Scotiabank Women InitiativeTM Knowledge Centre 
• Board memberWomen’s Economic Imperative 
• Acting Head of Women20 (W20) Delegation Canada 
Member, UNWomen WE Empower Advisory Group Canada 


Anthony Painter
Chief Research and Impact Officer,
Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce

Former Director, Independent Review of the Police Federation  
• Former Partnerships with Google, the BBC, the BMA, the Education and Training Foundation, the Association of Colleges and the Metropolitan Police 
• Presenter, high profile conferences in the UK, Europe, and the US 

Susan Parnell
Global Challenges Research Professor in the School of Geography, University of Bristol and Emeritus Professor at the African Centre for Cities (ACC), University of Cape Town

• Board Member, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 
• Board Member, African Centre for Cities (ACC)
• Former Emeka Anyaoku Visiting Chair University College London
• Former Visiting Professor at LSE Cities

Richard Perez
Founding Director, Hasso Plattner School of Design Thinking, University of Cape Town

• Former Director, Word Design Capital, City of Cape Town

Panel Discussion: Clean-IT

Tony Pipa
Senior Fellow in Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution

• Former Chief Strategy Officer, US Agency for International Development (USAID)
• Former US Special Coordinator for the Post-2015 Agenda, US Department of State

Jean Pisani-Ferry
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair, European University Institute

• Professor, Sciences Po Paris & Hertie School of Governance Berlin
• Senior Fellow and Founding Director, Bruegel
• Former Commissioner-General, Policy Planning, France
• Former Executive President, Prime Minister’s Council of Economic Analysis, France
• Former Senior Economic Adviser, French Minister of Finance
• Former Economic Adviser, European Commission

Julia Pomares

Executive Director, Center for the Implementation of Public Policy for Equity and Growth
Global Solutions Fellow

• Former Co-Chair, Taskforce on the Future of Multilateralism and Global Governance

• Former Co-Chair, T20 Argentina
• Former Consultant, Overseas Development Institute

Manuel Pulgar-Vidal
Climate & Energy Practice Leader, WWF International

• Former Minister, Environment of Peru
• President, UNFCCC COP20 Lima
• Former Executive Director, Peruvian Society of Environmental Law
• Lawyer specializing in environmental law and policy


Gabriela Ramos
Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20, OECD

• Former Head, OECD Office Mexico, Latin America
• Former Director, Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico
• Former Technical Secretary, Minister for the Budget, Mexico
• Professor, International Economy, Universidad Ibeoamericanalnstituto Teconologico Auronomo de Mexico

Lucrezia Reichlin
Professor of Economics, London Business School

• Professor of Economics, London Business School
• Former Director, General Research, European Central Bank, Frankfurt
• Chairman & Co-founder, Now-Casting Economics Ltd, London
• Non-executive Director, Ageas Insurance Group, Brussels
• Trustee, Centre for European Policy Research,  London

Thomas Reiter
Interagency Coordinator and Advisor to the Director General, ESA

• Former Astronaut, European Space Agency (ESA)
• Member of the executive board of the German Aerospace Center (DLA)
• Director for Human Spaceflight and Operations, ESA
• Interagency Coordinator and advisor to the Director General, ESA

Mauricio Rodas
Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania

• Former Mayor of Quito, Ecuador (host of Habitat III)
• Non-resident Senior Fellow, Adrienne Arsht–Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center  

Dani Rodrik
Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy, Harvard Kennedy School

• Recipient, Albert O. Hirschman Prize of the Social Sciences Research Council
• President-Elect of the International Economic Association
• Co-director of the Economics for Inclusive Prosperity network

Lars-Hendrik Röller
Economic & Financial Advisor to the Federal Chancellor Germany; G7/G20 Sherpa

• Professor of Economics, Chair Institute of Industrial Economics, Humboldt University
• Former President, European School of Management and Technology
• Former Research Professor, Innovation and Competition, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
• Former Chief Competition Economist, European Commission

Panel Discussion: G20 in time of pandemic

Ann Rosenberg
Senior Vice President & Global Head, SAP Next Gen

• Purpose, Sustainability and Public Affairs Expert, SAP
• UN Global Compact SDG Ambition, Founding Patron Partner: SAP
• Mentor UN Global Compact SDG Young Innovators program
• Advocate for Business Ambition for 1.5°C

