

Activities, Workshops and Conferences

The Global Solutions Initiative is made possible through its distinguished and highly committed partner organizations. We strive for stimulating research and connecting researchers to relevant policymakers. The following overview shows conferences, webinars, workshops and other events aimed at providing policy recommendations to the G20 & T20 and G7 & Think7, which are hosted by the Global Solutions Initiative or its network members.

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Past events

A month after the Global Solutions Summit 2024 (GSS2024), this Reunion is an opportunity to discuss what global solution proposals from the GSS2024 you found particularly promising and what potentially effective solution proposals, relevant for the G20, were perhaps overlooked at the GSS2024. We look forward to listening to the afterthoughts from GSS2024 participants. We are ... Read more
Online session led by Matt Ferchen, Senior Research Fellow in Law and Senior Fellow at the Paul Tsai China Center at the Yale Law School, on new thinking in Asia on economic security and efforts to ensure economic resilience.
A Zoom session on international financial architecture and sovereign debt restructuring to be led by Randall Henning, Professor of International Economic Relations at American University, who has written two recently published papers on the international political economy and institutional dynamics of current international financial relations.
The Making and Breaking of Trust in Modern Societies The perception that fellow citizens can be trusted has been pinpointed as pivotal for the functioning of modern political, economic, and social systems. It is one of the three indicators used in The World Policy Forum’s solidarity index. In this presentation, Professor Christian Albrekt Larsen discusses ... Read more
As Brazil is set to assume the G20 Presidency in 2024, expectations are high for the country to drive effective policymaking on pressing global issues. With the key priorities focusing on social inclusion, sustainable development, and global governance reform, Brazil is presented with a unique opportunity to strengthen its position as a global leader as ... Read more
Evaluating and Realizing the Value of Nature: Insights from the Changing Wealth of Nations database and examples from Indonesia The Changing Wealth of Nations (CWON) series of reports provides a database and analysis of the world’s wealth accounts spanning 146 countries, annually from 1995 to 2018. It tracks human capital, a wide range of natural ... Read more
Toward a New Understanding of Governance: The Berggruen Governance Index Our primary goal in developing the Berggruen Governance Index (BGI) is to gain a better understanding of the provision of public goods. The BGI examines the varied performances of countries with a conceptual framework — the Governance Triangle — that incorporates democratic accountability and state ... Read more
With  the African Union’s invitation to join as a permanent member of the G20, African states have now gained a voice in one of the most influential multilateral bodies. Framed as a sign of good will from the G20, many speculate how this will rebalance international power dynamics. Whether this move will have a real ... Read more
Mainstream economic statistics are a snapshot of the portion of the economy that falls inside the production boundary as defined in the System of National Accounts (SNA). This raises accounting challenges, given the economy’s reliance on largely unmeasured natural capital services. One issue is that the SNA records flow measures over the past. Augmenting them ... Read more
Politicians, investors, businesspeople, and the public around the world look to GDP as the primary judge of how well their countries are doing. For most of the post-World War II era, GDP growth has been taken as a sine qua non of progress. Countries have been said to be moving in the right direction when their market economies, as measured by GDP, were expanding. ... Read more
The world is in crisis. What can we do now? This spring, we will bring together top leaders from policy, academia, civil society, and the private sector – to find a way out of the crisis.  About the Global Solutions Summit: Since 2017, the Global Solutions Summit has provided an intense, two-day forum for the world’s leading ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative, THE NEW INSTITUTE, Prosocial World and INET Oxford are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Economic Paradigm Change”. The workshop series will attract major contributors to the development of new paradigms for economics. The new paradigms contain a new understanding of the purpose of economics, focused on the mobilization of resources ... Read more