Panel Discussion: Clean-IT

Carolin Roth
Anchor, CNBC International

• Anchor, Street Signs Europe, CNBC Network
• Freelance Journalist & Reporter
• Moderator, Conferences

Martin Ruhs
Deputy Director, Migration Policy Center, European University Institute

• Professor, Migration Studies, Migration Policy Center, European University Institute
• Academic Co-Director, Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration
• Former Director, The Migration Observatory, University of Oxford
• Former Member, UK Migration Advisory Committee

Keynote Speaker & Panel Discussion: Public attitudes to asylum and refugee policies


Ihsan Sabuncuoğlu
Founding Rector and Professor, AbdullahGül University

• Team Leader, New Generation University R&D Project, Abdullah Gül University
Former Chair, Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Bilkent University

Güven Sak
Managing Director, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)

• External Founding Member, Monetary Policy Council, Central Bank of Turkey
• Rector, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara
• Founder, Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)
• Former Co-Chair, Forced Migration Task Force, T20 Germany
• Former Senior Researcher, Capital Markets Board, Turkey
• Former Faculty Member, Department of Public Finance, Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University

Juan Francisco Saldarriaga
Senior Data and Design Researcher, Columbia University

• Senior Data & Design Researcher, Brown Institute for Media Innovation, Columbia University
• Mellon Research Scholar, Center for Spatial Research, Columbia University
• Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University
• Associate Research Scholar, Spatial Information Design Lab, Columbia University

Data Presentation: AI and data governance

Claudia Sanhueza
Universidad Mayor, Chile

Andreas Schleicher
Director for Education and Skills, OECD

• Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General, OECD
• Former Deputy Director, Education and Skills, OECD
• Recipient, Theodor Heuss Prize
• Honorary Professorship, University of Heidelberg

Olaf Scholz
Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance, Germany

• Former Acting Chair, Social Democratic Party SPD
• Former Mayor of Hamburg, Germany
• Former Deputy Chair, SPD parliamentary group
• Former Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany
• Former Member, German Bundestag

Miranda Schreurs
Professor of Environment and Climate Policy, Technical University of Munich

• Vice-Chair, European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Network
• Co-Chair, Citizen Committee for Radioactive Waste Management (Nationales Begleitgremium, NBG), Germany 
• Former Member, Ethics Committee for a Secure Energy Supply, Germany
• Former Member, German Council on the Environment
• Former Fulbright Fellow to Japan and Germany
• Former Director, Environmental Policy Research Center; and Former Professor Comparative Policy, Free University of Berlin

Panel Discussion: Circular Carbon Economy 

Svenja Schulze
Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany

• Former Minister for Innovation, Science and Research, State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
• Former General Secretary, Social Democratic Party (SPD), North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
• Current Member, SPD Party Executive; SPD Executive Committee
• Member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany

Keynote Speaker & Panel Discussion: COP26 and functioning global carbon markets

Franziska Schünemann
Junior Professor for Bioeconomy at the University Hohenheim, Germany

• Junior Professor for Bioeconomy at the University Hohenheim, Germany
• Former postdoctoral researcher at the Kiel Institute of the World Economy in Kiel, Germany, in the research area “The Environment and Natural Resources”

Carlo Secchi
Vice-President and Head of Centre on Infrastructure, Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)

• Professor Emeritus of European Economic Policy and former Rector, Bocconi University
• European TEN-T Coordinator (Atlantic Corridor), European Commission
• Former Member and Vice-President of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
• Former Member of the Italian Senate

Bhushan Sethi
Joint Global Leader, People & Organization, PwC US

• Thought leader, public speaker, media spokesperson and influencer on “future of work”
• Member of T20 “Future of work task force”
• Member of World Economic Forum Global Future Council on the New Equality and Inclusion Agenda

Amanda Shaw
LecturerDepartment of Political Science at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa 

• Independent Consultant, Research and policy analysis on inequality, international development, trade and agriculture 
• Advisor on Gender and Social Inclusion, TAF2Plus 
• Member, Hawai’i State Commission on the Status of Women’s Feminist COVID-19 Response group 
• Former Ailsa McKay Postdoctoral Fellow, Women in Scottish Economy, Centre for Economic Justice 

Blair Sheppard
Managing Director, Strategy & Leadership, PwC

• Founder, CEO and Chairman, Duke Corporate Education
• Former Professor & Dean, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
• Former Global Leader, Strategy & Leadership Development, PwC

Gamelihle Sibanda
Chief Technical Adviser, International Labor Organization 

• Advisor, employment intensive infrastructure investment programs, United Nations 
• Chief Technical Adviser, biomimicrySA

Mehmet Şimşek
Board Advisor, Dome Group

• Former Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, Turkey
• Former Minister of Finance, Turkey
• Former Minister of Treasury, Turkey
• Former Member of Parliament, Turkey

J.P. Singh
Professor of International Commerce and Policy, George Mason University  

 • Richard von Weiszäcker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy 
• Former Chair of Culture and Political Economy, and Director, Institute for International Cultural Relations, University of Edinburgh; George Mason University; Georgetown University 
• Fellowships, World Trade Organization, Social Science Research Council, New America Foundation 
• Advisor and Consultant, World Bank, World Trade Organization, UNESCO 
• Editor, Arts & International AffairsFrontiers of the Global Economy book series, Political Economy Section – Global Perspectives 


Keynote Speaker and Moderator: Mobilizing Multilateral Cultural Values

Astrid Skala-Kuhmann
Senior Advisor, T20, Global Partnerships

• Co-Chair, T20 Task Force on Migration
• Supervisory Board Member Lenzing AG, Semperit AG Austria
• Co-Dean Sino-German Young Professional Campus (Mercator/BMW Foundation)
• Former Country Director GIZ in China

Leonard Smith
Professor of Statistics and Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Time Series, London School of Economics

• Senior Research Fellow for mathematics, Pembroke College, Oxford
• Fitzroy Prize from the Royal Meteorological Society
• Selby Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

Dennis Snower

President, Global Solutions Initiative


• Founder and President, Global Solutions Initiative
• Professor, Macroeconomics and Sustainability, Hertie School
• Senior Research Fellow, Blavatnik School of Government
• Non-resident Fellow, Brookings Institution
• Former President, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Tetsushi Sonobe
Dean & CEO, Asian Development Bank Institute

• Former Vice President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo
• Former Professor of Economics, Tokyo Metropolitan University and GRIPS
• Recipient, Nikkei Book Publication Prize; and Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize
• Founding Board Member, Japanese Association for Development Economics

Tunç Soyer

Mayor of Izmir, Turkey

• Chairman of the Board, Turkish Social Democrat Municipalities Association (SODEM)
• Vice-Chairman, Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Regional Governments Assembly
• Board Member, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
• Vice President, Cittaslow Unity, Italy
• Former Mayor of Seferihisar

Achim Steiner
Administrator, United Nations Development Program

• Vice-Chair, UN Sustainable Development Group
• Former Director, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford
• Former Professorial Fellow of Balliol College, University of Oxford
• Former Director-General, United Nations Office at Nairobi
• Former Director General, International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Keynote Speaker: Implementing the SDGs

Ulrich Störk
CEO, PwC Germany

• Chairman of the Management Board, PwC Germany
• Former Partner, PwC Germany

Paola Subacchi
Professor of International Economics & Chair Advisory Board, Queen Mary University of London

• Director, E-Economics, London
• Visiting Professor, University of Bologna
• Non-executive director, SMT Plc

Roberto Suro
University of Southern California

• Professor of journalism and of public policy, University of Southern California in Los Angeles
• Awarded a 2019 Berlin Prize for his analytical writing on immigration policy by the American Academy in Berlin
• Founding director of the Pew Hispanic Center and a member of the founding management committee of the Pew Research Center
• Former domestic bureau chief for The New York Times and deputy national editor and staff writer on the national desk at The Washington Post

Wayne Swan
President, Australian Labor Party

• Member, International Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation
• Former Treasurer & Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
• Former G20 Finance Minister
• Development, Inclusive Prosperity policies, Centre for American Progress & UNESCAP


Matthew Taylor
Executive, Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce

• Former Chief Adviser on Political Strategy to the British Prime Minister
• Former DirectorInstitute for Public Policy Research 
• Podcast Host,  Bridges to the Future: Responses to Covid-19 

Margo Thomas
President & CEO, Women’s Economic Imperative
Global Solutions Fellow

• Fellow, Chatham House London
• Former Co-Chair, T20 Task Forces: Gender Economic Equity, Argentinian Presidency; SDG Task Force, Japanese Presidency
• Former Head of Secretariat, UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment

Yonette Thomas
Founding Board Member, Women’s Economic Imperative  

• Global Advisor, Centre for Urban Health and Development within the Asian Institute of Poverty Alleviation (CUHD-AIPA)  
• Former Chief of the Epidemiology Research Branchand Program Director for the social epidemiology programNational Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, USA    
• Founding Board memberInternational Society for Urban Health  
• Former Science Advisor for Urban Health, New York Academy of Medicine 
• Founding Board Member and Vice President, Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science   
• Former Member, Steering Committee of the National Hispanic Science Network on Drug Abuse  

Susan Thornton
Senior Fellow and Research Scholar, Yale University

• Senior Fellow and Research Scholar, Paul Tsai China Center, Yale University Law School
• Former U.S. Acting Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia & Pacific Affairs
• Former U.S. Diplomat
• Director, Forum on Asia-Pacific Security, National Committee on American Foreign Policy
• Non-Resident Fellow, Brookings Institution

David Throsby
Distinguished Professor of Economics, Macquarie University, Australia 

• Distinguished FellowAssociation for Cultural Economics International 
• Author, Economics and Culture (2001) and Economics of Cultural Policy (2010) 
• Consultant, the World Bank, UNESCO, UNCTAD amongst others 
• Advisor on the economics of the creative industries to policy makers in government, NGOs and private-sector agencies 

Yves Tiberghien
Professor, Political Science, University of British Columbia

• Director Emeritus of the Institute of Asian Research and Co-Director of the Center for Japanese Research, UBC
• Distinguished Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada and the International Steering Committee
• Member representing Canada at Pacific Trade and Development Conference
• One of the Principals of the Vision20

Albert K. Ting
Chairman, Lawrence S. Ting Memorial Foundation

• Chairman, CX Technology Corporation Chairman of Phu Hung Securities of Vietnam
• Vice Chairman, World Vision Taiwan

Paul Tighe
Secretary General, Pontifical Council for Culture

• Appointment, Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Vatican
• Nomination, Titular Bishop of Drivastum, Vatican
• Former Ethics Lecturer, Dublin

Panel Discussion: AI and data governance

Simon Tilford
Director, Research and Management, Forum New Economy 

• Former deputy director, Centre of European Reform 
• Former Chief Economist, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change 
• Former advisor to the European Commission, several EU governments and central banks, the House of Lords, as well as various financial institutions, multinationals and business federations 


Shukri Toefy
Co-Founder and CEO, FORT; South Africa

• Ambassador & Young Global Changer, Global Solutions Initiative
• Founder, #CreateMovement campaign
• Former Advisor, CEO Initiative for the Presidency of South Africa
• Former residency Said Business School, University of Oxford
• Founder, Southfields Group

Maximo Torero
Chief Economist and Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization

• Former Executive Director, World Bank Group for Argentina, Bolivia, Chile Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay
• Former Leader, Division of the Markets, Trade, and Institutions at the International Food Policy Research Institute
• Former Professor, University of the Pacific, Perú
• Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, University of Bonn, Germany
• Recipient, Award for Outstanding Research on Development, The Global Development Network
• Recipient, Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite Agricole

Jean-Claude Trichet
Honorary Governor, Banque de France

• Former President, European Central Bank
• Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bruegel Institute
• European Chairman, Trilateral Commission
• Member, Institut de France
• Honorary Chairman, Group of Thirty
• Former Member, Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance

Keynote Speaker & Panel Discussion: COVID-19 and the financial systems

Laurence Tubiana
CEO, European Climate Foundation

• Chair of the Board of Governors at the French Development Agency (AFD)
• Professor at Sciences Po, Paris
• Formerly France’s Climate Change Ambassador and Special Representative for COP21
• Former High Level Champion for climate action
• Former Senior Adviser on the Environment to the French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin

David Tuckett
Director and Professor, Centre for Study of Decision-Making Uncertainty, University College London

• Principle Investigator of the CRUISSE network
• Winner, Sigourney Award for Psychoanalysis 2008 and 2019
• CEO, Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing Inc

Danilo Türk
President, World Leadership Alliance- Club de Madrid, Former President of Slovenia

• Former President, Republic of Slovenia
• Former Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, United Nations, New York
• Founder, Foundation “Let the Dream”
• Professor Emeritus of International Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Adair Turner
Chairman, Energy Transitions Commission