Replacing GDP by 2030 Rutger Hoekstra will discuss a strategy on how to replace GDP as the key indicator of society. As part of this, he will present an interdisciplinary synthesis of the main Beyond-GDP metrics created in the last 50 years. The basis for this synthesis is a Brundtland/Stiglitz conceptual framework which distinguishes WISE: ... Read more
The G7’s Hiroshima Summit on May 19-21, 2023, confronts four key potentially existential, interrelated, global threats – the danger of nuclear war in Europe and Asia, irreversible climate change and global health. Japan’s G7 presidency identified these threats as priorities from the very start of its year as G7 host, alongside other immediate challenges in ... Read more
Measuring Well-Being Beyond GDP: The OECD Approach How well are economies doing for people? How sustainable is our way of living? Are societies thriving with purpose? These are the key questions that the OECD’s work on multidimensional well-being is addressing. To fill the gap between standard macroeconomic statistics and indicators that have a more direct ... Read more
The Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN) partners and global civil society are organizing a series of Regional Futures Forums (RFFs) to bring critical and diverse intergenerational civil society perspectives into preparations for the first annual civil society-led Global Futures Forum (GFF) scheduled for 20-21 March 2023 in New York. Special effort is made ... Read more
This event brought together stakeholders from local governments, city commissioners, businesses, think tanks and international organizations to discuss environmental protection and resource efficiency within cities and urban areas as drivers and implementers of circular economy. The event focused on three pillars: Understanding, Envisioning and Implementing and use interactive peer-learning formats. The conference summary speech by ... Read more
The session will begin with three brief introductory statements by experts in the UN process. First, Richard Gowan, UN Director at the International Crisis Group, will share his perspective on the feasibiity of UN reform and make an evaluation of the most needed changes to the multilateral system. Next, Dr. Silke Weinlich, Project Lead and ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative is launching the multistakeholder workshop series “Enabling policies for digitalization in agriculture” in 2022/2023. It aims at developing concrete policy recommendations for digitalization in agriculture to enhance productivity, inclusivity, and sustainability – in the spirit of recoupling economic, social and environmental wellbeing. It addresses the Indian G20 Presidency and Japanese G7 ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative, THE NEW INSTITUTE, Prosocial World and INET Oxford are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Economic Paradigm Change”. The workshop series will attract major contributors to the development of new paradigms for economics. The new paradigms contain a new understanding of the purpose of economics, focused on the mobilization of resources ... Read more
Although the digital revolution has unleashed a vast array of new opportunities for economic, social and political exchange, there is a misalignment of interests between the users and suppliers of digital services. This paper identifies a central flaw of current digital governance systems: “third-party funded digital barter”. Consumers of digital services get many digital services ... Read more
Is it time to fundamentally rethink economics – its theoretical foundations, activities and processes; its purpose and goals? How should we reimagine and redesign our economic models to better reflect and serve human needs and wants, and the flourishing of all life on our one planet? It is often said that the world faces challenges ... Read more
The inaugural summit on the Foundations of Values and Value in the 21st Century takes place on January 23-24, 2023, at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University. The summit will bring together leading academics, business leaders, policymakers, and politicians to discuss the foundation of values and value needed to address the global challenges, ... Read more
In the run-up to India’s T20 Inception Conference, to be held on 13-14 January 2023, the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID), the Global Solutions Initiative, and the T20 Secretariat are hosting an official T20 Roundtable on ‘Finance, Technology, People & Partnerships: The Building Blocks of Energy Transition’. G20 ... Read more
In this session, Amrita Narlikar, President of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies, will share her perspective on how to integrate the heterogeneous voices of the Global South into the multilateralist stage. If interested, contact [email protected].
The virtual Think7 (T7) Japan 2023 Inception Conference will mark the first meeting of the Group of 7’s (G7) think tank engagement group, the T7, hosted by the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) as part of Japan’s 2023 G7 presidency. T7 Japan lead-chair, ADBI Dean Tetsushi Sonobe, will explain the T7 agenda. This includes openness to participation by ... Read more
If you are a business representative, work in international development cooperation, or are a national/subnational public authority in charge of economic framework conditions, this session is for you. This session will bring concrete illustrations from south-south and north-south cooperation, especially in Africa and Asia, to demonstrate how technology and new policy approaches support the development ... Read more
The two-day conference is intended to foster international cooperation and partnership between the partner countries of the Export Initiative and German technology and service providers. The conference creates a platform for global knowledge sharing and market exploration for green and sustainable development by bringing together international partners from private and public sector, experts, and political ... Read more
THE NEW INSTITUTE and the Global Solutions Initiative are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Measuring Prosperity”. The workshop series will attract major contributors to the measurement of economic performance beyond GDP and the measurement of business performance beyond shareholder value. In both these domains, the environmental and social effects of economic activity will be ... Read more
THE 6th KAS-CSIS GERMANY-INDONESIA STRATEGIC DIALOGUE “Aligning Aspirations and Expectations: the Future of G7-G20 Relations The agenda is available here.  More information: https://www.global-solutions-initiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/E-Flyer-6th-KAS-CSIS-Germany-Indonesia-Strategic-Dialogue-Save-the-Date.pdf
Join us at the Circular Dialogue session “MIND THE GAP : from regulation to financing circular action”, happening on November 24, 2022, from 14:00 – 15:00 (Athens time). This session aims to stimulate a dialogue on improving institutional, industrial and financial leverage, inspired by the global findings generated through the two-year Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues. ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative is launching the multistakeholder workshop series “Enabling policies for digitalization in agriculture” in 2022/2023. It aims at developing concrete policy recommendations for digitalization in agriculture to enhance productivity, inclusivity, and sustainability – in the spirit of recoupling economic, social and environmental wellbeing. It addresses the Indian G20 Presidency and Japanese G7 presidency in ... Read more
The 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will take place in15-16 November 2022 in Bali. The Summit will be the pinnacle of the G20 process and intense work carried out within the Ministerial Meetings, Working Groups, and Engagement Groups throughout the year.
THE NEW INSTITUTE and the Global Solutions Initiative are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Digital Empowerment”. The workshop series will attract major contributors to the aim of improving the rules of digital governance to better empower and protect individuals and democracy in an environment distorted by the power of obscure, mass data aggregation and ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative, THE NEW INSTITUTE, Prosocial World and INET Oxford are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Economic Paradigm Change”. In this session, Marc Fleurbaey, Princeton University, will present his work on “Efficiency and equity in a socially-embedded economy”. The workshop series will attract major contributors in the development of new paradigms for economics. The new paradigms contain a ... Read more
Online lecture by Professor Colin Bradford, Global Solutions Fellow.
THE NEW INSTITUTE and the Global Solutions Initiative are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Measuring Prosperity”. The workshop series will attract major contributors to the measurement of economic performance beyond GDP and the measurement of business performance beyond shareholder value. In both these domains, the environmental and social effects of economic activity will be ... Read more
The workshop series will discuss new strategies and models for international cooperation that is sustainable, resilient and just in the light of multiple global crises. It will address governance fora like the G20/G7 with concrete policy proposals. If interested, contact [email protected]
Geopolitische Konflikte – insbesondere der Krieg in der Ukraine – und andere akute Herausforderungen wie die COVID-19-Pandemie bestimmen zunehmend die Migrationspolitik in der EU und ihren Mitgliedsstaaten. Deutschland ist in Europa eines der Hauptzielländer der Schutzsuchenden und andere Migrierender und steht vor besonderen Herausforderungen: die Verantwortung für den Schutz von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland und in ... Read more
Hosting institution/s: GSI, GIZ, O.P. Jindal Global University (India) More information about the Intersecting Winter School: https://www.global-solutions-initiative.org/intersecting-winter-school-2022/  
Hosting institution/s: GSI, GIZ, O.P. Jindal Global University (India) More information about the Intersecting Winter School:  https://www.global-solutions-initiative.org/intersecting-winter-school-2022/
The World Health Summit is one of the world’s leading strategic forums for global health. Every October, the World Health Summit draws international experts from academia, politics, the private sector, and civil society to Berlin. During the three-day summit, stakeholders and decision-makers from 100 countries and every field in healthcare work together to find solutions ... Read more