• Chairman, Energy Transitions Commission
• Senior Fellow and former Chairman, Institute for New Economic Thinking
• Member, Advisory Board, Shanghai-based Envision Energy
• Chairman, insurer group Chubb Europe
• Former Chairman, UK Financial Services Authority

Panel Discussion: Circular carbon economy

Paul Twomey
Co-Founder, STASH Secure Data
Global Solutions Fellow

• Distinguished Fellow, Center for International Governance Innovation
• Commissioner, Global Commission for Internet Governance
• Former CEO, Internet Cooperation for Assigned Names and Numbers
• Former CEO, Australian National Office for the Information Economy
• Former Executive General Manager, Australian Trade Commission

Panel Discussion: AI and data governance
Interviewer: AI and data governance


Marc Uzan
Executive Director and Founder, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee

Advisory Consultant, Corporate and Public Sector Clients in Developing High-level Events 
• Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics,  University of California, Berkeley
• V
isiting Fellow, Harvard University
Master Degree, International Economics and Finance, Université de Paris IX Dauphine 


Robert Vos
Director of the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division (MTID) at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Netherlands

• Former Director of Agricultural Development Economics, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
• Former Director for Social Protection, Rural Employment, and Gender Equality, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
• Former Director of Development Policy and Analysis, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), New York
• Former Secretary of the UN Committee for Development Policy
• Former Professor of Finance and Development, International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University, Netherlands


Norbert Walter-Borjans
Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)

 Former Minister of Finance of North Rhine-Westphalia
• Former Chairman of the German Conference of the Ministers of Finance
• Former State Secretary in North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland
• Author of a referenced book on the subject of tax evasion: Steuern – Der große Bluff

Rebecca Willis
Expert lead, Climate Assembly UK

 Professor in Practice, Lancaster Environment Centre; Lancaster University 
 Trustee, New Economics Foundation 
 Adviser, National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund 

David Sloan Wilson
SUNY Distinguished Professor of Biology and Anthropology, Binghamton University, USA

• President, Evolution Institute
• Founder of Prosocial.world, a practical method of managing multilevel cultural evolution. 

Panel Discussion: COVID-19: Stabilizing the world economy

Ngaire Woods
University of Oxford

• Founding Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University
• Founder, Global Economic Governance Program, Oxford University
• Co-Founder, Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellowship Program
• Member, International Advisory Panel, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
• Board, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
• Board, Stephen A. Schwarzman Education Foundation

Irene Wu
Senior Analyst, Office of Economic Analysis, US Federal Communications Commission 

• Adjunct Professor, Communications, Culture, and Technology, Georgetown University
• Former Fellow, Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington DC  


Naoyuki Yoshino
Director, Financial Research Centre, FSA Institute
Global Solutions Fellow

• Former Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute
• Professor Emeritus, Keio University
• Director, Financial Research Center of Financial Services Agency
• Visiting Professor, National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies
• Visiting Lecturer, Graduate School of Public Policy at University of Tokyo 
• Former T20 Chair, Japan


Simon Zadek
Sherpa to the Co-Chairs, UN Secretary General’s Task Force on Digital Financing of the SDGs

• Sherpa to Achim Steiner and Maria Ramos, Co-chairs, UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital Financing of the SDGs
• Former Senior Advisor on sustainable finance to the UN Deputy Secretary-General
• Former Co-Director, UN Environment’s Inquiry into Design Options for a Sustainable Financial System
• Former Leader, Green/Sustainable Finance Study Group secretariat for the G20
• Former co-chair of China’s Green Finance Task Force alongside the People’s Bank of China

Lorena Zemp
Director, SuRe Standard Programme, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation 

• Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation’s Representative, ISEAL’s Gender Working Group
Former Technical M&E Officer, SCORE programme, International Labour Organization 
Previously Corporate Banking (BBVA Bancomer) and impact investment in Canada, Mexico and Switzerland

MJ Zhang
CEO, Higgs Dynamics

• Former Senior Vice President, Yunji Technology
• Former President, Huanfou Technology
• Former COO, Morefun.TV
• Former Senior Director, CCTV.com
• Former CTO, Generalv.com
• Former Senior Researcher, R&D Microsoft Research

Panel Discussion: AI and data governance

Eduarda Zoghbi
Co-Founder, The Pursuit; Brazil

Ambassador & Young Global Changer, Global Solutions Initiative
• President, SIPA Energy Association
• Lemann Fellow
• MPA Candidate, Columbia University

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