Bringing six years of research on asylum and migration to a close, this hybrid conference (Brussels and online) will provide insights into some of the critical findings of MEDAM since 2016. Organized and hosted by the Europen Policy Centre (EPC), the conference will bring together decision-makers, academics, and think tankers for four dedicated sessions on: migration ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative is launching the multistakeholder workshop series “Enabling policies for digitalization in agriculture” in 2022/2023. It aims at developing concrete policy recommendations for digitalization in agriculture to enhance productivity, inclusivity, and sustainability – in the spirit of recoupling economic, social and environmental wellbeing. It addresses the Indian G20 Presidency and Japanese G7 presidency in ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative, THE NEW INSTITUTE, Prosocial World and INET Oxford are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Economic Paradigm Change”. The workshop series will attract major contributors in the development of new paradigms for economics. The new paradigms contain a new understanding of the purpose of economics, focused on the mobilization of resources ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative is launching the multistakeholder workshop series “Enabling policies for digitalization in agriculture” in 2022/2023. It aims at developing concrete policy recommendations for digitalization in agriculture to enhance productivity, inclusivity, and sustainability – in the spirit of recoupling economic, social and environmental wellbeing. It addresses the Indian G20 Presidency and Japanese G7 presidency in ... Read more
THE NEW INSTITUTE and the Global Solutions Initiative are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Measuring Prosperity”. The workshop series will attract major contributors to the measurement of economic performance beyond GDP and the measurement of business performance beyond shareholder value. In both these domains, the environmental and social effects of economic activity will be ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative, THE NEW INSTITUTE, Prosocial World and INET Oxford are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Economic Paradigm Change”. The workshop series will attract major contributors in the development of new paradigms for economics. The new paradigms contain a new understanding of the purpose of economics, focused on the mobilization of resources ... Read more
THE NEW INSTITUTE and the Global Solutions Initiative are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Digital Empowerment”. The workshop series will attract major contributors to the aim of improving the rules of digital governance to better empower and protect individuals and democracy in an environment distorted by the power of obscure, mass data aggregation and ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative is launching the multistakeholder workshop series “Enabling policies for digitalization in agriculture” in 2022/2023. It aims at developing concrete policy recommendations for digitalization in agriculture to enhance productivity, inclusivity, and sustainability – in the spirit of recoupling economic, social and environmental wellbeing. It addresses the Indian G20 Presidency and Japanese G7 presidency in ... Read more
The Annual Meetings are Bruegel’s flagship event which gathers high-level speakers to discuss the economic topics that affect Europe and the world. We live in uncertain times with new and existing challenges demanding our attention. As countries around the world were hoping to focus their efforts on exiting the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, ... Read more
Held as the capstone event for T20 Indonesia, the T20 Summit 2022 will gather world-leading thinkers, policy makers, and experts to discuss the latest research-based policy recommendations and matters of global importance. After working with more than 600 authors on policy briefs around three key themes this year aimed at delivering policy options that can ... Read more
This high-level event aims to bring together emerging ideas, practices, and policy pathways to accelerate the shift away from a take-make-waste model of resource use and pollution to a circular green recovery and the practical steps G20 economies could consider embedding circularity into their economies. Your intellectual insights and sharing of emerging experiences from you will guide policymakers in G20 economies and beyond to address the opportunities and barriers, providing recommendations for a common framework ... Read more
The objective of the webinar is to discuss the climate club idea proposed by the German government in the G7 context while also harvesting lessons learnt and collecting ideas on different possible club designs from complementary angles. What different kinds of clubs possible, and what options or combinations are desirable or feasible? This Think7 event ... Read more
To enhance the environmental and social wellbeing of the agricultural sector, digitalization can function as a catalyst. That is, a just transition aspires for efficiency, global economic inclusiveness, reduction of the environmental footprint and greater resilience against global shocks (whether due to climate change or geopolitical conflicts) among others. How can the G20 facilitate a ... Read more
The Global Solutions Initiative, THE NEW INSTITUTE, Prosocial World and INET Oxford are collaboratively hosting a workshop series on “Economic Paradigm Change”. The workshop series will attract major contributors in the development of new paradigms for economics. The new paradigms contain a new understanding of the purpose of economics, focused on the mobilization of resources in ... Read more

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